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Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions

( Single Page )
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               Welcome to the comp.sys.atari.8bit newsgroup!

                           Atari 8-Bit Computers

                      Frequently Asked Questions List
    ___________                                             _______________
   | ///////// |               _____________               |  |||||||||||  |
   |___________|              |             |              |  ||_______||  |
   |______/////|              |____[---]____|              | / _________ \ |
   |LLLLLLLLLLL|              |LLLLLLLLLLL ||              | LLLLLLLLLLL L |
   |LLLLLLLLLLL|              |LLLLLLLLLLL ||              | LLLLLLLLLLL L |
   |__[_____]__|              |__[_____]____|              |___[_____]_____|
       130XE                       800XL                          800
    ___________                                             __---------__   
   | ///////// |                                           | /  _____  \ |
   |___________|               _____________               | / |_____| \ |
   |______/////|              |____[---]____|              | ___________ |
   |LLLLLLLLLLL|              |LLLLLLLLLLL ||              | ========== =|
   |LLLLLLLLLLL|              |LLLLLLLLLLL ||              | ========== =|
   |__[_____]__|              |__[_____]____|              |___[_____]___|
        65XE                       600XL                         400
    ___________                                             _____________
   | ///////// |         ___________                       |             |
   |___________|        |/// /      |                      |             |
   |______/////|        |// /       |  /\___________       |=============|  
   |LLLLLLLLLLL|        |/O\        |\/ |LLLLLLLLLLL|      | LLLLLLLLLLL | 
   |LLLLLLLLLLL|        |-----------|   |LLLLLLLLLLL|      | LLLLLLLLLLL |  
   |__[_____]__|        |____O_O_O_O|   |__[_____]__|      |___[_____]___|
       800XE                        XE                          1200XL
Additions/suggestions/comments/corrections are needed!  Please send to:

                  Michael Current,

Copyright (c) 1992-2009 by Michael D. Current, and others where noted.  Feel
free to reproduce this file, in whole or in part, so long as the content of
that portion reproduced is not modified, and so long as credit is given to
this FAQ list or its Maintainer, or the author of that section reproduced
when given.

This document is in a constant state of development and comes with no
guarantees.  If you see any problems, I need to hear from you!

The latest version of this document is posted to the following Usenet
newsgroups every 60 days:
   comp.sys.atari.8bit, , 

Known mirrors of the latest version of this document: (Multipart ed.)

You may also request my latest working version at:

    *  For other 8-bit Atari related FAQs please see the "Welcome FAQ":  *
    *                 *
    *            *
    *                   *

2009.11.29 7.8 SAM and BOSS info expanded
2009.11.22 7.8 Diamond GOS and TCS GOE info
2009.11.22 8.4 added Crossfire
2009.11.22 8.4 added K-Star Patrol & Story Machine, & various clarifications
2009.11.16 8.6 added Centipede 5200 version by Peter Meyer
2009.11.15 1.4 11.1 1200XL production dates
2009.11.08 1.15 re-write discussion of VBIs
2009.11.08 1.1 added several additional specs related to system timing and
           maximum graphics resolution, and also added description of VBIs
2009.11.03 8.6 added Final Legacy by Atari to both CX22 and CX80 lists
2009.11.02 6.7 1025 power adapter specs, thanks Laurent
2009.10.24 1.8 1.9 fixed url's
2009.10.20 (many) fixed all canned Atarimania searches after their site revamp
2009.10.17 8.9 added Hong Kong
2009.10.17 6.10 VersaWriter later sold by Peripherals Plus
2009.10.08 11.1 3.4 clarifications re: 810 MPI/Tandon versions. Changed Nov 82

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Michael Current <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM