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Back to [FAQ] Aquaria: Good (and Bad) First Fish; Breeding
Are you an expert in this area? Share your knowledge and earn expert points by giving answers or rating people's questions and answers! This section of FAQS.ORG is not sanctioned in any way by FAQ authors or maintainers. Questions strongly related to this FAQ: How long does it take for Mollys, Swordtails and platys to deliver their live births after... by Latina (10/2/2004) I'm doing a project for biology about clown knifes. i need to know the method of reproduct... by jassy (3/29/2004) how do i know what sex my Siamese fighting fish is? by will (10/1/2005) ARE BALA SHARKS EGG LAYERS OR LIVER BARRIERS? IS THERE A CERTAIN TIME OF YEAR THEY... by lonelytwin00@hotmail.com (5/5/2004) I have female oscar which has laid eggs and have no male what can i do or just remove... by deb (6/12/2004) how often do u change the water in a 10g tank with 6 mollies and also there are babies... by becky (8/14/2003) I have 4 Tiger Barbs. I have them for about a year now. But about 3 months now 1 of them... by Teresa (3/7/2004) Okay I have 4 chichlids that have had their eggs in their mouth for about 11 days, and I... by Amber (5/4/2006) Does anyone know how to tell if a blue Gourami is pregnate and for that mater which sex? by peanut (4/4/2004) I have an astronotus ocellatus,shes about 3 yrs. old.Afew months back we put her in a 55... by Silky (7/31/2003) MY DISCUS FISH (THE MALE) KEEPS ON EATING THE EGGS? WHAT SHOULD I DO? REMOVE THE MALE?I... by MAGGIE (6/5/2004) its not a question but a A twenty gallon tank is a good size for a beginner is a big fish... by person that may not know shit about fish (6/29/2003) how mant time can a man and a female breed and how long will it take for them to get there... by mak (10/28/2005) on what months do fresh water pond fish start laying eggs and what do the eggs look like by gramps (4/7/2004) my female betta laid eggs without a male, should i throw them out by cammy (11/19/2004) how do i really no wheather or not my tiger barbs has laid eggs or not it will not really... by jack (5/2/2007) what are the advantages of buying a fish for my aquarium from a good or a reputated... by roxy (3/7/2004) i have a gray fish with a faint line through it ( a tetra ? ) upon feeding earlier i... by Lisa (9/14/2003) why do betta fish bring out that thing under there mouth it's nasty by nickey (2/11/2004) How can I breed Cherry Barbs? I can't let the eggs drop though a net because the eggs... by Kaya (4/10/2004) Can Bala Sharks and Oscar fish be in the same tank?? by Bobby (5/16/2007) i have siamese fighting fish and the male is ready to mate does it matter with female he... by kittykat (3/18/2004) I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHEN DO YO YO LOACHES MATE AND HOW DO YOU TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN... by tam (8/15/2003) how easy is it to breed yellow bees of the african ciclid by cozman33 (1/7/2004) Questions somewhat related to this FAQ: I just baught my Platy on Monday. She looked pregnant when I baught her. How can I tell if... by Princess (4/2/2005) My siamese fighting fish has suddenly got one side of his face a little swollen. He is an... by Sheryl (9/26/2004) I am looking to start a betta breeding bussiness and I need to know what I need to do to... by crazywiccagirl2004 (5/4/2004) do mollies need a filter to survive? by erin (10/16/2005) CAN HATCHET FISH AND HALFBEAKS LIVE TOGETHER by brenard (3/25/2004) I have a beautiful male siamese fighting fish, i want to reproduct it. I bought three... by Miklemania (4/3/2007) Other questions awaiting answers: 42276 questions related to other FAQs 6468 general questions 15588 answered questions
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