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Civitan clubs meet the needs of their communities.  Civitan is a
worldwide community service organization open to all men and women of
good character.  Local clubs particpate in a variety of programs and
projects aimed at meeting the needs of the community.

There is a Civitan Club for you.  There are different types of Civitan
clubs tailored to suit Civitan's diverse membership.  There are
breakfast clubs, luncheon clubs, dinner clubs, and evening social
clubs (no meal).  There are clubs made up of mostly young adults,
business men and women, singles, all women, and all men.

Club meetings are educational and fun.  Clubs meet weekly or
bimonthly.  Guest speakers, such as community and business leaders,
media representatives politicians, and educators, address a variety of
topics of interest to club members.  Club meetings are also an
opportunity for members to develop friendships and establish business

Civitan is hands-on in the community.  Civitan clubs are best known
for their hands-on work in the community.  From projects to help
people who are mentally and physically disabled to building youth
recreation centers, Civitans are activiely involved in bettering their
communities, and enjoy the feeling of knowing they are helping others.

Civitan offers leadership opportunities.  Enhance you organizational
and communication skills through a leadership position in Civitan.
Leadership opportunities exist on the club, district and international
levels of the organization.  Civitan also offers valuable personal
development programs for members.

Civitan Facts:
- Civitan's motto is "Builders of Good Citizenship"
- There are approximately 55,000 men, women and teenagers in nearly
  1,800 Civitan and Junior Civitan clubs worldwide
- Founded in 1917, Civitan has provided members opportunities for
  personal and professional development while improving the community
  through community service for more than 75 years.
- In 1974, Civitan became the first previously all-male service
  organization to welcome women as equal members
- On the international level Civitan's major emphasis is toward
  helping people with mental retardation and other developmental
  disabilities (MR/DD)
- Civitan's most widely recognized fund raising programs are the
  Civitan Candy Box Project and Claxton Christmas Cake Sales.
  Serviced by volunteers, 100 percent of the project's net proceeds go
  to help people with MR/DD.
- Civitan funds the Civitan International Research Center, a research
  and treatment facility for MR/DD located at the University of Alabam
  at Birmingham

"A working force for civic betterment such as this is a thing more
 valuable to mankind than great riches."
 - Dr. Courtney W. Shropshire, Founder, Civitan International

For more information about becoming a member of Civitan, call
(800) CIVITAN (248-4826) in the United States or Canada or
(205) 591-8910 (in Alabama or outside the US or Canada).

Clubs exist in Europe and Africa (Sierra Leone).

[Source: Stuart Hayes <>, from a wallet card
titled "Civitan International Information".]


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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM