122. Disease and Illness
See also 32. BACTERIA ; 66. CANCER ; 130. DRUGS ; 197. HEALTH ; 224. INSANITY ; 266. MEDICAL SPECIALTIES ; 306. PAIN ; 340. RABIES ; 350. REMEDIES .
- acetonemia, acetonaemia
- a condition caused by elevated levels of acetone in the blood.
- achromatosis
- a disease characterized by an absence of pigmentation, as albinism.
- acidosis
- a condition of the blood in which the alkali reserve is lower than normal. Also called acid intoxication , autointoxication . — acidotic , adj.
- acromegaly
- a disease resulting from abnormal activity of the pituitary gland, causing bones of the extremities to become enlarged. — acromegalic , adj.
- adynamia, adynamy
- loss of strength occasioned by a disease or illness; weakness. — adynamic , adj.
- aeroembolism
- a condition caused by the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood as a result of a sudden lowering of atmospheric pressure, as when flying at high altitude or rising too rapidly from a deep underwater dive.
- aeroneurosis
- a stress condition of aviators, manifested in such physical symptoms as stomach pains, digestive problems, etc.
- aerophagy
- erratic gulping of air.
- aetiology
- etiology.
- ageusia
- the partial or complete loss of the sense of taste. Also ageustia .
- alkalosis
- a condition in which the alkali content or reserve of the body is above normal.
- aluminosis
- a respiratory disease caused by prolonged inhalation of aluminum particles.
- amygdalitis
- inflammation of one or both tonsils; tonsillitis.
- anabasis
- the progress of a disease, from onset to finish.
- analepsis, analepsy
- Obsolete, a form of epileptic attack.
- anaphylaxis
- extreme sensitivity to an antigen, causing secretion of histamine and attendant adverse reactions, sometimes fatal. — anaphylactic , adj.
- anemia, anaemia
- 1 . a lack of blood in the body.
- 2 . a low proportion of red cells in the blood. — anemic, anaemic , adj.
- anemotrophy
- insufficient nutrients in the blood.
- anergy
- 1 . a lack of strength.
- 2 . the failure of the body to respond to an allergen or antigen.
- anesis
- the remission of disease symptoms.
- ankylosis
- the stiffening of the joints of the body, a result of the formation of a fibrous or bony union.
- anorexia
- a complete lack of appetite. — anorectic, anorexic , adj.
- anorexia nervosa
- a neurotic disorder charaeterized by refusal to eat and abnormal fear of obesity, seen especially in adolescent girls. — anorectic, anorexic , adj.
- anoxia
- a condition charaeterized by insufficient oxygen in the tissues.
- anthracosis
- a disease of coal miners caused by the inhalation of coal dust.
- antipyretic
- any substance or medication effective in reducing fever. Also called febrifuge .
- apnea, apnoea
- a temporary interruption in breathing. — apneal, apneic, apnoeal, apnoeic , adj.
- argyrism, argyria
- a poisoning by silver or salts of silver, causing the skin to become ashy gray.
- arthritism
- 1 . a predisposition to gout.
- 2 . a predisposition to joint diseases. — arthritic, arthritical , adj.
- arthropathology
- the study of functional and structural changes made by diseases of the joints.
- asepticism
- the preverttion of infection by such means as sterilization.
- ataxia, ataxy
- inability to coordinate bodily movements, especially movements of the muscles. See also 301. ORDER and DISORDER .
- avitaminosis
- any disease or illness caused by an insufficiency of one or more vitamins. — avitaminotic , adj.
- blennorrhea, blennorrhoea
- an abnormal discharge of mucous matter. — blennorheal, blennorheic, blennorhoeal, blennorhoeic , adj.
- bromism
- a poisoning produced by excessive use of bromine or bromine compounds. Also brominism, bromidism .
- bulimia, boulimia
- a raging hunger or voracious appetite. — bulimic, boulimic, bulimiac, boulimiac , adj.
- bulimorexia, boulimorexia
- a psychological condition in which the person alternately gorges himself with food and fasts, often resorting to self-induced vomiting after gorging. — bulimorexic, boulimorexic , adj.
- cacesthesia
- a morbid sensation or disordered sensibility.
- cacoethes
- a chronic and overwhelming desire; mania. — cacoethic , adj.
- calciphilia
- a tendency to calcification.
