Archive-name: astrology/astrology/part8
Posting-Frequency: fortnightly to alt.astrology Last-modified: 2001/06/02 Version: 3.0 URL: Copyright: (c) 1996 LMP McPherson, 2001 Sherilyn Maintainer: Sherilyn <> See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge All opinions on astrology are those of the original author, and are NOT those of the maintainer. As of June, 2001, this is a bit out of date and I'm rewritng it -Sherilyn. *** Questions about offensive postings *** 8.1) I enjoy many of the postings in this group, but there are one or two people whose postings are offensive and/or there are certain topics that just don't interest me. Is there some way to avoid seeing postings by certain people or concerning a certain topic? Answer: Occasionally some unpleasant, boring, or obnoxious person will discover the group and begin posting material that you may find offensive or uninteresting (e.g., anti-astrology "flames" and harassment, apparently unjustified attacks on individuals, insulting or bigoted material, or self-promotion and thinly- veiled advertising for astrological services in violation of USENET policy). You may want to avoid even seeing postings by such people. (For the sake of the group, please resist the temptation to reply to such people with criticism or "flames"; they are more likely to leave the group if they are *ignored* completely.) You may also find that certain topics are boring or annoying. Fortunately, you can edit your "kill file" for the newsgroup so that when you come to read the group, the newsreader will mark as "read" all articles by a certain person or with a certain subject heading. You won't even see those articles as you read through the group. The instructions given immediately below for altering the kill file are for those people using the "rn" newsreader on a UNIX system only. If you use some other newsreader, please ask a consultant at your site if you can use kill files and, if so, ask for instructions on editing the kill file for a given newsgroup. Alternatively, get an informational file from the ftp site (see the end of this answer). Instructions for VAX systems appear later in this answer. First, a word about kill files. Whenever you read a newsgroup for the first time, the newsreader creates a kill file for that group. The first line in the kill file shows the number of the last article read and instructs the newsreader to take you to the first article after that number. It says something like "THRU ###" (where ### is the number of the last article you read). This line is updated each time you leave the newsgroup. Additional lines can be added by you (through executing certain commands; see below) so that articles by a certain person or with a certain subject heading are marked as read before you begin reading through articles. If you come across a "thread" (i.e., a series of articles with a certain subject heading), that you do not want to read, simply type Shift-K (shift key and "k" pressed simultaneously) while you are somewhere in the body of an article in that thread. The subject heading will be automatically added to your kill file. If you wish to mark as "read" all articles by a certain person, you must add a line to your kill file that will instruct the newsreader to search the header of all articles for the person's name (or address) and "kill" (i.e., mark as "read") all articles containing that name (or address) in the header. To edit your kill file, type Ctrl-K (i.e., press the Control key and the "k" key simultaneously) while reading the group. Alternatively, you can edit the kill file with your system editor while outside of rn. (It most likely appears in a subdirectory of your News subdirectory called alt/astrology and in a file called KILL.) Add in a line, anywhere after the first line showing the number of the last article read, which reads as follows: /name.user@computername.institution/h:j replacing "name.user@computername.institution" with the person's address or name (if the name appears somewhere in the header of the person's articles). The "h" after the "/" tells the newsreader to search the header only. If you wish to have whole articles searched (e.g., if you want to avoid reading articles that mention a person's name, as in the case in which the person is the focus of flame wars), use "a" instead of "h". The "j" tells the newsreader to "junk" (i.e., mark as "read") all articles containing the string that appears between the slashes. (The ":" is just a separator.) You will find that a properly updated kill file increases your reading pleasure substantially. If you are on a VAX system, try the following procedures (as described in a posting by Julie): "The KILL facility allows the user to filter through all messages of a particular newsgroup - the read/new command will mark them as read without displaying the text of the item and move on to the next unread item. "It is possible by doing this to filter out all postings from a particular sender within a newsgroup. The KILL command adds entries to the kill filter list. Removing entries from a kill filter list is done by the CLEAR KILL command. Editing the existing kill filter list may be done with the MODIFY KILL command. "The KILL command has three qualifiers: /subject, /from, /header. The /subject qualifier directs NEWS to add the current item's subject line to kill filter set, and the /from directs NEWS to add the current item's FROM: line to the kill filter set. The /header qualifier allows you to specify any other header line you wish to use to define the filter. The command will prompt to what newsgroup you want the KILL applied to. The default is the current news group * so if you don't wish to delete NAME from another forum, you need not worry about this one. Other newsgroups may be specified at this point by using the VAX wildcard character ('*'), an asterisk, or a list of newsgroups. "When reading any item from NAME, merely type in KILL/FROM at the bottom of the screen prompt, if you work on the VAX mainframes, and that will do it. You must be currently reading a message to invoke this command, and then it will go permanently to all subsequent messages containing this user address. "In addition, the command KILL/HEADER="string" as in the example KILL/HEADER="From: *@node.*" will do the following: add a pattern to match against all headers into the kill filter. For example, the above command would kill ALL postings from a particular node. So if NAME is posting under more than one location, computers from several places, for example the KILL/FROM will do it. But if it comes from more than one name or is written by more than one person, the command listed above will kill ALL users who sign on from a particular node. "Again, you must be currently reading the message for this to work. And then it goes permanently into your personal kill file for this forum." Directions for using kill files are also available by ftp, according to Sridhar Venkataraman: "Those directions (for nn, rn, trn and probably xrn on UNIX) are available from by anonymous ftp (login: anonymous; password: your email address): "rn, trn & xrn: /pub/usenet/news.answers/killfile-faq nn : /pub/usenet/news.answers/nn-faq "If you can't do anonymous ftp, try sending mail to: with (either one of) send usenet/news.answers/killfile-faq send usenet/news.answers/nn-faq " User Contributions: |
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