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soc.culture.bulgaria FAQ (monthly posting) (part 10/10)

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Last-Modified: July 17, 2000
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Version: 4.11
Archive-Name: bulgaria-faq/part10

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22-1 Macedonians in Bulgaria 
(by Plamen Stanoev), last updated: 31-Jul-1994 (This entry is in Bulgarian)
Predi izvestno vreme podochuh neshto , che nyakakqv amerikanski diplomat e 
spomenal za sqshtestvuvaneto na "Makedonsko malcinstvo v Bqlgaria". Ta popitah 
brat mi kakvo se s chulo po toya vqpros v Bqlgaria. Mislya , che otgovora mu 
shte vi zainteresuva, ta vi prashtam chastta ot nego , deto se otnasya do toya

 Onia deto e govoril, che u nas ima makedonsko malcinstvo se okaza UILIAM 
MONTGOMQRI i v momenta e poslanik na USA v Bqlgariia. Vqprosnata tqpa
izcepka toia e napravil pred senatska komisiia na shtatite, kogato sa go 
proslushvali kato kandidat za poslanik u nas. (Tam vsichki takiva minavat na 
proslushvane prez tazi senatska komisiia). Informaciiata pqrvonachalno ia 
razbrahme ot "24 chasa", no te citiraha agenciia ROITER. Amerikancite ripnaha, 
che ROITER ne bili razbrali pravilno, no sled okolo mesec motaene nai-setne 
dadoha na vqnshnoto ni ministerstvo stenograma ot razgovora v komisiiata i toi 
beshe publikuvan v presata. Okaza se,che toia ianki e adski zagrijen za pravata 
na malcinstvata u nas. Mnogo go pritesniaval i fakta, che DPS mojelo i da ne 
uchastva v bqdeshtite izbori (togava imashe takova nastroenie Konstitucionniiat
sqd da se proiznese dali uchastieto na DPS ne protivorechi na konstituciiata, 
kqdeto se kazva, che v Bqlgariia sa zabraneni partiite na etnicheska osnova).
 V taia svoia proslovuta rech Montgomqri razviva ideiata si, che v Pirinska 
Makedoniia ima makedonsko malcinstvo, chiito prava sa potqpkani i roni 
krokodilski sqlzi, che tiahnata organizaciia OMO-"Ilinden" bila zabranena.
 Dori toia amerikanski diplomat v sqshtata rech si pozvoliava da zaiavi pred 
senatorite im,che v Bqlgariia shtial da raboti za PROMIANA NA KONSTITUCIIATA!!!
(predstaviash li si), za da bqdeli garantirani pravata na malcinstvata.
 V sqshtoto vreme iankito i duma ne obelva, che liubimata mu OMO-"Ilinden"
otkrito e zaiavila, che shte se bori za otkqsvane i prisqediniavane kqm 
Makedoniia na nashiia ( Pirinskiia )  krai ot Bqlgariia. Te iskat da iztegliat 
voiskite ni ottuk, shtoto bili okupatorski??!, ot imenata na vsichki partii 
tuk da se mahne dumata Bqlgarska, v uchilishtata da se uchi makedonski ezik??!
i kup drugi gluposti. A pqk kato razbraha za izcepkata na Montgomqri tia ot 
OMO-to sqvsem poshturiaha ot kef i daje doide toia kato poslanik biaha
na oficialna vizita pri nego? (predstaviash li si). Razgele, onia ne gi prie.
 Nai-strashnoto obache e, che vsichki tiia divotii deto gi raztiaga Montgomqri 
ne sa shtoto ne znae, toi mnogo dobre znae kakvo e polojenieto na Balkanite i
imenno zatova gi drobi tiia prikazki. Toi e bil neshto kato sekretar v nasheto 
posolstvo v nachaloto na 80-te, kogato poslanik beshe Sol Polanski. Iavno USA 
sa reshili da deistvat po sistemata: digai pushilka okolo Makedoniia, za da 
mojesh po principa "razdeliai i vladei" da dqrjish Balkanite. Ne sluchaino 
USA prati i 500 sini kaski v Makedoniia i po vsiaka veroiatnost segashniiat im 
lager shte se prevqrne v postoianna voenna baza na iankite. Samite Makedonci 
sqshto se natoporchiha i predi niakolko sedmici prezidenta im Gligorov pri 
pqrvoto si oficialno poseshtenie u nas iztqrsi, che v Bqlgariia jiveeli 
DVA MILIONA MAKEDONCI???! Da ne govorim che v posledniia mesec se provaliha 
tri opita za podpisvane na dvustranni spogodbi, poneje makedoncite iskat 
izrichno da se zapishe v protokola, che sa sqstaveni na bqlgarski i makedonski 
ezici. Nashite pqk ne priznavat da ima makedonska naciia i ezik i stana edna - 
ne ti e rabota. Amerikancite pqk, deistvaiki na principa "razdeliai i
vladei" ,  
uj sluchaino pusnaha v tiahnata presa, citirana ot nashata informaciia, 
che po tehni operativni danni v Makedoniia v momenta jiveiat 500 000 
BQLGARI???!!! i napravo gi razbiha. Gligorov kato doide v Sofiia, kaza che pri 
tiah bqlgarite bili 3000? Ami tova e gore-dolu istoriiata okolo makedonskoto 
malcinstvo u nas. Tqjnoto e, che sled kato toia ianki se naaka taka pred 
senatskata komisiia, nikoi v Bqlgariia (ot dqrjavnite mqje stava vqpros) nema 
smelost da mu se izrepchi i da mu kaje da vnimava kakvo govori, che moje 
i da bqde izgonen ot stranata. Kato pristigna za pqrvi pqt v Bqlgariia pqrvite 
mu dumi na skapan bqlgarski biaha: "Az mnogo se radva, che otnovo v Bqlgariia" 
i ne pojela da otgovori na nito edin jurnalisticheski vqpros.
Ottogava obache veche nikoi ne se seshta, che DPS e antikonstitucionna partiia
i ne triabva da i se pozvoliava da uchastva v bqdeshtite izbori.
Ami tova e.

22-2 ASCII Map of Bulgaria
(by Dragomir R. Radev), last updated: 31-Jul-1994
    __        ______
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    |             /
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23-1 Grolier's Bibliography on Bulgaria
(by Grolier), last updated: 31-Jul-1994
Crampton, Richard J., A Short History of Modern Bulgaria (1988) and
  Bulgaria (1990)
Curtis, Glenn E., ed., Bulgaria: A Country Study (1993)
European Communities Staff, Country Profile: Bulgaria (1991)
Lampe, John, The Bulgarian Economy in the 20th Century (1986)
Nicoloff, Assen, The Bulgarian Resurgence (1987)
OECD Staff, Bulgaria: An Economic Assessment (1992)
Ward, Philip, Bulgaria: A Travel Guide (1990)
Welsh, William A., Bulgaria (1993). FACTBOX Facts About Bulgaria

23-2 Book about Bulgarian history
(by Luben Boyanov)
"The Bulgarians in their historical, ethnographical and political frontiers
679 - 1917"
{"Bulgarite v tehnite istoricheski, etnografski i politicheski granitzi 679
- 1917"}
Actually, the format is a bit "strange" (31x29) as this is a collection of
40 maps, each one commented in 4 languages: German, English, French and
Bulgarian.  THere are 14 pages preface in those 4 languages by D Rizov -
Minister of Bulgaria in Berlin at that time (1917).  The edition is
excellent - the paper, the comments in 4 languages (BTW, the Bulgarian is
in the old style) and I fear that there will be need of another reprint as
the 5000 books, won't be around for a long time.  The price is 37.70 leva
but this is something definately worthed to have hold of, in case one has
any interest on the history and problems of the Balkans in the past.

23-3 Books about Bulgaria, part II
(by John Bell), last updated: 31-Jul-1994
In the discussion of voting systems, Penio Penev asked for some
recommended books on the interwar period.  Here are a few
suggestions with brief commentary.  They can supplement the
bibliographic list that was posted a few days ago.

Kosta Todorov, -Balkan Firebrand-
  Todorov was one of the most interesting figures in Bulgarian
politics between the wars.  Unfortunately, he spent many of these
years in exile and then was made an "unperson" during the
Communist period.  His memoirs were published in English during
World War II.

Blagoy Popov, -Za da ne se povtori nikoga veche-
  The memoirs of a "left sectarian" and defendent at the Reichstag
fire trial.  They include his experience in USSR and GULAG.

Petqr Semerjiev,  several works.
  Former central committee member who left Bulgaria for Israel. 
He has several studies on the interwar and immediate postwar
periods including: -The Real Georgi Dimitrov-, -The Trial of
Traicho Kostov-, and a "counterbiography" of Todor Zhivkov
called -Nishtojestsvo v dospehite na velichie-.

Some books by US historians include:

Charles Moser, -Dimitrov of Bulgaria-.  This is, of course, Dr G.M.
Dimitrov, not the Comintern fellow.

Marshall Miller, -Bulgaria during the Second World War-.

Fred Chary, -The Bulgarian Jews and the Final Solution-.

Joseph Rothschild, -The Bulgarian Communist Party: Origins and

Nissan Oren, -Bulgarian Communism: The Road to Power-. 

John Bell, -The Bulgarian Communist Party: From Blagoev to
Zhivkov-.  BTW, the questions raised by a contributor to scb about
my views on the 1946 elections and other matters will find them
fully documented here.

I also like my own -Peasants in Power- which has just been
republished in Bulgaria as -Aleksandqr Stamboliyski i BZNS 1899-

Duncan Perry, -The Politics of Terror-. on the Macedonian
Question.  I know Luben has objections to this book, and I share
them, but it still contains useful material.

On an earlier period I can recommend -The Establishment of
Constitutional Government in Bulgaria - by my old professor Cyril
Black.  He also has an interesting chapter on Bulgaria immediately
after WW II in a book called -Witnesses to the Start of the Cold
War-, whose editor I cannot remember at the moment.

23-4 Books about Bulgaria
(by CharlesPower)
There are a number of relatively recent and readable books on
modern Bulgarian history and related topics.  Some are in print,
and others should be available at larger libraries.
Barnes, Julian.  THE PORCUPINE.  New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992. 
     Fiction: novella inspired specifically by the fall of
     communism in Bulgaria and the trial of its Communist ruler,
     Todor Zhivkov.
     Press, 1970.  ix+339p.
     Rather stodgy political and economic analysis.
Constant, Stephen.  FOXY FERDINAND: TSAR OF BULGARIA.  New York/
     London/Toronto/Sidney: Franklin Watts, 1980.  352p.
     Lively and irreverent history of Tsar Ferdinand (1861-1948),
     the monarch responsible for the restoration of Bulgarian
Groueff, Stefane.  CROWN OF THORNS.  London/New York/London:
     Madison Books, 1987.  xvi+411p.
     Unabashedly partisan biography of Tsar Boris (1918-1943),
     who struggled to keep Bulgaria, a nominal member of the
     Axis, effectively out of World War II.  The author is the
     son of one of Boris's advisors.
Markov, Georgi.  THE TRUTH THAT KILLED.  Translated by Liliana
     Brisby.  New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1984.  xx+280p.
     Essays by the famous defector and BBC commentator, victim of
     a poisoned umbrella wielded by a Communist assassin.
     Stanford University Press, 1975.  xii+290p.
     More detached viewpoint than Groueff's biography of Tsar
     Boris; shows how the war led to the Communist takeover.

     COMPUTER.  Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1988. 
     Biography of John V. Atanasoff (1903- ), son of a Bulgarian
     immigrant, who invented the first electronic digital

23-5 Books on Bulgaria
(by Roumi Radenska), last updated: 31-Jul-1994
The list with the books, regarding Bulgaria consists of 50
titles, published in English. THIS IS NOT A FULL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF
Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem,
North Carorlina. All 50 books are in print. One title, East
European Monographs, belongs to a series. Three of the titles are
on Compact Discs with church and folk music. The rest of the
titles represent monographs on Bulgarian history, art, economy,
music, style of life. The titles are grouped as follow:

1. Bulgarian History (681-1993) 
   General studies in Bulgarian History are listed first. After   
   that, titles are listed chronologically.

2. Religion in Bulgaria

3. Bulgarian Language and Literature

4. Bulgarian Economy

5. Bulgaria - Art, Architecture, Folklore, Life-style

I will be happy to give more detailed information regarding each
title in this list or how to search for more books or specific
one. Please, forward your questions directly to me at:

Roumi Radenska

(Annotated Bibliography)


     Title: A History of the Balkans: A regional overview from a  
Bulgarian Perspective. Two volume set.

    Author: Tzvetkov, Plamen S.

      ISBN: 077341956x (v.1) 0773419586 (v.2)
 Publisher: Mellen Edwin Press, NY 
      Year: 1993
     Price: $54.95 ea.
   Comment: Research book, representing the point of view of      
Bulgarians on the history of the Balkan countries and their
relations during the centuries. Interest: East European studies,
Balkan Studies, History of Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Yugoslavia,

     Title: The pen and the sword: studies in Bulgarian History

    Author: Clarke, James F.
            Hupchick, Dennis P. - ed.

      ISBN: 0880331496
 Publisher: East European Quarterly, NY
      Year: 1988
     Price: $58.50
   Comment: Collected research papers of Clarke, James F.
Interest:  Bulgarian history in 18th and 19th centuries,
Bulgarian-American relations, Historiography. 

Series Title: East European Monographs
 Publisher: East European Monographs
      Year: 1971-
   Comment: The East European Monographs series consists of books
on history, culture, language, business of East European
countries: Russia, Poland, East Germany, Romania, Hungary,
Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Austria, Bulgaria. For 22 years, more
than 250 books have been published, 139 of them are still in
print. Interest: East European studies, Studies of Russia.

     Title: Agrarian relations in the Ottoman Empire in the 15th  
and 16th Centuries

    Author: Moutafchieva, Vera P.
      ISBN: 0880331488
 Publisher: East European Monographs
      Year: 1988
     Price: $42.00
   Comment: This is a book of a leading Bulgarian researcher in
the area of Balkan History during the Ottoman period (1396-1878).
It is devoted to the establishing of the Ottoman land ownership
in the Balkan Peninsula. The book is based on a large number of
documents, kept in Bulgaria and other Balkan countries. Interest:
East Europe in 15th - 16th centuries, Agrarian relations in
Bulgaria during the first centuries of Ottoman yoke, Turkish
history in 15th - 16th centuries.

     Title: Balkan Family Structure and the European Pattern:  
Demographic Development in Ottoman Bulgaria
    Author: Todorova, Maria N.  

      ISBN: 187938308x
 Publisher: American University Press, Washington DC
      Year: 1993
     Price: $47.00
   Comment: The monograph studies development and changes of
family customs in Bulgaria during the Ottoman period (1396-1878)
on the base of turkish registers and other documents. Interest:
Balkan History, Bulgarian history during Ottoman period,
Bulgarian family, Bulgarian customs, Bulgarian demographic
development during  Ottoman period. 

     Title: The Bulgarians in the Seventeenth Century: Slavic  
Orthodox Society

    Author: Hupchick, Dennis P.

      ISBN: 0899508227
 Publisher: McFarland & Co Inc. Jefferson, NC
      Year: 1993
     Price: $45.00
   Comment: This monograph represents the role of the Eastern
Orthodox Church for the Bulgarian society during the 17th century
(Ottoman period). Interest: Bulgarian history in the 17th
century, Bulgarian Orthodox Church history, Role of the church
for saving the Bulgarian nation during the Ottoman period.

     Title: The Formation of a nationalist Bulgarian   
Intelligentsia, 1835-1878 

    Author: Meininger, Thomas A.

      ISBN: 0824080289
 Publisher: Garland Publishing Inc. NY
      Year: 1987
     Price: $80.00
   Comment: Doctoral thesis. Represents the formation of the
            Bulgarian intelligentsia and its leading role in the
            independence movement. Interest: Bulgarian history in
            the 19th century, Bulgarian society in the 19th
            century, Bulgarian national independence movement.

     Title: Tsarist Russia and Balkan Nationalism: Russian
            Influence in Bulgaria and Serbia 

    Author: Jelavich, Charles

      ISBN: 0313200858
 Publisher: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. CT
      Year: 1978
     Price: $49.75
   Comment: The book represents some aspects of the Russian
            influence in Bulgaria and Serbia during the period of
            establishing of their states after the Ottoman yoke
            (1879-1886). Interest: Russian foreign relations,
            Russian influence in Bulgaria, Russian influence in
            Serbia, Relations between Bulgaria and Serbia,
            Relations between Balkan states.

     Title: A diplomatic History of Bulgaria, 1870-1886
    Author: Hyde, Arthur M.

      ISBN: 0837154588
 Publisher: Greenwood Publishing Group Inc. CT
      Year: 1972
     Price: $45.00
   Comment: Reprint of the 1931 ed. of the author's doctoral
            thesis. Represents relations between Bulgaria and
            European Countries in a period of strong independence
            movement, establishing of a new state, creating of a
            constitution and state institutions. Interest:
            Bulgarian independence movement and European
            community, Russian-Turks war 1877-1878, Peace
            contract from San-Stefano (1878), Berlin Contract
            (1878), Russian influence in Bulgaria.

     Title: Lost Illusions: Russian policies towards Bulgaria in

    Author: Durman, Carel 

      ISBN: 9155421539
 Publisher: Coronet Books, Philadelphia, PA
      Year: 1988
     Price: $32.50
   Comment: Represents the rise and the fall of the Russian
            influence in Bulgaria during the first decade of
            deliberated Bulgaria. Interest: Russian foreign
            politics, Russian influence in Bulgaria, Bulgarian
            history 1877-1887. Relations between Balkan states

     Title: The establishment of the Bulgarian Ministry of Public
            Instructions and its role in the development of
            modern Bulgaria 1878-1885 

    Author: Heath, Roy E.