- calenture
- a tropical f ever accompanied by delirium.
- carphology
- the motions of delirious or senile patients, especially motions of searching for and grasping at imaginary objects, plucking at bedclothes, etc. Also called floccilation .
- caseation
- the change in consistency of tissue to a soft, cheeselike form, as in tuberculosis.
- catabasis
- the tapering-off of a disease. — catabatic , adj.
- catalepsy
- Pathology, Psychiatry. a physical condition characterized by a loss of sensation, muscular rigidity, flxity of posture, and often by a loss of contact with surroundings. Also catalepsis. —cataleptic , adj.
- chalicosis
- a lung disease eaused by the breathing in of dust, especially stone dust.
- chloralism
- a sickness eaused by excessive use of chloral hydrate.
- chlorosis
- green sickness; a disease of girls in puberty, characterized by, among other symptoms, greenishness of the skin.
- chorea
- a disease of the nervous system characterized by jerky, involuntary movement; St. Vitus’s Dance.
- choromania
- the dancing sickness (epidemie chorea).
- cirrhosis
- a degenerative disease of the liver, marked by an excessive formation of tissue and contraction of the organ, usually brought on by chronic alcohol abuse. — cirrhotic , adj.
- clonism
- a state or condition in which the muscles undergo clonus, or rapid flexion and extension. — clonic , adj.
- coiyza
- a condition of catarrh in the nose; a head cold.
- cyanopathy
- cyanosis.
- cyanosis
- bluish discoloration of the skin caused by lack of oxygen in the bloodstream. Also cyanopathy. —cyanotic , adj.
- cypridophobia
- an abnormal fear of venereal disease. Also called venereophobia .
- cytopathology
- Medicine. the branch of pathology that studies the effects of disease on the cellular level. — cytopathologist , n. — cytopathologic, cytopathological , adj.
- delitescence
- the sudden disappearance of symptoms or of objective signs of a lesion or disease. — delitescent , adj.
- diathesis
- a susceptibility to a certain disease. — diathetic , adj.
- digitalism
- an abnormal condition caused by excessive consumption of digitalis.
- diplegia
- a form of paralysis in which similar parts on both sides of the body are affected. — diplegic , adj.
- Down’s syndrome
- mongolism.
- dysidrosis
- a condition of abnormally excessive secretion of sweat.
- dysmenorrhea
- a condition of painful menstruation.
- dyspepsia
- an impairment of the ability to digest food, usually a discomfort aftermeals. — dyspeptic , n., adj. — dyspeptical , adj.
- dysphagia, dysphagy
- a condition in which there is difnculty in swallowing. — dysphagic , adj.
- dyspnea, dyspnoea
- a condition of painful or difficult breathing. — dyspneic, dyspnoeic , adj.
- dystrophy, dystrophia
- any of various diseases characterized by weakening or defective function of the process of nutrition, resulting in degeneration of the muscles. See also 168. FOOD and NUTRITION . — dystrophic , adj.
- dysuria
- difficulty or pain in urinating.
- eclamptism
- a toxemia sometimes occurring in late pregnancy marked by Visual impairment, headache, and, occasionally, convulsions. Also eclampsia .
- ectasia
- the swelling of a hollow organ of the body, as a vein.
- edema
- abnormal collecting of fluids in the cells, tissues, and other parts of the body, causing swelling. — edematous, edematose , adj.
- emesis
- an act of vomiting. — emetic , adj.
- emmeniopathy
- disorder in the process of menstruation.
- empyema
- the collecting of pus in one of the cavities of the body, especially in the cavity containing the lungs.
- epidemic
- a disease that is widely prevalent in a particular area. — epidemical , adj. — epidemicity , n .
- epidemiography
- a work on epidemic diseases. — epidemiographer, epidemiographist , n. — epidemiographic, epidemiographical , adj.
- epigenesis
- 1 . the appearance of a secondary symptom in a disease or illness.
- 2 . the secondary symptom itself. See also 44. BIOLOGY ; 179. GEOLOGY . — epigenetic , adj.
- epilepsy
- a disease of the nervous system characterized by convulsions, often leading to unconsciousness. — epileptic , n., adj.
- epitasis
- a period of violence in the course of a disease, especially a fever.
- epithelioma
- a malignant tumor, found especially on the skin, mouth, larynx, and bladder. — epitheliomatous , adj.
