Icy_Angel, did you fall on your head? Not only is your spelling and grammar wrong, your theory is wrong. What kind of drugs are you on? Here's what I have to say....
The following is my theory on religion, why we are all different, and what happens when we die. To help get my point across, I am using the obvious similarities between the brain and a computer. I am not saying that I am right, because no one KNOWS for sure. And anyone who might know.... is dead. This is just the way I see things.
1. Brain and computer. Living creatures behave as
they are taught just as computers behave as they are programmed.
Let's compare a living brain to a computer. Because, basically, the brain is a living computer. A VERY complex one. It controls every function of the body. Everything we are taught in life gets stored in the brain. Every tiny thing we ever see or hear gets processed. We develop a personality that is unique. Maybe similar to others, but never exactly the same because no two people are raised identically. The same process happens within a computer. Everything it learns gets stored on the hard drive. Programs are installed and everything it becomes capable of is achieved through learning. It behaves as it's taught to. Just like in any living creature with a brain. We are all programmed from the day we are born. The things we are taught and experience in life shape us into who we are (With a little help from Genes, but that is for another time). Everyone is raised in different ways and under different circumstances. Thus creating a world with millions of people with different theories and beliefs. It's all about being programmed.
For Example:
Billy was taught from a young age that Apples were all that mattered in life, he believed it because that is what he was PROGRAMMED to believe. Eventually, he attended school and LEARNED that there is more to life than just Apples. That event in his life OVERWRITED his previous theory on Apples.
Now save a program on your computer called Apples that displays Apples on the screen. The computer is now PROGRAMMED to display these Apples. Now install another program called Apples that displays Apples AND Oranges. This OVERWRITED the previous program and the computer has LEARNED that there should be more on the screen than just Apples.
1a. Injury
Now, what if something happens to the computer? It will either stop working all together, or it will boot up, but with problems. The same is true with the brain.
For Example:
Your computer catches on fire and your mother board has been turned to ashes. The computer would not boot up again because it sustained a FATAL injury. All of your saved data is still on the hard drive, it's just irretrievable. Now suppose the fire only burnt up your video card. The system would boot up, but you'd have some video problems.
A piano falls on your head, you won't wake up because your brain has suffered a FATAL injury and can no longer function. Everything you knew is still stored inside your brain, but it has become irretrievable. Now suppose a brick hits you on the head and only causes a concussion. You would wake up, but you'd have memory loss, blindness, or other symptoms.
1b. Death
Now let's look at what happens when we die. We are burried in a box, unless you get cremated. As soon as we are no longer living, the body starts to deteriorate. Everything you were and everything you knew is still stored inside your brain, but it is dead now. It cannot be saved because as a living organism, we decompose. If science could find a way to save the data from a human brain at the time of death, then it may be possible to tap into the knowledge of someone who has died. But technology isn't to that point yet, but I am sure it will long after I die.
Now with that all being said, I'm sure you can see the similarites between the brain and a computer. When either of them fail to work anymore, all that they were is gone until repairs are made. It's easier for a computer because they are not living. They don't decompose like living organisms. So they can sit forever until a way to repair them is discovered. But as for us, we die and all that we are is lost. Perhaps if they freeze the brain, they could do something with it later when technology catches up, but what do I know?
2. Power, Life, and Religion.
A computer gets its power from electricity. Whether it's plugged into the wall or running on batteries. Power is the life of the computer. But where does our power come from? That is where religion comes in.
The mind is so brilliant that it is natural to question it's very own existence. For centuries man has tried to figure out why we are here and who created us. That is what is so great about the human brain. We have the ability to wonder, think, and conjure. So we try to hypothesize about why we are here. Religions are created to satisfy that natural craving for answers. Many religions have progressed out of tradition. One person hears about it, believes it, and then teaches others and then it just spirals from there. Religion does help ease the feeling that we are alone. It gives people the hope that someone is watching. That someone cares. Often times we get to a point in life where we feel like no one loves us. That is a good time to go to church. It can easily fill a void for alot of people. I have been there and seen the results. It can also keep people in line. The fear of burning in Hell for eternity is enough to scare anyone straight. I believe there are tons of people who go to church and pray only because they fear hell. In every religion there is punishment for wrong doing. Without fear of punishment, there would be chaos.
