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Why do you think there are people like Nostradamus, seers,...

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Question by C C
Submitted on 9/13/2003
Related FAQ: Prophecies of Nostradamus: part 8/8, "Grab bag"
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Why do you think there are people like Nostradamus, seers, mediums, fortune tellers etc.?

Answer by God's messenger
Submitted on 11/27/2003
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The purpose of seers and fortune tellers is to warn you of the trouble or cheer you for the good that is coming up.It is to mentally prepare you for the future.If the future doesn't seem good we must be more alert and pray to god to forgive us for our sins.Prayer alone can protect us from trouble.
Gods creation is the most complete,you will not find anything not present in his creation.


Answer by dsrtflwr
Submitted on 11/30/2003
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God warned us in His Bible to have nothing to do with mediums.  I believe God uses them to test us; to show us and Him that we aren't relying on Him.  He desires a deep relationship with us, not see us spend our time and money on mediums.

Most psychics are in it for the money; they employ sophisticated tricks to make us think what they say is true.  Some mediums are earnestly trying and believe they are helping people but don't realize they are communicating with demons and evil spirits.  Others know exactly what they're doing and actively seek these demons.

Rely on God; trust Him through His son Jesus.


Answer by khorse
Submitted on 3/21/2004
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all seers and tellers do not make money of their gifts.Idon't.there is nothing evil about seeing something or getting a message and relating it to the person that it concerns.there is nothing wrong about getting a vision.most people do get them and do not realize it.god. creator.great spirit etc...all believes and up in the same place.some people want to impose their believes as the only one that is wright just like some people would have everyone believe that ford is better than chevy but for some of us chevy works best. just a matter of preference.it's not the religion or even the believes that matters .it is the person and the way that person act and lives his or her life.  


Answer by marles
Submitted on 4/29/2004
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Is there really such a thing as a seer, fortune teller etc.? I don't really think there is. BUT I do think that people "see" things that have happened in the past, are happening right now but in a different place, or in the future. But does this make them a seer? No! They might never "see" anything like that again! People just need to believe that if something bad happens, there were signs, they just missed them. Somehow, this is easier to deal with then just the plain, simple and absolute truth. Who knows why humans are this way? I doubt we'll ever know completely. Everyone has their own, different reasons.


Answer by Solhara
Submitted on 2/10/2005
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Yes we do exist and we are the messengers of God.


Answer by cactusjack
Submitted on 6/29/2005
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dsrtflwr, u are full of bs.  Why dont u get a life!


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