- erethism
- 1 . an excessive irritability or sensibility to stimulation in any part of the body, especially the sexual organs.
- 2 . a psychic disturbance characterized by irritability, emotional instability, depression, shyness, and fatigue, often caused by toxicity. — erethistic, erethitic , adj.
- erysipelas
- an infectious disease of the skin marked by inflammation and accompanied by fever.
- erythema
- an abnormal red condition of the skin, the result of capillary congestion. — erythematous , adj.
- erythromelalgia
- a disease of the hands and feet characterized by a purplish discoloration and a sensation of burning pain. — erythromelalgic , adj.
- erythrosis
- a pathological condition characterized by a reddish color of the skin and mucous membrane.
- etiolation
- paleness of color as a result of illness or exclusion from light. See also 319. PLANTS .
- etiology, aetiology
- 1 . the branch of medical science that studies the causes of diseases and the factors underlying their spread.
- 2 . the accumulated knowledge of disease causes. — etiologist , n . — etiologic , etiological , adj.
- exanthematology
- a treatise on or study of diseases characterized by eruptions or rashes, as smallpox or measles. — exanthematologic, exanthematological , adj.
- fabism, favism
- an acute anemia caused by the consumption of fava beans or the ingestion of fava pollen.
- febrifacient
- any substance that produces a fever.
- febrifuge
- antipyretic.
- floccilation
- carphology.
- fluidism
- a theory that accounts for all diseases as related to the state of the fluids in the body. — fluidist , n.
- frambesia, framboesia
- a contagious tropical disease. Also called yaws .
- gargoylism
- an abnormal physical condition characterized by extensive structural defects of the skeleton and by gross mental deficiency.
- gastricism
- diseases and disorders of the stomach.
- glossitis
- an inflamed condition of the tongue. — glossitic , adj.
- glycophilia
- a condition in which a small amount of glucose produces hyperglycemia.
- glycosuria
- presence of glucose in the urine, as in diabetics. — glycosuric , adj.
- hemiplegia
- a condition of paralysis in which one side of the body is affected. — hemiplegic , n., adj.
- hemophilia, haemophilia
- an hereditary tendency, in males, toward a deficiency in coagulation factors in the blood. — hemophiliac, haemophiliac , n., adj.
- hepatitis
- an inflamed condition of the liver.
- herpetography
- a description of any of the skin diseases collectively referred to as herpes. — herpetographical , adj.
- hospitalism
- influences that adversely affect the mental and physical health of those being hospitalized.
- hyperdynamia
- a state of excessive energy; abnormal nervous or muscular activity.
- hyperesthesia, hyperaesthesia
- 1 . an excessive sensitivity of skin in a particular area.
- 2 . an excessive sensitivity of a particular sense, especially smell.
- 3 . a heightened sensitivity to the environment. — hyperesthetic, hyperaesthetic , adj.
- hyperglycemia
- a condition in which the level of glucose in the blood is abnormally high. — hyperglycemic , adj.
- hyperkinesia, hyperkinesis
- a condition of the body in which muscular movement is abnormally agitated. — hyperkinetic , adj.
- hyperpituitarism
- an abnormal condition of the pituitary gland that speeds up secretory activity and the growth of the endocrine organs. — hyperpituitary , adj.
- hyperpnea
- rapid breathing; abnormally rapid respiration.
- hyperpyrexia
- a condition of abnormally high fever. — hyperpyretic , adj.
- hyperthermia, hyperthermy
- an abnormally high fever, sometimes induced as treatment for disease.
- hyperthyroidism
- an abnormal thyroid condition distinguished by high metabolic rate and blood pressure and the enlargement of the thyroid. — hyperthyroid , adj.
- hypoglycemia
- a condition in which the level of glucose in the blood is abnormally low. — hypoglycemic , adj.
- hypopituitarism
- an abnormal condition of the pituitary gland that slows down the growth of and secretory activity of the endocrine organs. — hypopituitary , adj.
- hypothermia, hypothermy
- an abnormally low body temperature, sometimes induced as treatment for disease.
- hypothyroidism
- an abnormal thyroid condition marked by a low metabolic rate and loss of stamina. — hypothyroid , adj.
- hysterocatalepsy
- hysteria accompanied by catalepsy.
- hysteroepilepsy
- hysteria accompanied by epilepsy. — hysteroepileptic , adj.
