Reply-To: "Daniel Miller"
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge The most current recommended site for information is the Centers for Disease Control (CDC): Accept no substitutes. 8^) See > > highly important vaccine Please note that this vaccine has not been manufactured since 2002 and is no longer available. %A Fred Kantor %T Disarming Lyme Disease %J Scientific American %V ? %N 9 %D September 1994 %P 34?-39 %A E. Fikrig %A S. W. Barthold %A F. S. Kantor %A R. A. Flavell %T Protection of Mice Against the Lyme Disease Agent by Immunizing with Recombinant OspA %J Science %V 250 %D October 26, 1993 %P 553-556 %A Alan G. Barbour %A Durland Fish %T The Biological and Social Phenomena of Lyme Disease %J Science %V 260 %D June 11, 1993 %P 1610-1616 %A S. W. Barthold %T Antigenic Stability of Borrella burgdorferi during Chronic Infections of Immunocompetent Mice %J Infection and Immunity %V 61 %N 12 %D December 1993 %P 4955-4961 %A A. C. Steere %A S. E. Malawista %A D. R. Snydman %A R. E. Shope %A W. A. Andiman %A M. R. Ross %A F. M. Steele %T Lyme Arthritis: An Epidemic of Oligoarticular Arithritis in Three Connecticut Communities %J Arthritis and Rheumatism %V 20 %N 1 %D January-February 1997 %P 7-17 Also: Covers problems associated with some alternative treatments such as giving the patient malaria to kill lyme bacteria, overuse of intravenous antibiotics, herxing, colliodal silver therapy and hyperbaric oxygen. TICKS, LYME DISEASE, and YOU LYME DISEASE Lyme disease is an illness caused by the spirochete bacteria, _Borrelia burgdorferi_, which are transmitted to man and animals by tick bites. Although not all ticks carry the disease, in some areas as many as 90% of the ticks can be infected. The disease gets its name from the town of Lyme, Connecticut, where it was first described in 1975. Many feel if it were not for AIDS, Lyme disease would be the number one infectious disease threat in the United States today. There were an estimated 3200 reported cases of Lyme disease in New York State in 1989 and an estimated 7000 reported cases nationally. To date 45 states have reported cases. The states of New York, Massachussetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Jersey account for the majority of cases. Cases from other parts of the country have increased significantly during 1989. It is estimated that as many as 50,000 cases have gone unreported or undiagnosed. SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT In about 60% of the cases, a characteristic rash or lesion called erythema migrans develops. It begins a few days to a few weeks after the bite of an infected tick. The rash generally looks like an expanding red ring with a clear center, but can vary from a reddish blotchy appearance to red throughout. Sometimes there are two or more lesions. Unfortunately, in those patients who never get a rash, the dignosis can be difficult. At about the same time that the rash develops, flu-like symptoms may appear along with headache, stiff neck, fever, muscle aches and general malaise. The later complications of Lyme disease are quite severe. Most common is arthritis, usually of the large joints (e.g., knees, hips, shoulders). Other complications include meningitis and other neurological problems such as numbness, tingling and burning sensations in the extremities, severe pain, loss of concentration, memory loss, confusion, loss of confidence, withdrawal, depression, fatigue, (often extreme and incapacitating), and Bell's palsey (loss of control of one side of the face). Cardiac symptoms include heart palpitations and irregular heart beat. Shortness of breath, dry mouth, voice changes, and difficulty swallowing can occur. Eye symptoms include conjuctivitis, double vision, and loss of vision. Remember, some patients do not get the rash and progress directly to these later symptoms. Symptoms, including pain are intermittant and changing, occuring in any combination and lasting from a few days to several months and possibly years. It is important to seek medical attention if any of these symptoms appear, especially after being bitten by a tick or visiting an area where Lyme disease is common. Timely treatment with antibiotics (within a few days of symptoms appearing) will increase chances of recovery and may lessen the severity of any later symptoms. If ignored, the early symptoms may disappear, but more serious problems can develop months to years later. Chronic Lyme disease, because of its diverse symptoms, is particularly difficult to diagnose. Treatment for later stages is more difficult and is often less successful, sometimes requiring several months of intravenous antibiotic therapy. THE DEER TICK _Ixodes dammini_ is responsible for most of the cases of Lyme disease in the northeastern and northcentral United States (Although most people still refer to the tick as _I. dammini_ taxonomists have changed its name to _I. scapularis_). These ticks are found in grassy areas (including lawns), and shrubby and woodland habitats, even on warm winter days. The adult ticks (about the size of a sesame seed) feed mostly on white-tailed deer but will also attack other mammals