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I am looking to start a betta breeding bussiness and I need...

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Question by crazywiccagirl2004
Submitted on 5/4/2004
Related FAQ: [FAQ] Aquaria: Good (and Bad) First Fish; Breeding
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I am looking to start a betta breeding bussiness and I need to know what I need to do to get contracts with places like walmart and petsmart. Also I need to know if I need a bussiness liscense to legally sell bettas to those places. If you can help me please e-mail me at crazywiccagirl2004@yahoo.com. Thanks.  Robyn

Answer by betta baby
Submitted on 7/18/2005
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hi i have sold some to the normal pet store were i bought my first pair. they only took them if they were good enough. of course i sold every one exept the one my son experimented!! but i never did make a contract and i do make good pay.


Submitted on 1/26/2006
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Answer by Betta Crazy
Submitted on 5/27/2006
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Starting the breeding of bettas is fun stuff - i started about 5 years ago. I am going to say it is not likely to get a contract with those chain stores - I've tried before. They go to commercial breeders in Thailand and import them for much cheaper than what it would be to breed and export bettas in most places in America. All costs in Thailand are cheaper (such as tanks, fish food, ect.) Plus, it is a MUCH warmer climate. These fish need at least 80 degree F water to breed with a successful output (cooler water i does effect the size of the brood) and at least 75 degree F water to survive and prosper in good health. The coldest it gets in Thailand is about 70 degrees F (that is a really cold winter considering that it reaches over 100 degrees there!!!) so they keep vats and "ponds" out side (much cheaper than tanks - plus, any tanks they have are kept in outdoor warehouses). Buying heaters and large filtration units (most Thailand breeders run their fresh water directly from rice patties, where bettas are naturally found) for all the breeding, grow-out, and barrack tanks are a problem in most places in America unless you are in Florida (but even then, finding a vast amount of property for industrialized breeding is both a problem and EXPENSIVE!!!)Humidity seems to help with the breeding process, but is not 100 percent necessary, making breeding in America much easier if held outdoors in the summer. Honestly, a home or building-operated facility for breeding will not catch the attention of store chains. Try catching the interest of Aquarium stores. I have sold numerous males, females, and breeding pairs this way. You can make ALOT of money this way, too!!! But in order to get an aquarium shop (or 2) to be interested in your bettas, you must breed halfmoons, crowntails, superdeltas, combtails, deltatails, plakats, roundtails, fighters, specific veiltails, and in rare occasion (these are hard to find) spadetails (I only own a few out of the hundreds i have!!!).These fish are MUCH more valuable and prized!!! For more "fancy" finnage fish, genes are a must. Know your breeders genes. If you are new at breeding, start with veiltails (they are even-tempered and B-E-A-U-tiful). Plus, to sell such high-rated finnage fish (as listed above), it is best to become an IBC member - this means your fish are approved and you get more money for them. Plus, through IBC, you can show off your best offspring at approved shows and sell them for outrageous prices (i have seen one lovely HM blue-laced masked male sell for over $100!!! - thats VERY expensive!!!) Through your breeding, you can create new colors. Currently I am working on what I call a "Mystic" betta. Right now I am in the veiltail stage. Never be afraid to chase your dreams, though!!! You never know, you could become a world-renouned breeder with chain store contracts!!! Its all up to you!!! Emily


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