- hysteropathy
- any disease, illness, or disorder of the uterus.
- hystricism
- an extreme form of a skin disease in which the skin is covered with horny prominences. Sometimes called the “porcupine disease.”
- idiopathy
- a disease or illness that is not occasioned or preceded by another. — idiopathic , adj.
- invalidism
- a condition of prolonged ill health.
- iodism
- a disease resulting from excessive intake of iodine or its compounds; iodine poisoning.
- ischialgia
- sciatica.
- isopathy
- 1 . the theory that the product of a disease can be used to cure that same disease, as in the treatment of smallpox with substance taken from the varioles.
- 2 . the belief that a diseased organ can be cured by eating the corresponding organ from a healthy animal.
- laryngitis
- an inflamed condition of the larynx, producing a sore throat and sometimes loss of voice. — laryngitic , adj.
- leontiasis
- a form of leprosy in which the face comes to resemble that of a lion.
- leucodermia, leucoderma
- a congenital deficiency of skin pigmentation that resul ts in white patches over the surface of the skin.
- leucorrhea
- a white, mucous, vaginal discharge, usually the result of an infection of the vagina. Also called the whites .
- lientery
- a variety of diarrhea in which food is excreted either partially or wholly undigested. — lienteric, adj.
- lionism
- Rare. a lionlike appearance of the face caused by leprosy; leontiasis.
- Iipoma
- a tumor consisting of fatty tissue. — lipomatous , adj.
- lipothymia, lipothymy
- fainting or a feeling of faintness; swooning; syncope. — lipothymic, lipothymous , adj.
- lithiasis
- a condition causing concretions of mineral salts, or calculi, in the pancreas, tear ducts, appendix, or kidneys.
- loimography
- the branch of medicine dealing with the description of plagues. — loimographer , n. — loimographic, loimographical , adj.
- loimology
- Rare. the study of pestilential diseases and plagues.
- luetism
- the venereal disease syphilis in any of three stages; lues. — luetic , adj.
- malariology
- Rare. the study of malaria. — malariologist , n.
- marasmus
- 1 . a wasting away or atrophying of the body in the absence of disease.
- 2 . the progressive emaciation that results from malnutrition. — marasmic , adj.
- maturation
- suppuration, or the formation and discharge of pus. — maturative , adj.
- melanopathia, melanopathy
- 1 . an abnormal increase in the amount of pigment deposited in the skin or tissues.
- 2 . any disease characterized by this condition.
- melanuria
- 1 . abnormal darkness of the urine.
- 2 . discharge of abnormally dark urine. — melanuric , adj.
- mercurialism
- chronic poisoning with mercury from either excessive medication or industrial exposure.
- merycism
- Pathology. a rare disease in which food is chewed, swallowed, and then returned to the mouth and chewed again.
- mescalism
- addiction to mescal, a narcotic derived from the cactus Lophophora williamsii.
- metabasis
- an alteration in the nature of a disease or in its treatment. Also metabola, metabole . — metabatic , adj.
- meteorism
- Medicine. a tendency to uncontrollable flatulence. Also called tympanites .
- molysomophobia
- an abnormal fear of infection.
- mongolism
- Medicine. the abnormal condition of a child born mentally deficient, with a flattened skull, narrow slanting eyes, and a short, flat-bridged nose. Now usually called Down’s syndrome. — mongolic , adj.
- monopathy
- a disease that affects only one part of the body.
- myiasis
- any disease resulting from infestation of the body tissues or cavities by flies.
- myxedema, myxoedema
- a disease resulting from the decreased function of the thyroid, characterized by a slowing down of mental and physical activity and thickening and drying of the skin. — myxedematous, myxedoematous , adj.
- myxochondroma
- myxoma together with ehondroma. — myxochondromatous , adj.
- myxodennia
- an acute disease characterized by ecchymoses, softening of the skin, and the contraction of certain muscles.
- myxolipoma
- myxoma together with lipoma.
- myxoma
- a soft tumor formed of gelatinous tissue. — myxomatous , adj.
- myxomatosis
- an infectious, highly fatal, virus disease of rabbits, transmitted by mosquitoes.
- narcolepsy
- a condition characterized by an uncontrollable desire for sleep or sudden onsets of sleep. — narcoleptic , adj.
- nephritis
- any of various acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys involving inflammation, degeneration, etc. — nephritic, nephritical , adj.
