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Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Section - 5.5) How can I connect my Atari to a high-speed/Ethernet network?

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Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 5.4) What networking hardware is there for the Atari?
Next Document: 6.1) What is the Atari 850 Interface Module?
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Marius Diepenhorst has pioneered the following technique.  He writes (2004):

"Try to get a LANTRONIX UDS-10 device.  It acts like a modem but it is a LAN
-> RS-232 converter.  So with that device you can have incoming and outgoing
'calls' like modem ones via the internet.

I ran my Atari 8bit bbs with such a thing. The Lantronix MSS-10 or MSS-100
will do too.  But in that case you have to make a custom RS-232 cable (easy

More info

this is the info of the UDS-10
  Now see the newer model, the UDS1100:

It is REALLY a cool thing. Not only for you, but for more atari fans I guess."

Other, similar serial-to-Ethernet interfaces from Lantronix have been
successfully utilized, including the MSS100:

as well as the discontinued MSS1-T.

Note that the UDS-10 lacks DNS support, while the MSS100 and MSS1-T include
DNS support.

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Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 5.4) What networking hardware is there for the Atari?
Next Document: 6.1) What is the Atari 850 Interface Module?

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Michael Current <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM