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Questions strongly related to this FAQ:
- I'm wondering if Cannon mentions anything about the date 12-21-2012. I realize, in reading... by David (12/18/2003)
- is there any description of ANTI-CHRIST?I mean how he will look like?Like that he will be... by tobu (3/13/2005)
- Space shuttle disaster:
This one is from Part 5/8. Does this refer to the recent shuttle... by light (1/8/2004)
- Why do you think there are people like Nostradamus, seers, mediums, fortune tellers etc.? by C C (9/13/2003)
THE... by SCOTT (3/2/2005)
- What are nostradamus\'spredictions regarding african nations and the state of african... by nomadicsoul (1/11/2004)
- They are reconstruction on work
I have now a little job and boring so can i aspect more... by Muisje (2/23/2004)
- I want to know the exact predictions Nostradamus had pending the years 2003 till "the end... by moji (11/20/2003)
- I have some problems in my relationship So
I don't now what i shut do
by Inge (2/23/2004)
- Do Hinduisam the religion of future? by swamy (11/20/2003)
- what are nostradamus\'spredictions about African peoples and African countries. I am... by nomdicasoul (1/11/2004)
- do you think that world war iii will start between 2005-2007 by samo67 (8/31/2003)
- Is man is the only desiding authority for all happenings? if so why thinggs are not... by neel (11/22/2006)
- did Nostradamus make predictions about Armenia. If so, what? and was it predicted by... by net2 (4/25/2004)
- when will world 3
by willo (6/23/2004)
- The predictions made for 1997 - 2001 did not happen, what gives? by Xandroid (3/14/2007)
- a great philosopher of ancient times leave bezarre traces concerning his suicide.... by kabibi (8/22/2003)
- Is there anything about the devastation in the South Pacific created by the Tsunami's on... by Claire (1/7/2005)
- what is about world war III? by Hanh (2/18/2004)
- Does Nostradamus make predictions for Australia, if so what are they? Have any happened... by melbournemum (9/12/2003)
- was nostradamus son a great predictor as well? by bubbles (4/4/2004)
- did the prophet perdict the president for 2005
by mando (2/18/2004)
- Anyone found any quatrains that predict this terrible earthquake in Asia?...many lives... by 1traviesa (12/30/2004)
- When will the world end by t (12/29/2004)
- is there anything that says the world will end may 6 2004 from notradoumous?? my freinds... by mccormick (5/4/2004)
- What preditions have been made about australia? Have they come true? If so who made the... by Billie (4/1/2007)
- Could the person writing this please put down the crack pipe? Couldn't stop reading,... by SoL (12/15/2003)
- Well,is the story about the relationship between jesus chrit and mary magdelene true? by shreyas (4/12/2006)
- Did Nostradamus predict the President of the United States in the New Millienum in the... by Heat wave (9/8/2003)
- Would it be possible that if someone knew who the antichrist is, that he/she would kill... by Karcha (1/29/2004)
- is there anything about India? if yes, what is the future of India after wwIII by anil (5/4/2007)
- What do u think of this? Kerry will win this election, trying to pull the troops out, it... by Pktruck1 (4/14/2004)
- whats going to happen to the jewish people?
will the jews be destroyed by the antichris... by Hardball (4/17/2004)
- did nostradamus predict the ruins of hurricane katrina,
by neicy (9/3/2005)
- I believe hassan nasrallah may be the next antichrist...after reading the faqs it seems to... by Frost (8/17/2006)
- What part will Finland have in WWIII? by Karcha (1/28/2004)
- when will the world end? by maryflossy (7/14/2003)
- what is the meaning of life? by maryflossy (7/14/2003)
- what part of europe will the anti christ
come from? by vee (11/25/2003)
- Nostradamus predicted something to happen in the year 2005? I think, something like the... by Barb Geer (12/11/2003)
- Nostradamus predicts the 3rd antichrist as being Mabus...well his spelling hasn't always... by Spaceystace (8/6/2006)
- I want to know about govt recognised universities offering combined course in
(mca-mba) by manu (5/29/2004)
- When will the world end? by m (7/7/2003)
- 1 42 is interpreted as Nostradamus' Dating System
Ten Calendes of April made in Gothic... by robltd000@hotmail.com (4/15/2004)
- How come i cant read Nostradamus's predictions online instesd of buying his book? by Ashley (7/6/2003)
- what are the futur predections of Nostradamus? by manju (5/30/2004)
- Did Nostradamus make predictions for Canada? If so, what? by lee (2/2/2004)
- Will the ku kux klan start with there killings again?
by isi (11/3/2003)
- When will the world end? by isi (11/3/2003)
- do you think it is fair that countries at war use microorganisms as their weapons.Discuss.... by liana (7/16/2005)
- am i a prophet?
by amy (10/3/2005)
- Does the actual president o Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chavez is mention by Nostradamus?... by Cecil (10/16/2005)
- what the last day would be like by latha (7/2/2003)
- can a heterosexual female developed aids without being sexually active with a carrier? by tons (9/15/2003)
- Does Nostradamus predict a "chosen one"?
by JakeGenocide (1/23/2006)
- Is it true that in nastrodomas prediction it was told that, In south someone will... by ranjithbajpe (9/18/2003)
- what does Nostradamus say about HIV and aids? by mumbai (5/11/2004)
- What is meant by "blood and milk from the sky"? by Azteca 2012 (9/22/2005)
- When will World War III happen? by Topaz (8/10/2006)
Questions somewhat related to this FAQ:
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