      ISBN: 0824080254
 Publisher: Garland Publishing, NY
      Year: 1987
     Price: $70.00
   Comment: The book is dedicated to the formation of state
            institutions in Bulgaria, especially of the Ministry
            of Education. Interest: Bulgarian History in the late
            19th century, Creating of educational institutions in
            Bulgaria, European influence in Bulgaria during the
            19th century.

     Title: Czar Ferdinand and His People

    Author: MacDonald, John

      ISBN: 0405027575
 Publisher: Ayer Pub. Co Inc., Salem, NH
      Year: 1970
     Price: $24.50
   Comment: Represents Bulgaria during the rule of tsar
            Ferdinand, 1887-1918. Interest: Political and
            economical development of Bulgaria at the end of the
            19th and the beginning of the 20th century,
            Affiliations between Bulgaria and Germany, Political
            destiny of Ferdinand and his family, Bulgaria in
            World War I.

     Title: Fires on the mountain: the Macedonian revolutionary
            movement and the kidnapping of Ellen Stone

    Author: Sherman, Laura Beth

      ISBN: 0914710559
 Publisher: East European Monographs
      Year: 1980
     Price: $20.00
   Comment: The book is devoted to the kidnapping of the American
            missionary Ms. Ellen Stone by Macedonian
            revolutionaries. Interest: American missionaries in
            Bulgaria and Macedonia, Macedonian independent
            movement at the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th
            century, Political relations between Balkan states.

     Title: King of Mercy: Boris III of Bulgaria 1894-1943

    Author: Dimitroff, Pashanko

      ISBN: 1879593699
 Publisher: Wexford & Barrow, CA
      Year: 1993
     Price: $26.95
   Comment: The book represents the rule of Boris III (1918-
            1943). The accent falls on the years of World War II,
            the role of the king in saving Bulgarian jews of
            genocide, political relations with Germany, Avoiding
            Bulgarian participation in the war against Russia.
            Interest: Bulgarian history from 1918 to 1944, Boris
            III, Bulgarian foreign relations in the 20-s and the
            30-s, Bulgarian jews, World War II and Bulgaria. 

     Title: Dimitrov of Bulgaria: a political biography of Dr.
            Georgi M. Dimitrov

    Author: Moser, Charles A.

      ISBN: 0898030110
 Publisher: Caroline House, Ottawa, CA
      Year: 1979
     Price: $14.95
   Comment: A biography of Dr. Georgi M. Dimitrov (Gemeto, 1903-
            1972), leader of the Bulgarian Farmers Union and the
            political formation "Zveno" during the 30-s and the
            40-s. Interest: Georgi M. Dimitrov, Political circle
            "Zveno", Bulgarian political development in the 30-s,
            Political fights in Bulgaria after 1944.

     Title: The American Military Mission in the Allied Control
            Commission for Bulgaria 1943-1947

    Author: Boll, Michael M.

      ISBN: 0880330686
 Publisher: Columbia University Press, NY
      Year: 1985
     Price: $34.00
   Comment: Represents the American role and influence in
            Bulgaria during the last two years of World War II
            and the first years of communist rule. Interest:
            American-Bulgarian relations, American military
            mission on the Balkans, Bulgaria in the 40-s.

     Title: The Turks of Bulgaria: the history, culture and
            political fate of a minority

    Author: Karpat, Kemal H.

      ISBN: 9754280177
 Publisher: Isis Press, Istanbul
      Year: 1990
     Price: 15.00
   Comment: The book represents the history, culture and religion
            of the islamic population of Bulgaria after 1878 till
            nowadays. The accent falls on the communist era and
            the communist policy towards the Bulgarian muslims,
            especially in the 80-s. Interest: Policy towards the
            muslim minority in communist Bulgaria; History,
            culture and religion of the muslims in Bulgaria,
            Human rights in Bulgaria.

     Title: Bulgarian Voices: Letting the People Speak

    Author: Ward, Philip

      ISBN: 0906672643
 Publisher: Oleander Press, NY
      Year: 1992
     Price: $21.50
   Comment: Interviews with Bulgarian people about postcommunist
            Bulgaria. Interest: Bulgaria after 1989, Last years
            of communist regime in Bulgaria, Bulgarian public

     Title: Revolutions in Eastern Europe

    Author: East, Roger

      ISBN: 0861871693
 Publisher: Saint Martin's Press, NY
      Year: 1992
     Price: $54.00
   Comment: Represents main events in politics in East European
            Countries 1989-1992, giving some background
            information for each of them. Interest: History of
            East Europe from 1945 to 1992, Revolutions in
            Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, East Germany,
            Hungary, Yugoslavia, Political changes in
            postcommunist Eastern Europe.


     Title: Bulgarian Mythology

    Author: Georgieva, Ivanichka

      ISBN: 0685314650
 Publisher: State Mutual Book & Periodical Service, Limited, NY
      Year: 1985
     Price: $195.00
   Comment: The book represents Bulgarian Mythology and its 
            sources; religious, ethnographic, historical
            development. Interest: Religion of Bulgaria, Religion
            believes of slavic and Bulgarian people before
            christianization, Contemporary religion customs in

     Title: Patriarch and the Prince: the Letter of Patriarch  
            Photios of Constantinople to Khan Boris of Bulgaria
    Author: White, Despina S.
      ISBN: 0916586529
 Publisher: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, MA
      Year: 1982
     Price: $9.95
   Comment: The book represents a reply of Patriarch Photios on  
            the inquire of Bulgarian Khan Boris about advantages
            of  christian religion. As a result of that
            discussion, Khan Boris and all Bulgarian people
            accepted     christianity in 865. Interest: Balkan
            history in   Early Middle Ages, First Bulgarian
            Kingdom,     Christianization of Bulgaria, Bulgarian-
            Byzantium   relations.

