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[alt.astrology] FAQ Part 7/11: Astrological software

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Archive-name: astrology/astrology/part7
Posting-Frequency: fortnightly to alt.astrology
Last-modified: 2001/06/02
Version: 3.0
Copyright: (c) 1996 LMP McPherson, 2001 Sherilyn
Maintainer: Sherilyn <>

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
All opinions on astrology are those of the original author, and
are NOT those of the maintainer.

          *** Questions about astrological software ***

7.1) Does anyone know if there is any software available for 

Answer: See # 7.2 about Walter Pullen's "Astrolog" freeware. Other
freeware and shareware astrology programs are available via the
usual sites such as

7.2) Where can I get a copy of the astrological freeware 


At the time of writing (June 2001), the current version is 5.40.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM