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Archive-name: modems/ZyXEL/FAQ/part5 Last-modified: 1995/04/09 Version: 4.2 Posting-frequency: monthly;the third Monday of every month ZyXEL Modems Frequently Asked Questions List Version 4.2 Archived at: in /pub/usenet/news.answers/modems/ZyXEL/FAQ/part[1-5] Please mail any additions to: ================= Table of Contents ================= P. Product Information P.1 NeXTSTEP software that works with ZyXEL modems P.2 UNIX software that works with ZyXEL modems *P.3 MacIntosh software that works with ZyXEL modems P.4 OS/2 software that works with ZyXEL modems *P.5 MS-DOS software that works with ZyXEL modems P.6 MS-Windows software that works with ZyXEL modems P.7 Amiga software that works with ZyXEL modems P.8 Atari ST/TT/Falcon software that works with ZyXEL modems *P.9 ZyXEL modem vendors ================================================================================ Subject: P. Product Information ================================================================================ Subject: P.1 NeXTSTEP software that works with ZyXEL modems -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- am v1.16, voice/data/fax software Answering Machine is a programmable voicemail system with fax receive capability. Detects if caller is a fax-machine, a modem or a human. Faxes will be converted so that they can be read with the FaxReader. Recorded messages (ADPCM 2 & 3) will be converted that you are able to use the SoundPlayer. Modem calls just log in. Outgoing calls like SL/IP,tip,cu ...- no problemo. FTP from or and get the file called /pub/comp/platforms/next/Communication/programs/am.1.16.s.tar.gz Patrick Stein (alias Jolly), later modified by Axel Habermann Voice: ++49 (0) 89 - 36 40 72 E-Mail:, or Axel Habermann ( Cost: free (sleepware) Connect It! v1.0.1, UUCP administration software UUCP, sendmail, and modem configuration software Black Market Technologies, Inc. 200 Warren Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Time: Eastern Standard Time Voice: (718) 522-5090 Fax: (718) 852-4249 E-Mail: Cost: US$145 NXFax v1.04, fax/data software Monitors serial ports and transparently switches between data and fax. Supports both NeXTstep for Motorola and Intel Black and White Software Bridge Street Marketplace Waitsfield, VT 05673-1210 Time: Eastern Standard Time Voice: (802) 496-8500 Fax: (802) 496-5112 E-Mail: Linda Rosen ( Cost: US$135 User Contributions:Section Contents
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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