     Title: Six Byzantine Portraits

    Author: Obolensky, Dimitry

      ISBN: 0198219512
 Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press
      Year: 1988
     Price: $69.00
   Comment: The book represents biographies of famous orthodox
            saints: Clement of Ohrid, Theophylact of Ohrid,
            Vladimir Monomakh, Sava of Serbia, Cyprian of Kiev
            and Moscow, Maximos of Greek. Interest: Church
            History in East Europe during the Middle Ages,
            Byzantine Empire and its influence on the slavonic
            countries, Spreading the cyrillic alphabet and
            forming the early slavonic literature.

     Title: The Explanation of the Holy Gospel According to St.

    Author: Theophylact Archbishop of Ohrid

      ISBN: 0963518305
 Publisher: Chrysostom Press, House Springs, MO
      Year: 1993
     Price: $22.00
   Comment: The explanation of the Holy Gospel According to St.
            Matthew given by Saint Theophylact of Ohrid (11th -
            12th century) stays on the base of some parts of
            worship in Orthodox Church. Interest: Theology, Vita
            of Theophylact of Ohrid, East Orthodox Church, Church
            History, Byzantine and Bulgarian History in 11th -
            12th centuries.

     Title: Bulgarian monasteries: monuments of history, culture
            and art.

    Author: Chavrukov, Georgi I.

      ISBN: 0569085071
 Publisher: Septemvri, Sofia BG
      Year: 1978
     Price: $149.00
   Comment: The book represents 74 Bulgarian monasteries.
            Describes their history, architecture, art; rich
            illustrated. Interest: History of Bulgarian church
            through the centuries, Architecture Heritage of
            Bulgaria, Wall painting and Iconography.

     Title: Icons from Bulgaria

    Author: Paskaleva, Kostadinka G.

      ISBN: 0881681873
 Publisher: Alpine Fine Arts Collection, London
      Year: 1991
   Comment: The book represents photographs of Bulgarian icons
            9th-19th centuries, with detailed explanation of
            author, painting techniques, size of each icon.
            Interest: Fine Arts, Bulgarian Iconography, Bulgarian
            artists, Bulgarian religious life.

     Title: Sixteen most Famous icons from Bulgaria

    Author: Paskaleva, K.

      ISBN: 0685402436
 Publisher: State Mutual Book & Periodical Service, Limited, NY
      Year: 1987
     Price: $150.00
   Comment: The book contains photographs of the most famous
            Bulgarian icons with detailed explanation of author,
            painting techniques, size of each icon. Interest:
            Fine Arts, Bulgarian Iconography, Bulgarian artists,
            Bulgarian religious life.

     Title: American missionaries among the Bulgarians, 1858-1912

    Author: Nestorova, Tatyana

      ISBN: 0880331143
 Publisher: East European Monographs
      Year: 1987
     Price: $20.00
   Comment: Represents the role of American Missionaries on
            Bulgarian religious, cultural and political life in
            the era of enormous changes in Bulgaria. Interest:
            American Missionaries in Bulgaria, Bulgarian history
            from the middle of 19th century to 1912, American-
            Bulgarian religious and cultural relations.

     Title: Protestantism and politics in eastern Europe and
            Russia: the communist and postcommunist eras

    Author: Ramet, Sabrina Petra ed.
      ISBN: 0822312417
 Publisher: Duke University Press, NC 
      Year: 1992
     Price: $39.95
   Comment: Collection of articles dedicated to protestantism and
            politics in East European countries and Russia after
            1945. Each article studies protestantism in
            particular country. Interest: Protestantism,
            communism and politics; Protestantism in Russia, East
            Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria,
            Yugoslavia; Changes in the religious life in East
            Europe after 1989.

     Title: Prophet for Our Times: The Life and Teachings of
            Peter Deunov

    Author: Deunov, Peter
            Lorimer, David ed.

      ISBN: 1852302119
 Publisher: Element Books, Inc. Rockport, MA
      Year: 1991
     Price: $14.95
   Comment: The book represents the life and philosophy of Peter
            Deunov, great religious figure in Bulgaria during 20-
            s and 30-s. Interest: Philosophy of religion,
            Bulgarian religious life in 20-s and 30-s, Biography
            of P. Deunov.

     Title: Bulgarian Orthodox Chants

      ISBN: 630226488x
 Publisher: Baker & Taylor Video
      Year: 1991
     Price: $15.98
   Comment: In this CD are included chants, performed in
            Bulgarian churches. Some are performed the way they
            have been performed since 14th century. Interest:
            Music, Church Music, Bulgarian Orthodox Music.


     Title: Teach Yourself Bulgarian: Book and Cassette Pack

    Author: Holman, Michael and Mira Kovatcheva

      ISBN: 0340561769
 Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton LTD
      Year: 1993
     Price: L 16.54
   Comment: Introductory course in Bulgarian language, along with
            the cassette. Previous similar textbook in Bulgarian
            language had been published in 1983. Interest:
            Bulgarian language, Slavic languages. 

     Title: Kiril and Methodius: Founders of Slavonic Writing

    Author: Duichev, Ivan

      ISBN: 0880330643
 Publisher: Columbia University Press
      Year: 1985
     Price: $30.00
   Comment: This collection of sources and critical studies
            presents life and work of slavonic Saints Cyril and
            Methodius. Interest: Early slavonic church
            literature, Slavonic Saints, Relations between Rome
            and Byzantium in 9th century, Medieval Europe.

     Title: The Inn at Antimovo and Legends of Stara Planina

    Author: Yovkov, Yordan

      ISBN: 0893572055
 Publisher: Slavica Publishing
      Year: 1990
     Price: 14.95
   Comment: In this book are included the most popular short
            stories and legends, written by Y. Yovkov. They treat
            the life of Bulgarians during 18th and 19th
            centuries. Interest: East European literature,
            Bulgarian short stories, Bulgarian style of life in
            18th and 19th centuries.