including man. If infected, they can transmit the Lyme disease spirochete to their hosts. After engorging, adult female ticks drop to the ground to lay several thousand eggs. The larvae hatch from the eggs and seek hosts, often the white-footed mouse, from July through September. The larvae are very small and difficult to spot. Some of the larvae acquire the Lyme disease spirochete while feeding on infected hosts. After engorging, the larvae molt into nymphs, which seekhosts to feed on from April to September. Both the larvaland nymphal stages attach to a variety of small mammals, white-footed mice being the main reservoir of th Lyme disease spirochete. Nymphs that were infected as larvae can now transmit spirochetes to their new host. In fact, it is the nymphal stage that appearsto be responsible for nearly 90% of the Lyme disease cases in people. This stage is also very small (about the size of a poppy seed). Their bite is painless so most people do not know they have been bitten. The nymphs molt into adult ticks and the process starts all over. The entire life cycle requires three separate hosts and takes about two years to complete. Spread primarily by wildlife, infected ticks have been found on 29 species of mammals including deer, mice, rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, raccoons, opossum, and fox. Infected ticks have also been found on over 49 different species of birds. Indeed, birds may be the primary means by which the ticks are spread from one area to another. The tick prefers deer for reproduction, but will utilize other animals when few deer are present. The lone star tick, a common southern species, as well as several other _Ixodes_ ticks can transmit the disease. LYME DISEASE IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS Lyme disease has been diagnosed in dogs, cats, horses, and cows. Symptoms include loss of appetite, soreness, and lameness, often with fever (102.5 to 106 degrees F), swollen glands, and joints. Heart, kidney, liver, eye and nervous system problems can develop. Laminitis is reported in horses and cows, as are poor fertility, abortions, and chronic weight loss. Temperament changes have been reported in dogs and horses. Untreated animals can develop chronic progressive arthritis. If you travel into tick infested areas with your animals, it is possible to bring ticks home on the animals that will infest your premises. If animals in your area develop Lyme disease it should alert you that you are also at risk. WHERE TO FIND TICKS ON ANIMALS Ticks are most commonly found on the front parts (head, neck, chest), between the toes, on or in the ears, and inside the front and back legs where the leg meets the body (armpit or groin areas). Because the ticks are so small, you must look very carefully. Remove any ticks found and save for identification. TICK CONTROL ON ANIMALS To protect animals from infection and to keep them from bringing ticks home requires regular use of tick repellent and control products plus daily examination for ticks. Veterinary assistance is important in selecting safe tick control products and designing a control program. HOW TO AVOID TICK BITES When out of doors several precautions can minimize your chancesd of being bitten. - Tuck your pants leg into your socks and your shirt into your pants. The ticks grab onto feet and legs and then climb up. This precaution will help keep them outside you clothes where they can be picked off. -Wear light colored clothing. Dark ticks are more easily spotted against a light background. -Inspect clothes often for ticks. Have a companion inspect your back. - Apply repellents according to label instructions. Applying directly to clothing appears to be most effective. - Inspect you body thoroughly when you get in from the field. Especially check groin, navel, armpits, head and behind knees and ears. Have a companion inspect your back, or use a mirror. - Inspect children at least once daily for ticks. When in heavily infested areas inspect children every three to fou hours. - When hiking stay in the middle of trails. Do not bushwhack. - When working outdoors do not wear work clothes home. Wash work clothes often or put them in the dryer to kill any ticks on them by drying. WHAT TO DO IF BITTEN BY A TICK Remove the tick as soon as possible. The easiest method is to grasp the tick with fine tweezers, as near the skin as you can, and gently pull straight out. Since the Lyme bacteria is injected ny the tick when it bites, you nust be careful not to squeeze the tick when removing it whcih could result in more bacteria being injected. Do NOT attempt to remove with lighted cigarettes, matches, nail polish, or vaseline. Once removed put the tick in a small jar containing alcohol (rubbing alcohol will do) and save for identification. Idenification becomes very important if you develop disease symptoms. IDENTIFICATION OF TICKS In most areas, ticks can be submitted for identification through local or state health department offices. Many physicians and veterinarians will also submit ticks. When submitting a tick put it in a tightly closed container with a small amount of alcohol. Mark it