There are many 'chosen' ones; the difference being mostly in scope of domain; if one believes him/herself to be chosen, and thinks/behaves/feels in a manner consistent with the task, then please, by all means, continue to help bring the world up to its next level.
Only the mundane who do not believe that there is more to life and abilities than what's currently available, shall suffer (and make harder for everybody) the upcoming changes painfully. Worse off are the meek who fear change, and those who worship the Beast(which is simply the alphabet; no living being could ever hope to cause more death, pain, illness, sloth, and misery than the alphabets have...), for the wordgames are driving people crazy.
My contribution to science, 100 years after Albert Einstein provided E=MC^2 that so cleverly explains the workings of the universe, is that as humans, the light(C) we send and receive is clearly not square. Some of us are black holes of never-ending need and malcontent; others are workhorses and healers, being sucked dry of our will to live.
As a human, you may use this equation to benefit yourself:
E=MC^2 transforms to E=MCC easily. If you feel the urge to disagree here, you're in serious trouble.
I changed one of the C's to a D, for clarity.
E=MCD ; The less that Matters to you, the more Energy one has to See(C) and Do.
The less one Maintains, the more Energy to Create and Destroy.
The world has served as a great capacitor for storing energy, and the energy is available to anyone who can connect with it. The trick then is for each able entity to figure out how to become a conduit for sufficient energy to escape this hellhole and move on to better things.
Be you demon, angel, wizard, geek, hero, lover, or whatever, a preferred path might be to Do more, Talk/Think/Theorize less, if at all.
And believe more of what's in yourself than what's outside of yourself; for each of you are your own lords, your own gods, and you ought to not put false ideas of who God is before yourself. To do so is to commit a dual tree, which is an internal conflict with yourself that serves only to make yourself feel less than perfectly fine.
For your own sake, please enjoy the upcoming show (participate, preferably) as the real powers that be demonstrate the appropriate way to celebrate the freezing over of hell. >:)
As a more light-hearted aside, Homo Sapiens supposedly means "Wise Man"; My wisdom seems a bit different than most, so I had a t-shirt printed: Hetro Sapien
[Joseph Jeffery Augustine Etienne Nevin Earl Williams, of the MicMac tribe, of the Big Cove Band, born in Saint Anne de Kent, NB on the cusp of Pisces and Aries, 1971, with a birth certificate issued on April 1st, signed by a guy named Lou. I associate most closely with Posiedon and Isis, and certainly, at least one Node is Op.
If you're just plain, then your attic might be flooded these days... try adding a bit of spice to your life by way of variety in activity, and not getting caught up in emotional manipulation.
Mild affection to you all, even you annoying ones...