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=========================================================== Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) compiled by: Ping Huang <pshuang@MIT.EDU> (c) Copyright 1994-1999, all rights reserved. Redistribution of this document is hereby freely granted so long as the document is redistributed in its entirety (here interpreted as all text which were not automated generated by software as part of the distribution process); in particular, with attributions and this copyright notice. The maintainer WOULD appreciate hearing about any interesting uses. TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= **** SECTION 0. FAQ posting information **** Q0.1. How to retrieve copies of this FAQ Q0.2. Differences from past versions of this posting Q0.3. Miscellaneous info about this posting **** SECTION 1. General **** Q1.1. What *IS* a service club? Q1.2. Why do community service? (personal essay) Q1.3. Why join a service club instead of volunteering individually? Q1.4. What is the audience for Q1.5. What is the charter for Q1.6. What if I can read Usenet newsgroups but can't post? Q1.7. What to do about off-topic/inappropriate postings? **** SECTION 2. Information about particular organizations **** Q2.1. Alpha Phi Omega Q2.2. Altrusa Q2.3. AmeriCorps / National Service / VISTA / Youth Corps Q2.4. Apex Q2.5. Builders Club Q2.6. Campus Outreach Community League (COOL) Q2.7. Circle K Q2.8. Civitan Q2.9. Elks Q2.10. Exchange Q2.11. Jaycees Q2.12. Key Club Q2.13. Kinsman Q2.14. Kiwanis (also: What is Keys, What is Builders Club) Q2.15. Lions Q2.16. NeighborWorks Q2.17. Optimist International Q2.18. Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Q2.19. Rotaract Q2.20. Rotary Q2.21. Round Table Q2.22. Soroptimist Q2.23. Zonta **** SECTION 3. Computer/on-line resources **** Q3.1. Major on-line services Q3.2. World Wide Web Q3.3. Usenet newsgroups Q3.4. E-mail "newsletters" Q3.5. Discussion mailing lists **** SECTION 4. Non-computer Resources **** Q4.1. Specialized publishers Q4.2. Specialized software Q4.3. Bibliography User Contributions:Section Contents
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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