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What's to be going on in the second half of the year 2003 ?

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Question by Shajid
Submitted on 6/30/2003
Related FAQ: Prophecies of Nostradamus: part 8/8, "Grab bag"
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What's to be going on in the second half of the year 2003 ?

Answer by nomad mckay
Submitted on 7/11/2003
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meteor crash in arctics


Answer by truth
Submitted on 8/5/2003
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boredom will conquer all of us because all the predictions of both the Bible and Nostradamus will fail to happen.


Answer by Div
Submitted on 9/5/2003
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The 1st warnings of disaster has already been shown as more and more meteor's will be spotted as near misses to our planet, the amount of spotted meteor's of gigantic sice will increase the comming year's and we will even opserve a massive impact on our own moon in febuary 2007 this will not affect the earth itself but many satelites will be more or less non functioning. This impact on our own moon will cause major debate and inflation world wide will increase beyond any goverment control, in the year 2011 in the month a may, seintist will discover the Astoride'sthat will crash into earth, there will be 11 massiv impacts on our planet and the 1st 1 alone will be enough to kill 99% of life on earth. The impacts will happen in a few hours maby 2 - 3 hours from 1st impact to last impact late septemper year 2020, All life on earth will die and our oceans and polar icecaps will vapourice. All efforts to try intercept the mountain sice'dastoride's(11 in total) will not prevail. The earth as we know it will be no more.


Answer by AnarchistSuperstar
Submitted on 9/16/2003
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Whats going on in 2003?  Supervolcano, asteroid collission, nuclear war, plague, famine, drought, blah blah, george bush, blah blah blah.. Dont you delusional armageddon nuts have anything better to do than dwell on this superficial crap?  Your postdictions are stupid.  Aramgeddon is inevitable, so get used to the harsh pitiless indifference that is our universe


Answer by DimmuBorgir
Submitted on 10/29/2003
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I really hope no one is reading these posts, because anyone actually listening to someone who can't spell "government", "sized", "asteroid", or (my personal favorite) * "February" * telling them how the world is going to end is in BIG trouble. If you ask me, I'd say  the world is going to end because of lack of education. I wish being stupid hurt people physically.


Answer by geos
Submitted on 2/2/2005
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dont worry all the nobs that you have already read dony lissen to them coz they are LIEING thats RIGHT  a BIG FAT LIE i think the world will end of polutain and thing we are doing wrong for the world . e.g. cutting down TREES so that means because trees give us thing we need and they give us we things we need so  they need US and we need THEM live your life to how you want to coz the world coz end any time . bi thuis is from george


Answer by bob
Submitted on 2/2/2005
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I really hope no one is reading these posts, because anyone actually listening to someone who can't spell "government", "sized", "asteroid", or (my personal favorite) * "February" * telling them how the world is going to end is in BIG trouble. If you ask me, I'd say  the world is going to end because of lack of education. I wish being stupid hurt people physically.also the metorites loads of them been on the news about crashing into earth and that how all the Dinosaur’s died from metorites so we will and we dont no what will come and live on earth after us . aswell as what i have already said if you ever see an alien you are gonna think they look odd well to them we will look odd so you can call your self an ALIEN, however you think about it dont be narsty to people that have bad things wrong with them you might get it some day so you wouldn't like it.although what i have just said remember this treat people how you want to be treated.  AND IF YOUR ARE ODD IN THAT WAY AND YOU WANT NARSTY things done to you you are odd and they wont let your come out because you are nutty and they dont no what you are gong to do.

from the BOB


Answer by midge
Submitted on 3/15/2005
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i think the world is going to end on march 16th 2005 i got told ne wayz


Answer by BigBoy
Submitted on 4/19/2005
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Well i dont know what exactly is going happened but heres what i think will happend.......Are president (George Bush) will cause World War 3 because Albert Einstein said once "I don't know when World War 3 will be but i do know that World War 4 will be fought with Sticks and stones"...And once Bush interferes in war with some other country we will use are nuclear weapons and blow everyone to smithereens


Answer by kibbles n' bits
Submitted on 5/30/2005
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ok look if any thing the world is going to end in the next 1000 years look for right now lets not worry on how the world is going to end and live life to the fullest get laid durnk. leys worry about the world ending when the time comes and by then we will probably have a way to get out of the world ending and find a way to stop in the next future. so ya scince the end of the world isnt coming anytime soon we should just drop it till the time comes and party W00T!!!! :P:P:P:P:P


Answer by Wanghoo
Submitted on 12/3/2005
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The earth is going to end in 2006 the gates of hell are going to open and the DEVIL will run the earth for another 1000 years he was sent to hell by god in the year 1000 and Jeasus said the gates shall not open for 1006 years so now we are going to be slaves for 1000 years unless that Asstroid hits the earth in 2020 the grate god Atlas will throw the son and moon and asstroids at the earth for his revenge Caus he was supposed to carry the earth for 100,000 years


Answer by bonehead
Submitted on 1/2/2006
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I think the world should not come to an end because i still need to have sex and stuff. and with this happening i wont be able to do the things i like to do


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