- nicotinism
- the condition produced by an excessive use of tobacco. Also called tabacism, tabagism, tobaccoism .
- nosography
- the description of the symptoms and etiology of diseases. — nosographer , n. — nosographic, nosographical , adj.
- nosology
- the branch of medical science that classifies diseases. Also nosonomy . — nosologist , n . — nosologic, nosological , adj.
- nosomania
- an obsession with imagined disease. Also hypochondriacism .
- nosonomy
- nosology.
- nosophilia
- an excessive, abnormal desire to be sick. Also called pathophilia .
- nosophobia
- an abnormal fear of contracting disease.
- oligidria
- a condition in which the body is deficient in the secretion of sweat.
- orthopnea, orthopny
- a respiratory ailment in which the sufferer can breathe only when standing upright. — orthopneic , adj.
- oxyesthesia
- a condition in which the senses are abnormally sharp.
- palatoplegia
- paralysis of the palate.
- paludism
- the state of having symptoms of malaria characterized by high fever and chills.
- pandemia, pandemy
- an epidemic of unusually large proportions, affecting most of the inhabitants of a certain area at the same time. — pandemic , adj., n .
- pangermism
- the theory that all disease is caused by germs.
- paragraphia
- Pathology. a form of aphasia in which the subject writes one word in place of another. — paragraphic , adj.
- paralysis
- loss of the ability to move or feel in part or all of the body, usually a result of nerve or muscle injury or dysfunction. — paralytic, paralytical , adj.
- paresis
- a state or process of partial paralysis. — paretic , adj.
- Parkinsonism
- a chronic condition of the nervous system marked especially by muscle tremors.
- parotitis
- a swollen or inflamed condition of the parotid. Also called mumps . — parotitic , adj.
- pathogenicity
- the capacity of a microorganism to produce disease. — pathogenic , adj.
- pathology
- 1 . the branch of medical science that studies the origin, nature, and course of diseases.
- 2 . the conditions and processes of a disease. — pathologist , n . — pathologic, pathological , adj.
- pathophilia
- nosophilia.
- pathophobia
- an abnormal fear of disease.
- pertussis
- whooping cough. — pertussal , adj.
- pharmacomania
- a mania for medicines.
- pharyngism
- a spasm in the throat.
- phorology
- the branch of medical science that studies disease carriers and epidemic or endemic diseases. — phorologist , n .
- phthisiology
- the body of knowledge accumulated about tuberculosis.
- phthisiomania
- an abnormal interest in tuberculosis.
- phthisis
- any disease causing a wasting away of part or all of the body, especially tuberculosis; consumption. — phthisic, phthisical , adj.
- physiogenic
- somatogenic.
- pneumoconiosis
- any of various chronic lung diseases caused by the inhalation of dust particles.
- pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
- a disease caused by the prolonged inhalation of fine siliceous dust. Also spelled pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis .
- pollinosis
- hay f ever.
- polyphagia, polyphagy
- Pathology. excessive appetite or excessive eating.
- poriomania
- an unconscious tendency to walk away from home; ambulatory automatism.
- prodromata
- (pl.) the symptoms that appear before the outbreak of a disease. Also called prodrome . — prodromatic , adj.
- psychogenesis
- the appearance of physical symptoms as a result of emotional problems. — psychogenic, psychogenetic , adj.
- psychogenicity
- a medical theory that the cause of some illnesses is psychological and emotional and not organic. — psychogenic , adj.
- psychopathy
- a disorder of the mind. — psychopathic , adj.
- pyretography
- a treatise describing fevers. — pyretographer , n. — pyretographic , adj.
- pyretology
- a branch of medical science that studies fevers and their treatment.
- pyrosis
- a burning feeling in the stomach and esophagus, sometimes accompanied by the belching of acid fluid; heartburn.
- recrudescence
- the return of an illness after a period of remission. — recrudescent , adj.
- rheumatism
- any disorder of the connective tissue structures of the body, especially those in the back or the extremities, characterized by pain or stiffness. — rheumatic , adj.
- rheumatology
- the branch of medical science that studies rheumatism. — rheumatologist , n .
- sanies
- a thin fluid, sometimes greenish, discharged from wounds or sores. — sanious , adj.
- sarcoma
- any of various malignant tumors formed in connective tissue. See also 66. CANCER . — sarcomatous, sarcomatoid , adj.