     Title: Yordan Yovkov

    Author: Mozejko, Edward

      ISBN: 0893571172
 Publisher: Slavica Publishers
      Year: 1984
     Price: 9.95
   Comment: The book presents life and work of Bulgarian writer
            Yordan Yovkov (Iordan Iovkov) 1880-1937. Interest:
            Bulgarian plays and short stories in 20-s and 30-s,
            Bulgarian country life in 19th and 20th centuries.

     Title: With the precision of bats

    Author: Slavov, Atanas

      ISBN: 0911050590
 Publisher: Occidental Press, NY
      Year: 1986
     Price: $17.50
   Comment: The book represents critical study on Bulgarian
            literature from 1944 to 1986. Interest: Bulgarian
            literature 1944-1986, Bulgaria during the communist
            regime, Bulgarian intellectual life.

     Title: The Last Rock Eagle

    Author: Dimitrova, Blaga
      ISBN: 185610009x
 Publisher: Dufour Editions, Chester Springs, PA
      Year: 1993
     Price: 16.95
   Comment: English translation of recent poems of Bulgarian poet
            and politician. Blaga Dimitrova was a chair of
            Bulgarian national assembly 1991-1993. Interest:
            Bulgarian poetry in 80-s and 90-s.

     Title: The Bulgarian Umbrella: the Soviet direction and
            operations of the Bulgarian Secret Service in Europe

    Author: Kostov, Vladimir

      ISBN: 0312023871
 Publisher: Saint Martin's Press, NY
      Year: 1988
     Price: $35.00
   Comment: The book is dedicated to two assassinations, executed
            by Bulgarian Secret Service and directed by KGB. The
            first one was in London in 1978 and was successful -
            Georgi Markov, Bulgarian dissident and writer was
            killed. The second one was later on the same year
            against the author of this book - Vladimir Kostov,
            former colonel from Bulgarian Secret Service, who
            defected to France several years earlier. Interest:
            Bulgarian Secret Service and its actions in Europe in
            70-s and 80-s, Relations between KGB and Bulgarian
            Secret Service, Bulgaria in 70-s and 80-s, Bulgarian
            dissidents literature in 70-s and 80-s.


     Title: Doing Business in Bulgaria

    Author: Sinclair, Roche

      ISBN: 0749406895
 Publisher: Kogan Page
      Year: 1993
     Price: $25.00
   Comment: The book represents Bulgarian economy since 1989 and
            commercial law towards foreign investments. Interest:
            Business contacts with Bulgaria, Trade agreements
            between Bulgaria and different countries, Foreign
            investments in Bulgaria.

     Title: Bulgaria, An Economic Assessment

      ISBN: 926413753x
 Publisher: Organization for Economic cooperation and Development
      Year: 1992
     Price: $32.00
   Comment: The book represents an estimation of the economic
            development in Bulgaria since 1989. Interest:
            Bulgarian economy in postcommunist era, Business
            contacts with Bulgaria, Bulgarian business law.

     Title: Bulgaria: Crisis and Transition to a Market Economy 
            2 vol. 
      ISBN: 0821318942
 Publisher: World Bank
      Year: 1991
     Price: $11.95
   Comment: The book describes Bulgarian economy in the last
            years of communist regime in Bulgaria and problems of
            transition to a market economy. Interest: Bulgarian
            Economy before 1989, Bulgarian law towards market
            economy, Problems in transition to a market economy
            in Bulgaria.


     Title: Bulgaria in Pictures

      ISBN: 0822418902
 Publisher: Sterling Publishing Co. Inc.
      Year: 1994
   Comment: The book represents Bulgarian nature (mountains, sea,
            rivers), Bulgarian history (ancient cities, medieval
            castles, monasteries), contemporary Bulgarian cities,
            villages, resorts. Interest: East European studies,
            Travel in East Europe, Bulgaria in the past and

     Title: Sofia, portrait of a city

    Author: Ward, Philip

      ISBN: 0906672651
 Publisher: Oleander Press, NY
      Year: 1993
     Price: $19.95
   Comment: The book presents old heritage of the capital of
            Bulgaria and its contemporary image. Interest: East
            European studies, Ancient Roman cities, Travel in
            East Europe. 

     Title: The Architectural Heritage on the Lands of Bulgaria

    Author: Berbenliev, Peyo.

      ISBN: 0569091756
 Publisher: State Mutual Book and Periodical Service, Limited, NY
      Year: 1988
     Price: $300.00
   Comment: The rich illustrated book introduces to the readers
            the architectural heritage of Bulgarian lands from
            ancient times till present. Interest: Roman
            Architecture,  Architecture of Medieval Europe,
            Architecture in Bulgaria in 17th - 20th centuries.

     Title: Wall Painting in Bulgaria: 9th to 19th centuries

    Author: Prashkov, Lyuben.

      ISBN: 0685344061
 Publisher: State Mutual Book and Periodical Service, Limited, NY
      Year: 1981
     Price: $95.00
   Comment: The book, written by leading Bulgarian restorer,
            presents not only pictures of famous wall paintings,
            but describes traditions in church and monastery wall
            painting, different painting schools and artists
            during the centuries. Interest: Wall painting, Church
            wall painting 9th-19th century, Pictures from
            Bulgarian history and society in wall paintings.

     Title: Bulgarian Folk Costumes

    Author: Veleva, Maria G.

      ISBN: 0936922060
 Publisher: Pittsburgh, Tamburitza Press
      Year: 1982
     Price: $5.00
   Comment: The book presents a large variety of Bulgarian folk
            costumes, classified by region, with detailed
            explanation of their making. Interest: Folk costumes
            in Bulgaria and East Europe, Bulgarian embroidery,
            Traditional Bulgarian holidays.

     Title: Life-styles for Long Life: Longevity in Bulgaria

    Author: Hadjihristev, Argir.

      ISBN: 0398054835
 Publisher: Thomas Charles, IL
      Year: 1988
     Price: $29.50
   Comment: The book studies different factors for longevity in
            Bulgaria: life in mountains, Bulgarian yogurt and
            cheese, etc. Interest: Style of life in Bulgarian
            mountains, Role of the food for longevity, Role of
            the nature for long-life.

