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[alt.astrology] FAQ Part 2/11: Requests for Services

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Archive-name: astrology/astrology/part2
Posting-Frequency: fortnightly to alt.astrology
Last-modified: 2001/11/11
Version: 3.1
Copyright: (c) 1996 LMP McPherson, 2001 Sherilyn
Maintainer: Sherilyn <>

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
All opinions on astrology are those of the original author, and
are NOT those of the maintainer.

2.1) For what sort of discussions is alt.astrology intended?

Answer: Alt.astrology is intended as a forum for the discussion
of serious astrology.  There are also two moderated groups,
alt.astrology.moderated and alt.astrology.tropical, which usually
have a much better signal-to-noise ratio.

                  *** Requests for services ***

2.2) Could someone please cast my chart and/or do a chart
interpretation for me?

Answer: A complete interpretation of a person's chart takes a
great deal of time and energy to prepare. Someone just learning
astrology might be willing to do a chart for you as practice, but
if you want a high-quality interpretation, you must either find
an experienced astrologer on the net who is generous enough to
interpret your chart without compensation, or, if that is not
possible, you could consult a local professional astrologer (look
in the yellow pages or look at ads posted in a local occult
bookstore; you might also write to people in the group in your
area and ask if they know of any good local astrologers).

Professionals are not supposed to use the newsgroup to advertise
their services, so you may not be able to tell which astrologers
on this group will interpret charts for a fee. (They are in the
minority.) Rather than bother non-professionals with requests for
charts, it might be safer to consult an astrologer who advertises
in your area. If there are no professional astrologers near your
place of residence, you might want to take your chances and
contact a member of this group if they appear sufficiently
knowledgeable to be a professional.

If you have a specific problem about which you would like advice,
you might find that astrologers in the group are willing to give
you free assistance if you post the question for everyone to
read. Readers are less likely to respond with free analysis to
requests for a complete chart interpretation. No amount of advice
can be given unless you provide complete birth data: day, month,
and year of birth, as well as the time of day and the place of
birth (town or city). If you know the time zone, whether daylight
savings time or war time was in effect when you were born, and
the latitude and longitude of your place of birth, provide that
information as well.

If you just want your chart cast, without any interpretation,
just visit Astrodienst:

This is a comprehensive automated astrology service that provides
a variety of different chart services, many of them free and based
on Walter Pullen's Astrolog program with a different ephemeris.

2.3) I have no idea what to do with my life. Here are my birth 
     data. Can someone please tell me what I should do?

Answer: Nobody can tell someone what to do with his or her life.
However by studying one's astrological chart, one can gain
insights into one's personality, and one can see areas of life
where there is harmony or discord. A reading of one's chart by an
experienced astrologer would be very valuable (see # 2.2). After
you have such a reading done, you could probably benefit greatly
from learning astrology yourself and studying your chart at
leisure. You can also look at "transits," the interactions of
planets in the sky with your chart across time. This tells you
when opportunities and difficulties arise in various areas of
life, and helps you plan your future. An astrologer can tell you
about current transits, or you could learn to read your own
transits. With a few good books from your local occult bookstore,
it's really quite easy. (See # 4.1 about books.) Interpreting
transits is much easier than reading a natal chart (which
involves a synthesis of many factors).

2.4) I was born on a day when the Sun changes sign. Which sign is 
     my Sun in?

Answer: Which sign your Sun falls in will depend on your exact
time of birth. There are two ways you can find out where your Sun
is in the zodiac. Since the Sun is only one of (at least) ten
bodies to consider, and since the whole chart is needed for an
understanding of the personality and the life, it might be useful
to cast a complete chart, which would tell you the exact position
of the Sun as well as the exact positions of all the planets and
houses. This is easy to do these days because there exists
astrological software for computing charts. The most accessible
software is a programme called "Astrolog" which was written by
Walter Pullen, a reader of the group. (See # 7.2 for details of
how to get a copy of Astrolog. See # 7.1 for details of how to get
information about other astrological software.)

If you do not want to calculate the chart yourself (e.g., with
Astrolog), or if you have trouble doing so, another option is to
order your chart from a chart calculation service, or obtain
one from Astrodienst:

Alternatively, look in an "ephemeris," a book that lists the
positions of all the planets (usually at midnight, sometimes at
noon) each day. Ephemerides are available in the astrology
section at occult ("new age") bookstores, or in some libraries in
the astronomy section. They usually list positions for Greenwich,
so you must calculate your time of birth in Greenwich Mean Time
(e.g., if you were born under Pacific Standard Time, you add 8
hours to your time of birth to get GMT; Mountain Standard Time,
add 7 hours; Central Standard Time, add 6 hours; Eastern Standard
Time, add 5 hours; if you were born during daylight savings time,
subtract one hour before adding [or subtracting if you were born
east of Greenwich] the number of hours for the time zone in which
you were born). Next, determine if the ephemeris lists positions
at midnight or noon. Then work out the number of hours that
passed between the time for which positions are given (midnight
or noon) and your time of birth in GMT. (e.g., for an ephemeris
that lists positions for midnight, if you were born at 4:30 pm
GMT, the difference is 16.5 hours). Divide this difference by 24
to get the proportion of the day that passed before you were
born. Next, calculate the number of degrees and minutes of arc
that the Sun travelled through during that whole day. Multiply
that amount by the proportion of the day that passed before the
birth, and add the result to the position given for the start of
the day (or noon if the ephemeris gives noon positions). The
result is the position of the Sun at your birth.

2.5) Which Sun-signs are compatible with mine?

Answer: Some people feel that, in a very rough way, people with
Suns in the same element (fire, earth, air, water) or, to a
lesser extent, in the same polarity (positive -- fire and air, or
negative -- earth and water) tend to get along more easily. (The
fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius; earth: Taurus, Virgo,
Capricorn; air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius; water: Cancer, Scorpio,
Pisces.) But interactions among specific planets and houses in
two charts are far more important in determining how well people
will get along. Your best match may well be someone whose Sun is
in a sign of a different polarity, and your worst enemy may well
have his/her Sun in a sign of the same element!

Real compatibility can only be determined when the complete
charts of two people are compared, or a special chart is
constructed based on the two people's birth data. See answer
# 3.2 for details.

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