- sarcotnatosis
- a condition in which sarcomas spread throughout the body.
- sciatica
- a painful condition in the region of the thighs and hips caused by neuritis of the sciatic nerve in the back of the thigh.
- sclerosis
- a hardening of body tissues or other parts, as by an excessive growth of fibrous connective tissue. See also 319. PLANTS — sclerotic , adj.
- scorbuticism
- the condition of having scurvy. — scorbutic , adj.
- semeiography
- Pathology. the science of description of symptoms. — semeiographer , n . — semeiographic, semeiographical , adj.
- semeiology
- symptomatology.
- sialism, sialismus
- excessive salivation, often a sign of poisoning.
- siderosis
- 1 . a disease caused by the inhalation of iron particles.
- 2 . an abnormal amount of iron deposits in the body.
- silicosis
- a disease of the lungs caused by prolonged inhalation of silica dust, an occupational disease of quarry-workers.
- sinapism
- the use of mustard piaster for medical purposes.
- solidism
- a doctrine that relates all diseases to the state of the solid parts of the body. — solidist , n. — solidistic , adj.
- somatism
- the belief that emotional and mental disorders are of physical origin and caused by bodily lesions. — somatist , n .
- somatogenic
- originating in the body or the cells of the body, as a disease. Also called physiogenic .
- spasmatomancy
- a form of divination used to foretell disease by observing spasms or twitching of the potential sufferer’s body.
- spasmophilia
- an extreme tendency to convulsions. — spasmophile , n .
- suppuration
- the formation and discharge of pus. Also called maturation .
- symptomatology
- 1 . the branch of medical science that studies the symptoms of diseases.
- 2 . the combined symptoms of a particular disease. Also called semeiology . — symptomatologic, symptomatological , adj.
- symptosis
- a gradual wasting away of the body or of any organ or part of the body.
- syntexis
- the wasting of the body, as in consumption. — syntectic, syntectical , adj.
- tabacism
- nicotinism. Alsospelled tabagism .
- tabacosis
- poisoning or respiratory disease caused by tobacco smoking.
- tabescence
- 1 . the process of emaciation or wasting of the body.
- 2 . the condition of being wasted or in decay, especially as a gradual process. — tabescent , adj.
- tabitude
- the state of being affected by tabes or by gradual wasting or decay.
- tachypnea, tachypnoea
- abnormally rapid breathing or respiration.
- tarantism
- a variety of dancing mania, popularly thought to be caused by the bite of a tarantula and to be cured by dancing.
- thrombophilia
- a tendency to the occurrence of thrombosis or abnormal blood clotting.
- thyroidism
- a condition caused by overactivity of the thyroid gland or excessive doses of thyroid.
- tobaccoism
- nicotinism. Also tabacism, tabagism .
- tomomania
- an obsession with surgery.
- tomophobia
- an abnormal fear of surgical operations.
- traumatophilia
- a condition in which a patient takes a subconscious delight in injuries or surgical operations.
- trypanophobia
- an abnormal fear of vaccines and vaccination. Also called vaccinophobia .
- tympanism
- an accumulation of gas in the abdominal tract that causes a distension of the abdomen. — tympanitic , adj.
- typhomania
- the delirium that accompanies typhus or typhoid fever.
- uridrosis
- a condition in which urine or its constituents appear in the perspiration.
- vaccinophobia
- trypanophobia.
- valetudinarianism
- the condition of being overly concerned with one’s health. — valetudinarian , n., adj.
- vanillism
- an itching condition caused by excessive handling of vanilla.
- venereophobia
- cypridophobia.
- virilism
- 1 . the early development of secondary masculine characteristics in a male.
- 2 . the appearance of secondary masculine characteristics in a female. — virility , n.
- xanthoma
- a skin disease characterized by the formation of yellow neoplastic growths, affecting especially the eyelids. Also called xanthelasma . — xanthomatous , adj.
- xerostomia
- an abnormal dryness of the mouth, caused by lack of normal secretion of saliva.
- zoonosis
- any disease of lower animals that may be transmitted to man. — zoonotic , adj.
- zymosis Rare.
- 1 . a process, similar to fermentation, thought to be the cause of infectious disease.
- 2 . a disease so caused. See also 158. FERMENTATION — zymotic , adj.
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