     Title: Thracian Art Treasures

    Author: Venedikov, Ivan.

      ISBN: 0686975960
 Publisher: State Mutual Book and Periodical Service, Limited,
            Inc. NY
      Year: 1979
     Price: 69.00
   Comment: The book represents remains of thracian art found in
            Bulgarian lands: treasures, jewelry, tombs with wall
            paintings, stone sculptures and bas-reliefs.
            Interest: Archaeology, Thracians, Thracian art,
            Thracian remains in Bulgaria.

     Title: Treasures of Thrace

    Author: Von Bulow, Gerda

      ISBN: 0312816499
 Publisher: Saint Martin's Press, Inc. NY
      Year: 1988
     Price: $4.98
   Comment: The book represents golden and silver treasures,
            found in ancient Thrace: jewelry, dishes. Interest:
            Thracian treasures on the Balkans (Bulgaria, Greece,
            Turkey), Silver and golden jewelry in antiquity.

     Title: May it Fill Your Soul: Experiencing Bulgarian Music

    Author: Rice, Timothy

      ISBN: 0226711218
 Publisher: Pergamon Press
      Year: 1994
   Comment: The book presents Bulgarian folk music and dancing as
            a living tradition in Bulgaria. Contains some
            biographical data about folk singers and dancers and
            lists of records and CD-s with Bulgarian folk music.
            Interest: Folk music in Bulgaria, Folk customs in
            Bulgaria, Living tradition of folk singing and
            dancing in Bulgaria.

     Title: Mystery of Bulgarian Voices

      ISBN: 6301166965
 Publisher: Baker & Taylor Video
      Year: 1988
     Price: $16.98
   Comment: The CD presents performances of a Bulgarian women's
            choir for folk music. Interest: Folk music in Eastern
            Europe, Bulgarian Folk music.

     Title: Pirin Bulgarian Folk Songs

      ISBN: 6302102065
 Publisher: Baker & Taylor Video
      Year: 1991
     Price: $15.98
   Comment: The CD presents performances of a Pirin singing and
            dancing company. There are included songs from South-
            West part of Bulgaria (Pirin Macedonia). Interest:
            Balkan folk music, Macedonian and Bulgarian folk

23-6 Summer In The Balkans: Laughter And Tears After Communism by Randall Baker
(by Henry Berry), last updated: 01-Dec-1994
Baker. Kumarian Press, 630 Oakwood Ave. - Suite 119, West Hartford, CT
06110; 800-289-2664. 192 pp. $14.95 trade paper; ISBN 1-56549-036-3. b+w
photographs; drawings. order direct from publisher; distributed by Inland;
Baker and Taylor; available at most bookstores.
   An honest, witty, sympathetic, insightful account of the difficulties
the leaders and the public of the Balkan countries are having in
implementing democracy after the fall of Communism; also a look at the
seemingly insoluble ethnic troubles in places like Serbia and Bosnia.
Baker toured the Balkan region when he went to Bulgaria on a Fulbright
scholarship to help the New Bulgaria University set up a program of public
administration. The well-known Eastern European emigre writer Andrei
Codrescu has said about SUMMER IN THE BALKANS:_[Randall Baker] shines the
light of an honest bewilderment on what is, after all, Kafka's turf. In
the process, he gives us real human beings in a real historical situation.
He is by turns, warm, mordant, cynical, affectionate, and reasonable._
editor/publisher The Small Press Book Review

23-7 Books on the Bogomils
(by Roumi Radenska), last updated: 31-Jul-1994
Here are some books about Bogomiles in English, German, French and
Russian. Sorry, no books about Bogomiles in Japanese (at least not
in U.S. libraries :)

Eto nyakolko knigi za Bogomilite na Angliiski, Nemski, Frenski i
Ruski. Za sazhalenie nyama knigi na Yaponski za tyah (pone ne v
bibliotekite na SASHT :)


     1   The Bogumil period in Bosnia                            
     2   Arilje : art against the Bogomils /          Caslin,
Jeremy     1992
     3   Protestants of the east : a study of the ... Gill,
Everett,     1940
     4   Bogomilism : a study of the "Bulgarian he... Nikoloff,
Nicho    1940
     5   The Bogomil movement : an investigation o... Nikoloff,
Nicho    1954
     6   The Bogomil movement : an investigation o... Nikoloff,
Nicho    1955
     7   The Bogomil movement /                       Angelov,
Dimitu    1987
     8   Some aspects of the phenomenon of heresy ...
Paraskevopoulou    1977
     9   A study of Manichaeism in Bulgaria : with... Sharenkoff,
Vic    1927
    10   The Bogomils : a study in Balkan Neo-Mani... Obolensky,
Dimi    1948
    11   The Bogomils of Bulgaria and Bosnia; or, ... Brockett, L.
P.    1879
    12   Bulgaria's contribution to the developmen... Angelov,
Dimitu    1980
    13   The Bogomils : a study in Balkan Neo-Mani... Obolensky,
Dmit    1948
    14   The Bogumil period in Bosnia.                Uzelac,
Milivoj    1950
    15   Bogomil sculpture : essays /                
Bihalji-Merin,     1962
    16   The Bogomils : essays /                     
Bihalji-Merin,     1962
    17   The dualistic-gnostic tradition in the By... George,
James M    1979
    18   The dualistic-gnostic tradition in the By... George,
James M    1979
    19   The dualistic-gnostic tradition in the By... George,
James M    1979
    20   The Bogomils : a study in Balkan neo-Mani... Obolensky,
Dimi    1948
    21   Bogomilism in Macedonia /                    Taskovski,
Drag    1975
    22   Dualist heresy in the Middle Ages /          Loos, Milan. 
    23   The Bogomils : a study in Balkan Neo-Mani... Obolensky,
Dmit    1948
    24   The Bogomils of Bulgaria -- history and a... Ivanoff,
Albert    1934
    22   Dualist heresy in the Middle Ages /          Loos, Milan. 
    23   The Bogomils : a study in Balkan Neo-Mani... Obolensky,
Dmit    1948
    24   The Bogomils of Bulgaria -- history and a... Ivanoff,
Albert    1934
    25   Dualist heresy in the Middle Ages.           Loos, Milan. 
    26   The evolution of the Bogomil sect in Bulg... Scoles,
Regina     1973
    27   Bogomil sculpture,                          
Bihalji-Merin,     1963
    28   The Bogomils, a study in Balkan neo-Manic... Oblensky,
Dmitr    1972
    29   The Bogomils, a study in Balkan neo-Manic... Obolensky,
Dimi    1948


     1   Steine der Bogomilen.                       
Bihalji-Merin,     1964
     2   Die Bogomilen in ihrer geschichtlichen En... Ilic, Jordan
A.    1923
     3   Der Bogomilismus auf dem Gebiete des byza... Angelov,
Dimitu    1948
     4   Die Phundagiagiten : ein Beitrag zur Ketz... Ficker,
Gerhard    1908
     5   Die Bogomilen in ihrer geschichtlichen En... Ilic, Jordan
A.    1923
     6   Christen oder Ketzer, die Bogomilen /        Papazova,
Ekate    1983
     7   Les Balkans au Moyen Age : la Bulgarie de... Angelov,
Dimitu    1947
     8   Die Bogumilen : Geschichte, Kunst, Kultur /  Kutzli,
Rudolf.    1977
     4   Die Phundagiagiten : ein Beitrag zur Ketz... Ficker,
Gerhard    1908
     5   Die Bogomilen in ihrer geschichtlichen En... Ilic, Jordan
A.    1923
     6   Christen oder Ketzer, die Bogomilen /        Papazova,
Ekate    1983
     7   Les Balkans au Moyen Age : la Bulgarie de... Angelov,
Dimitu    1947
     8   Die Bogumilen : Geschichte, Kunst, Kultur /  Kutzli,
Rudolf.    1977
     9   Frauenfrage und Ketzertum im Mittelalter ... Koch,
Gottfried    1962
    10   Bulgarische Beitrage zur europaischen Kul...            
    11   Bogumilen und Katharer in ihrer Symbolik.    Wild, Georg. 

      1   Les Bogomiles et Presbyter Kosma these ..... Georgiev,
Stefa    1920
     2   Le traite contre les Bogomiles.              Cosmas,    
     3   Les bogomiles et presbyter Kosma /           Gheorghieff,
St    1920
     4   Les Origines du catharisme.                  Dando,
Marcel.     1968
     5   Les Balkans au Moyen Age /                   Angelov,
Dimitu    1978
     6   Les Origines du catharisme.                  Dando,
Marcel.     1967
     7   L'art des Bogomiles.                        
Bihalji-Merin,     1963
     8   Le livre secret des cathares, Interrogati...            
     9   L'heresie bulgare : quelques aspects du m... Topencharov,
Vl    1978
    10   Livres et legendes bogomiles : aux source... Ivanov,
Iordan,    1976
    11   Les chretiens bosniaques et le mouvement ... Sanjek,
Franjo.    1976
    12   Les Bougres : histoire du pope Bogomile e... Primov,
Borisla    1975
    13   Bougres et cathares; deux brasiers, une m... Topencharov,
Vl    1971
    14   Les origenes du catharisme.                  Dando,
Marcel.     1967
    15   Le bogomilisme en Bulgarie                   Angelov,
Dimitu    1972
    16   Le traite contre les bogomiles de Cosmas ... Cosmas,    


     1   Bogomilskoe dvizhenie i obshchestvennaia ... Zaitsev, V.
K.     1967
     2   Vasilii Vrach : romanizovan zhivotopis /     Bogdanov,
Ivan.    1988
     3   Kozma Presviter v slavianskikh literatura... Begunov,
IUrii     1973

23-8 Books by Julia Kristeva and Tzvetan Todorov
(by Luben Boyanov), last updated: 09-May-1996

Here are some of the translated (in English) works of Tzvetan Todorov:

"The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre", Cornell 
University Press, 1975

"Genres of Discourse", Cambridge University Press, 1990

"An Introduction to Poetics", University of Minnesota Press, 1981

"The Conquest of America: The Question of the Other", Harper & Row, 1984

"Mikhail Bakhtin: The Dialogical Principle", Manchester University Press, 

"Literature and its Theorists: A Perosnal View of Twentieth Century 
Criticism", Routlegde & Kegan Paul, 1988

"On Human Diversity: Nationalism, Racism and Exoticism in French Thought", 
Harvard University Press, 1993

Some of the translated works of J. Kristeva:

"About Chinese Women", Marion Boyars Publ., 1986

"Revolution in Poetic Language", Columbia University Press, 1984

"Desire in Language.  A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art", Basil 
Blackwell, 1984

"Powers of Horror.  An Essay on Abjection", Columbia University Press, 1982

"Tales of Love", Columbia University Press, 1987

"Black Sun", Columbia University Press, 1989

"Strangers to Ourselves", Columbia University Press, 1991

23-9 Bibliography about the Turnovo Constitution
(by Veselin Velikov), last updated: 17-Mar-1997
 AUTHOR       Black, Cyril Edwin, 1915-
 TITLE        The establishment of constitutional government in Bulgaria, by 
              C. E. Black.
 PUBLISHER    Princeton, Princeton University Press; London, Oxford
              University Press, 1943.
 DESCRIPT     x, 344 p. 23 cm.
 SUBJECT      Bulgaria -- Politics and government.
              Bulgaria -- Constitutional history.
 SERIES       Princeton studies in history ; v. 1.
              Princeton University. Princeton studies in history ; v. 1.
 NOTE         Revision of thesis (Ph. D.) - Harvard university, 1941.
 BIBLIOG.     "Bibliographical essay": p. 275-290.
              Bibliographical foot-notes.

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