with your name, address, and phone number, date collected, host collected from (animal or man) and recent travel history. NOTES _Lyme disease and pregnancy_: Miscarriage, premature births, and still births have been reported. Transplacental infection of the fetus has occured. Transmission through breast milk is thought to occur. Any women suspecting exposure must tell her obstetrician and later, her pediatrician. _Blood tests_: may be helpful as an aid in diagnosis but are not always reliable. It is possible to have a negative test during the course of the disease or following antibiotic therapy and still have active disease. The diagnosis of Lyme disease must generally be made on the basis of clinicalsigns and by ruling out other possible diseases. A negative test following treatment does not indicat cure. IF UNDIAGNOSED, LYME DISEASE CAN BE EXTREMELY DEVASTATING PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, AND FINANCIALLY. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Lyme Borreliosis Foundation, Inc. National Headquarters P.O. Box 462 Tolland, CT 06084 (203) 871-2900 State and local health departments in some cases can direct you to sources of information and help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brochure design and information after a brochure entitled "Ticks and Lyme Disease" done for the National Park Service by Howard S. Ginsberg, Jorge Benach and Edward M. Bossler. Revised, updated, and new information added By: Lloyd E. Miller, DVM, Troy, NY, March 1990 =========================================================================== If you have any stories of difficult diagnosis, or other stories about Lyme disease you wish to relate (including sources of mis-information) please e- mail them to We have been maintaining a base of such information and all additions are welcome. Well, go on out and enjoy the Great Outdoors, but be careful.... and have a nice day :-) :-) :-)Subject: Lyme Disease Information Thanks to all who responded to my previous post. The fact that so many are interested in learning more about this disease is encouraging. As my original posting has probably expired, and I have a few email addresses bounce back to me I am now posting the brochure here ( I was holding out so as to get a feel for how many were interested and the geographic distribution).. If you have any encounters with Lyme disease that you would like to relate, please email me at This will be passed on to my father, who is compiling such stories. Further questions may also be addressed to me, and I will do my best to answer them. -moose If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will... Reference: Medicine for Mountaineering. From: (Paul Janke) The best way I have found to dispose of a tick once extracted is to take about 1/2 inch of scotch tape, stick the tick to it, and fold, thereby entombing the tick in a transparent medium. The tick will cease to be a problem and will obviously suffocate. Although alcohol makes for a better preservative, the average person has easier access to good old scotch tape. Most of the time I use this method on plain old wood ticks(its alot cleaner than torching them,etc.) but also use it on the much smaller deer ticks. I probably tape 100+ ticks/year including the ones from my dog. Species level identification of entombed tick is no problem. National Lyme Community Research Initiative 17 Monroe Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10301 (718) 273-3740 LymeNet-L listserv group (mailing list) Subscriptions: Send a memo to listserv@Lehigh.EDU in the body write subscribe LymeNet-L <Your Real Name> Ehrlichiosis TIME magazine (July 24, 1995) Christine Gorman 1. Monocytic Ehrlichiosis - a flu-like illness, prevalent mostly in the southern states, and spread by the Lone Star Tick. 2. Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis - spread by the deer ticks in the Northern States. In the past two months, a dozen cases were reported from the suburbs of northern New York City and eight from Wisconsin and Minnesota. There is record of at least 90 people being stricken with this disease since 1990 in New York, Minnesota and Wisconsin and a few other The second disease (HGE) is fatal. No warning signs like a bull's-eye rash as in the case of Lyme disease. Typical symptoms are high-fever, severe headache and backache. Four people have died since 1990 of HGE. Testing for the monocytic disease will not always reveal the presence of the granulocytic disease. The good news is that the drug that cures HGE, cures the monocytic version, as well as Lyme disease. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report of the CDC for 13 June 1997, pg 532: In 1996, a total of 16,461 cases of LD were reported to CDC by 45 states and the District of Columbia (overall incidence: 6.2 per 100,000 population), representing a 41% increase from the 11,700 cases reported in 1995. Eighty-seven counties each reporting 20 or more cases accounted for 89% of all reported cases. No cases were reported from 5 states (Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, and South Dakota). Eight states report LD incidences higher than the national average (Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Wisconsin); these states accounted for 91% of the nationally reported cases. Approximately 90% of the total increase in reported cases in 1996 occurred in five states (Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island). TABLE OF CONTENTS of this chain: 19/ Lyme disease, frequently ask, under question <* THIS PANEL *> 20/ "Telling questions" backcountry Turing test (under construction) 21/ AMS 22/ Babies and Kids 23/ A bit of song (like camp songs) 24/ What is natural? 