Now as for me, I do believe that there is something out there that is bigger than us. Perhaps something that created us. I do believe that we do have a spirit. But I do not believe that our spirit takes our personality with it when the body dies. Perhaps our spirit moves on to another being. I believe that who we are is strictly physical. I used to think that when I died, I'd see friends and family that had passed during my life. But now I feel that it seems more likely that the spirit moves on and lives forever by going from one living organism to another.
Here are some questions I have for you "Believers"~
1. Why aren't dinosaurs in the bible? And just because the word "Beast" or "Dragon" appears once, does not make that a dinosaur. These gigantic creatures dominated the world. My opinion is, they didn't write a story about them because they had no idea they existed. They did not have the scientific means to discover them or learn of them. Or did God just decide that they weren't important enough to mention?
2. Why are there so many races scattered all over the world? Mexico, Africa, Asia.... and so on. They all have their native race. If it all started from Adam and Eve, how did they become different races?
3. The bible states that some people lived for over 800 years. Now come on. How are we supposed to believe that? Just because it's written in that book, that means it's true?
4. If God wanted us all to follow his ways and be Christians, why doesn't he come down and talk to us? Why doesn't he show himself and turn all the non-believers into believers in an instant?
5. How can you believe that we were created by a God that would send everyone to Hell if they didn't believe in him? Because he sent us a book we are all supposed to just go "Ho Hum that must be true!" There is more proof of evolution than there is of the existance of God. But yet Christians will strike down the idea before they even see the proof.. And if they see the proof, they will find a way to say that it isn't.
6. Why do people thank Jesus and God whenever they win something? Like "Thank you Jesus for helping us win the national title" or "We won because we had God on our side" What about the team that lost? I'm sure they prayed for victory just as much as the winners. This brings me to the real question: Why wouldn't a good Christian person who is in a horrible situation get help from God, but yet a terrible man may get help without praying at all? I could pray for a million bucks today and not get it. But then tomorrow I could call God every name in the book and win the lottery. None of it makes sense.
Ok no more questions. But here is why I think religious people feel what they think is "God". If you believe you are going to feel a certain way, then there is a good chance you will. The mind can be manipulated very easily by emotions. I have cried many times myself while praying. That was caused by a natural reaction to the emotional things I was praying about. If I was told my entire life that Mr. Peanut was God, I'd pray to him just the same and have the same emotions. I would feel it because I believe it. Think about it.
I know none of this will effect you because religion teaches you not to drift away from the faith. And if you do ever question it, you start to feel bad. Like God can see you. I have been through this. As soon as I started to drift away, I felt bad, came back and asked for forgiveness. I'm sure that's what you do also whenever you feel you have sinned. That is how they keep people around. That is how a religion stays alive. They tell you to keep the faith and God will provide. Yadda Yadda Yadda.
The truth is, there is NO WAY to KNOW what is true. So why take up any religion and preach it to others when it's completely impossible to determine if any of them are right? You can take what has been PROGRAMMED within your brain from your life experiences and make a choice or you can come to the realization that there are no right answers to any of the questions we have.
If anyone that reads this ever wants to answer my questions or debate with me, please email me. Forrest32@hotmail.com I love to share my views as well as listen to others.
P.S. I wanted to add this as it happened today. I met a young man who is dating a friend of mine. I told him that I had made out with a married woman once. He replied with "Man, you're going to hell" I said "Hell? There is no hell and religion is a scham" Well, he got mad because he goes to church and his entire family is religious. I find that so funny because he has premarital sex, gets drunk, and does drugs. And he has the right to get upset at me? If you are going to preach it, you'd better practice it. If you are going to be religious, then why be a hypocrit and follow your faith half assed? It is my opinion that a large percent of the "Christians" are part time practicers as I call it. I'd at least have a little respect for someone who actually tries to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Word.