Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions Previous Document: 4.1) What are the Atari 820, 822, and 825 Printers? Next Document: 4.3) What are the Atari XMM801 and XDM121 Printers? See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge The following printers were produced by Atari and styled to match the XL series computers. Atari 1020 Color Printer: ( = Commodore 1520 / Oric MCP40 / Tandy/Radio Shack CGP-115 /..; made by ALPS) - 4-color graphics: (black, red, blue, green). optional 8-pen rainbow package - alphanumeric and X,Y plotting capability - 10 cps (40-column mode) - 20, 40 and 80-column modes - horizontal and vertical alphanumerics, English and International chr sets - water soluble ink pen technology - 4-pen barrel print head - microprocessor - paper: standard roll paper (40 column width) - TX9032 Joystick Sketchpad graphics software cassette included Atari 1025 Printer: ( = Okidata ML80 ) - 40 cps (80-column 10 cpi mode) - 5 cpi expanded (40 col), 10 cpi (80 col), 16.7 cpi condensed (132-col) - 5x7 character dot matrix - buffer: 132 chrs at 16.7 cpi, 80 chrs at 10 cpi - paper: roll,fanfold,single sheets. optional:roll paper holder, tractor feed Atari 1027 Letter Quality Printer: ( = Mannesmann Tally Riteman LQ.) - fully formed characters, prestige elite 12) - 12 characters per inch (80 columns) - 20 characters per second - single sheets or roll paper Atari 1029 Programmable Printer (by Seikosha) - 7-pin dot matrix, same as Commodore MPS-801 - Released for Europe & Canada (not USA) - Rich_N_Feymus says: I think it's a SEIKOSHA GP500, but not 100% sure. However, the Commodore MPS-801 ribbons should be much easier to find. - The Tandy DMP 110 is another model reported to be the same as the 1029. User Contributions:Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions Previous Document: 4.1) What are the Atari 820, 822, and 825 Printers? Next Document: 4.3) What are the Atari XMM801 and XDM121 Printers? Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: Michael Current <>
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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