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Win95 FAQ Part 10 of 14: Messaging/Exchange

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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Subject: 10. Windows Messaging, AKA: Microsoft Exchange, AKA: Microsoft Outlook...

     * 10.1. Exchange basics, and why I recommend Exchange for first
       time E-MAIL users
     * 10.2. How do I send and receive...
          + 10.2.1. ...Internet mail?
               o How do I make Exchange behave like a
                 "normal" mail client?
               o Top ten Internet Mail annoyances 
          + 10.2.2. ...MS Mail?
               o How do I view shared folders on an MS Mail
               o Do I need to have MS Mail in my profile if
                 I'm not using MS Mail? (no!)
               o How can I set up a simple e-mail system on
                 my small network using MS Mail?
          + 10.2.3. ...Comp-U-Serve (tm) mail?
          + 10.2.4. ...Faxes?
               o How do I share fax modems between Windows
                 95 machines?
               o How do I share fax modems between Windows
                 95 and WFWG machines?
               o Top ten Microsoft Fax annoyances
               o What about WinFax PRO (tm) for Win95? 
          + 10.2.5. ...MHS mail?
          + 10.2.6.
          + 10.2.7. ...Microsoft Network mail? 
          + 10.2.8. ...Voice messages? (Microsoft Phone)
     * 10.3. Remote Mail basics for MS Mail, Internet Mail, CIS Mail,
       and Microsoft Network Mail users
          + 10.3.1. How can I keep mail on the server? 
     * 10.4. How can I keep a separate inbox or address book for each
       user? (Exchange Profiles)
     * 10.5. Address Book basics
          + 10.5.1. How do I import or convert other databases into
            the Address Book?
     * 10.6. Top ten mis-conceptions about Exchange
     * 10.7. Wish List
     * 10.8. Exchange's other names and versions
     * 10.9. How to get the spelling checker to work in Exchange
   For the purpose of this document (especially so I don't have to
   re-write the whole thing!!!) I will refer to "Exchange" as either the
   MS Exchange E-MAIL front end that comes with Windows 95 and NT
   Workstation 4.0, or the Exchange Client update from Microsoft, or the
   Windows Messaging Client update from Microsoft. "Exchange" in this
   document does NOT refer to Microsoft's Exchange Server product.
   Visit Sue Mosher's FAQ at for additional
   Windows Messaging information. All the way from Moscow! She has her
   latest updates and highlights up there at
   This document may help users of NT Workstation 4.0 as well, as the
   Windows Messaging client for NT works exactly like the Win95 version.
   E-MAIL me back for accuracy checks please. They may also apply to MS's
   Outlook product which comes with MS Office 97, but visit Sue Mosher's
   site for the latest dirt on Outlook.

User Contributions:


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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM