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Did Nostradamus predict the President of the United States...

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Question by Heat wave
Submitted on 9/8/2003
Related FAQ: Prophecies of Nostradamus: part 8/8, "Grab bag"
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Did Nostradamus predict the President of the
United States in the New Millienum in the 12th month?

Answer by John H
Submitted on 11/9/2003
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A doubtful one will not come far from the realm,  (Al Gore, Clinton's VP; Gore and Clinton reportedly were at odds as well.)
The greater part will want to support him: (Popular vote, but electoral college elects G.W. Bush instead.)
A Capitol, will not want him to rule at all,  (Supreme Court rules against Gore in his lawsuits.)
His great burden he will not be able to maintain. (Gore loses the election in accordance with the Constitution of the United States. Lawsuits fail to change the result.)

In addition, Clinton was impeached by Congress, ultimately hurting the election of his "heir", Al Gore.  And Clinton/Gore are still loved in France (much like in the nineties). Clinton still goes there and speaks.

Citizens defend him still, even though Clinton's foreign policies were failures (intentions of the president do not count), leading, for examples, to the unhindered development of nuclear arms in North Korea and the attacks on U.S. soil in 2001.  Clinton may have meant well, but he did not do well.

Many also still tout that Gore won, even though all recounts say Bush won and is legitimate. (The U.S. is a constitutional REPUBLIC.)


Answer by Jenny
Submitted on 1/14/2004
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I believe that General Wesley Clark, the supreme allied                       commander of europe may be the antichrist. Dos some research and you will see why.


Answer by Weeny
Submitted on 6/2/2004
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titty lickers!


Answer by george Botchadingo
Submitted on 8/29/2004
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Ralph Nader Last chance for the middle class. Who would Jesus have voted for?


Answer by JOSEPH
Submitted on 12/29/2004
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