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Subject: 14. Stuff that doesn't belong in the other categories (and my own personal rantings) * 14.1. Why did Microsoft change Windows so much? + 14.1.1. What posessed you to write all of this stuff? + 14.1.2. How can I make best use of the information you provided? * 14.2. How come (this old Win 3.1 driver) doesn't work? * 14.3. How come (this old Win 3.1 driver) works? I thought it wasn't supposed to work! * 14.4. Why shouldn't I run (this old Windows 3.1 program)? * 14.5. Can I run Win95 on my '286 with 2 MB of RAM? (joke) * 14.6. Can I run Win95 on my '386-SX with 4 MB of RAM? (a bit of a joke, but it does run) * 14.7. Why do 32-bit programs seem slower than the original 16-bit ones? * 14.8. Why didn't Novell/WordPerfect/Corel (tm) release a 32-bit version of PerfectOffice (tm) yet? * 14.9. I want to get a Pentium Pro (tm) system, but isn't it slower running Win95 than a Pentium? * 14.10. Top ten reasons why Microsoft created Windows 95 * 14.11. Top ten things missing from Windows 95 * 14.12. Top ten answers to Microsoft's question: "Where do you want to go today?" User Contributions:Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:Section Contents
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City. Belkuchi
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City. Belkuchi
Districts. Sirajgonj
Countries in Bangladesh
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