25/ A romantic notion of high-tech employment 26/ Other news groups of related interest, networking 27/ Films/cinema references 28/ References (written) 1/ DISCLAIMER 2/ Ethics 3/ Learning I 4/ learning II (lists, "Ten Essentials," Chouinard comments) 5/ Summary of past topics 6/ Non-wisdom: fire-arms topic circular discussion 7/ Phone / address lists 8/ Fletcher's Law of Inverse Appreciation / Rachel Carson / Foreman and Hayduke 9/ Water Filter wisdom 10/ Volunteer work 11/ Snake bite 12/ Netiquette 13/ Questions on conditions and travel 14/ Dedication to Aldo Leopold 15/ Leopold's lot. 16/ Morbid backcountry 17/ Information about bears 18/ Poison ivy, frequently ask, under question -- Looking for an H-912 (container). 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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
Putin the actual glitz: gorgeous Russian soldiers take centre stage (moreover selfies) At massive wining Day parade of 13,000 troops, Tanks and rockets as Moscow strongman warns the lessons of WW2 'are relevant once again'Vladimir Putin forced to cancel military flypast over Red Square at the last minute over fears of bad weatherThreat of thunder and cloud over Moscow saw the huge Victory Day display of military powergroundedDespite cancellation Russian president pledged to 'guarantee the high drives of our armed forces'By Chris Dyer For Mailonline and Will Stewart In Russia and Afp and Reuters
issued: 10:14 BST, 9 May 2019 recently: 18:10 BST, 9 probably 2019
Russian lead designer Vladimir Putin took a defiant tone at Moscow's annual military Victory Day parade in Red Square, Declaring that the country continues to strengthen its armed forces.
The Kremlin strongman observed on as 13,000 troops and more than 130 pieces of weaponry were paraded through the capital in a show of Russian military power.
discussing his country's battle with Nazi Germany, Putin then warned 'the lessons of the past war are relevant once again' as he made his case for 'guaranteeing the high faculties of our armed forces'.
Russia's ties with the West soured correct its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, And Moscow has continued to challenge the nation through its staunch support for Syrian President Bashar al Assad and Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro.
Among the hundreds of pieces of military hardware paraded in front of veterans and dignitaries was Russia's Yars mobile global nuclear missile launcher and its advanced S 400 air defence missile system, Which Moscow has deployed in Syria guard its forces and Putin's new 120,000 4.4 lite V 8 ragtop limousine.
have been also regiments of glamorous female soldiers on display who were pictured smiling as they filed past Mr Putin.
It also included military equipment, Ranging from a T 34 tank renowned for its toughness in World War II to lumbering Yars ICBM launch units, Ground to air rocket missile parts and Russian Armata tanks.
Russian female military servicemen march during the Victory Day parade on Red square in Moscow on Thursday afternoon
Smiling Russian naval cadets were pictured marching in perfect step as they filed past Putin the actual Victory Day parade
Russian Armata tanks roll down Red Square the particular Victory Day military parade to celebrate 74 years since the victory in WWII in Red Square in Moscow
Russian Ground Forces commander in Chief, Colonel common Oleg Salyukov salutes the troops from Putin's new 120,000 collapsible limousine during the Victory Day military parade today
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech face to face with St. Basil's Cathedral during the Victory Day parade i which he pledged to'guarantee the high performance of our armed forces'
Russian Yars RS 24 intercontinental ballistic missile systems roll through Red Square during the Victory Day military parade in downtown Moscow today
Vladimir Putin kisses his class teacher at school Vera Gurevich during a certified reception marking 74 years since the victory in WWII, doing Kremlwearing
Russian military law enforcement stand in formation [url=]single ukraine ladies[/url] during a Victory Day Parade in the city of Grozny, Chechen Republic
Former Soviet chief Mikhail Gorbachev (core) Is in the middle of his assistants as he arrives to attend the Victory Day military parade in Red Square today
Crowds of people carry portraits of their relatives who fought in World War II as they have fun playing the Immortal Regiment march on Tverskaya Street in Moscow
Russian Pacific Fleet leader, Admiral Sergei Avakyants compares the troops in a vintage car during the Vi (...)