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Did Nostradamus make predictions for Canada? If so, what?

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Question by lee
Submitted on 2/2/2004
Related FAQ: Prophecies of Nostradamus: part 8/8, "Grab bag"
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Did Nostradamus make predictions for Canada? If so, what?

Answer by lee pee
Submitted on 5/18/2004
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Yes, Canada will join the war on terror and in the end Canada will get blown up to several pieces, so if i were you i'demmigrate to antarctica or something ok. Canada will be the main target on Irag'sterror, and all the people living there will die of a terrible, yes thats TERRIBLE diesease where you will go blind, go deaf and have spots- whihc case you will be terribly ugggly, but that dont matter coz you would have died long ago, well i hope thats answered your question, im out, oh... enjoy your life whats left if it, peace


Answer by Aray
Submitted on 8/6/2004
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Yes,Canada will get wealthy producing medical drugs for the U.S.A.


Answer by JOSEPH
Submitted on 12/29/2004
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Answer by smarties
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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Honestly..."lee pee" you are an absolute idiot. Before I believe what you say I need proof and in everything I have studied nothing gives evidence of this. I dare you to question my authority, I study Nostradamus. I am a study theology who studies prophetic people and writing and I have done so for 60 years now...stop scaring the young ones...


Answer by Tommy_Canadian
Submitted on 5/9/2005
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The correct answer to this question is yes and no. Nostradamus made so many predictions, and so little detail, that they can be applied to almost any situation or event. We won't know if he had a prediction for Canada until after something terrible happens.At that point, someone will go through the 942 (?) quatrains that the talentless hack wrote, and find one (or multiples) that fit because of his lack of details to anything specific. He was a hack, and a quack, and his predictions are no more accurate than if you or I sat and wrote 100 bad poems predicting some evil emperor or a great war. (Duh! Like there wasn't more than one of each before Napoleon or WW1 or 2)
I predict that in the coming months, people will die due to terrorist attacks in the middle east. See how simple that is? And I gave details. A timeline and a location.
For my next trick, I'm going to bend spoons and eat glass.


Answer by Knowit
Submitted on 11/22/2005
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Century 6, Quatrain 97:
Line one: The sky will burn at 45 degrees latitude,
Line two: Fire approaches the great new city,
Line three: Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up,
Line four: When they want to have verification from the Normans

Line one: In your imagination, place yourself someplace exactly on the 160 mile-long section of the U.S./Canadian border (it is at exactly 45 degrees north latitude).  The sky above you bursts into flame.
Line two: You watch the flames as they travel the 300 miles to New York City.
Line three: Immediately, a huge, scattered flame leaps up.
Note: You've just seen a nuclear missile (or missiles) fired over your head, travel to New York City, and explode there.
Line four: If you look on a map just north of the 45 degree latitude line you are standing on, you will realize you are looking at Norman (French-Canadian) territory.  I checked it out.  That's where Normans from France settled.  I suspect someone will be asking them some questions about what happened.


Answer by Darkeh
Submitted on 2/23/2006
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Lee Pee, you are a prick. :k


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