Archive-name: astrology/astrology/part10
Posting-Frequency: fortnightly to alt.astrology Last-modified: 2001/06/02 Version: 3.0 URL: Copyright: (c) 1996 LMP McPherson, 2001 Sherilyn Maintainer: Sherilyn <> See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge All opinions on astrology are those of the original author, and are NOT those of the maintainer. NOTE: As of June, 2001, this is work in progress. Reports on broken links, etc, would be greatly appreciated. -Sherilyn. *** Questions about astrological forums outside USENET *** 10.1) I don't have access to USENET. Is there some other way I can read articles in alt.astrology, such as having them mailed to me or use the WWW? Answer: Email would not be practicable because of the high volume of postings and the high noise level. The best WWW website to use for alt.astrology is Google Groups: alt.astrology"> You can post from that site, too. 10.2) Is there any other electronic forum for astrological discussion? Answer: There is an astrology mailing list for general discussions of astrology, and some alt.astrology regulars post their articles both to alt.astrology and to that list. It is called ASTROL-L, the Forum for Astrological Discussion, and it is a BITNET listserv. To subscribe, do the following: If you are at a BITNET node, SEND an on-line message to listserv@brufpb.bitnet with the message: SUBSCRIBE ASTROL-L your name You should get an e-mail message from the listserver asking you to confirm your subscription request. Otherwise, you might want to try sending your message to Listserver@brufpb.bitnet; as BRUFPB has a very slow link, however, you might instead try using your local LISTSERV and letting it forward your message via BITNET. An address that works for some people is: LISTSERV@earn.brufpb One final alternative is to e-mail the list's co-owner, Mel Erskine: merskine@ACACIA.ITD.UTS.EDU.AU The Psychological Astrology Mailing List is a specialized forum for those who are interested in discussing the synthesis of astrology and psychology. This list is moderated. To subscribe, send a blank message to: The subject and body of the message will be ignored. The administrator of the list is Dermod Moore, who can be contacted at: Some astrological discussion can be found on commercial online services in America (GEnie, CompuServe, America OnLine, etc.). (If you know of astrological forums on commercial networks in other countries, please send information about them to the FAQ maintainer; see Part 1.) Some discussion of astrology can usually be found on all of the major commercial online services. Look in the "Religion," "New Age," or "Entertainment" sections of these services for bulletin board topics and/or files relating to astrology. GEnie is the only major commercial service which has formally devoted a section exclusively to astrology. GEnie's Astrology RoundTable, managed by professional astrologers, contains the most extensive astrological BBS and file library of any commercial network. For information on some American commercial online services' rates and offerings, contact: GEnie: 800-638-9636 or e-mail CompuServe: 800-848-8990 America OnLine: 800-827-6364 *** Questions About Other Astrological Resources *** 10.3) Where can I find astrology stuff on the World Wide Web? Answer: There are several World Wide Web (WWW) locations one may browse that have astrology information and files and often other things of a related nature. Some URL addresses are: (Spirit-WWW Astro area) (Horoscopes by John James) (Humorous Horoscopes) (Asian Astrology) (Links to other astrology sites) (Links and software files) (Astrolog software files) (Contains over fifty website listings, as well as the Metalog Yellow Pages, the online directory of consulting astrologers, associations and schools.) User Contributions: |
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