266. Medical Specialties
See also 14. ANATOMY ; 122. DISEASE and ILLNESS ; 130. DRUGS ; 197. HEALTH ; 350. REMEDIES ; 388. SURGERY .
- adenography
- the science of the description of glands. —adenographic , adj.
- adenology
- the branch of medicine concerned with the study of the glands. —adenological , adj. —adenologist , n.
- aeromedicine
- the medical specialty concerned with the health of those engaged in flying within the earth’s atmosphere.
- allergist
- a physician who specializes in the treatment of allergies.
- allergology
- the branch of medicine dealing with the study of allergies. —allergologist , n.
- anaplasty
- Obsolete, any restorative or plastic surgery.
- anatomy
- the study and description of the body. —anatomist , n. —anatomie , adj.
- anesthesiology, anaesthesiology
- the branch of medical science that studies anesthesia and anesthetics. —anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologist, anesthetist, anaesthetist , n.
- arthrography
- the branch of anatomy dealing with the description of the joints.
- arthrology
- the study and treatment of the joints.
- audiology
- 1. the branch of medical science that studies hearing, especially impaired hearing.
- 2. the treatment of persons with impaired hearing. —audiologist , n.
- autophony
- a form of auscultation in which the practitioner learns the condition of the patient’s chest from the way in which his own voice is modified as he speaks against the chest. See also 111. DEAFNESS .
- bacterioscopy
- the study or examination of bacteria using a microscope. —bacterioscopist , n.
- biopsy
- the removal of a fragment of living tissue from the body for medical study. —bioptic , adj.
- bioscopy
- the process of examining a body to find out if it is alive.
- cardiology
- the study, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. —cardiologist , n. —cardiological , adj.
- choledology
- a medical treatise on bile.
- chondrology
- the branch of medical science that studies cartilages.
- dentistry
- the science and profession that treats the diseases and malformations of the teeth, gums, and mouth. —dentist , n.
- dermatologist
- a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin and integument.
- desmopathology
- the study of diseases that affect the ligaments or tendons.
- diagnostics
- the branch of medical science that deals with diagnosis.
- electrophysiology
- the branch of physiology that concerns itself with the electrical phenomena of living organisms. —electrophysiological , adj.
- electrotherapeutics
- the treatment of disease by electrical shock and other techniques using electricity. Also called electrotherapy . —electrotherapeutic, electrotherapeutical , adj.
- electrotherapy
- electrotherapeutics. —electrotherapist , n.
- emetology
- the study of agents that cause vomiting. —emetic , n., adj.
- emmenology
- that branch of medicine that deals with menstruation and its related disorders. —emmenologist , n.
- endocrinology
- the branch of medical science concerned with endocrine glands and their secretions. —endocrinologist , n. —endocrinologie, endocrinological , adj.
- endodontist
- a dentist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the pulp and periapical tissues of the teeth.
- enterology
- the study of the intestines. —enterologic, enterological , adj. —enterologist , n.
- epidemiology
- 1. the study of the relationships of the various factors determining the frequency and distribution of diseases in a human community.
- 2. the field of medicine that attempts to determine the exact causes of localized outbreaks of disease. —epidemiologist , n. —epidemiologie, epidemiological , adj.
- exodontist
- a dentist who specializes in the extraction of teeth.
- Galenism
- the medical system of Galen, a blend of humoralism and Pythagorean number lore. —galenic , adj.
- gastroenterologist
- a physician, usually an internist, who specializes in diseases of the stomach, intestine and associated organs.
- gastrology
- the study of stomach functions and disorders. —gastrologist, gastrologer, n. —gastrological , adj.
- geriatrician
- a physician who specializes in the care of the elderly.
- geriatrics
- 1. the science dealing with the diseases, debilities, and care of aged persons.
- 2. the study of the physical process and problems of aging; gerontology. —geriatrie , adj. —geriatrist, geriatrician, geriatry , n.
- gerodontics
- a dental specialty concerned with the care and treatment of the dental problems of the aged. —gerodontist , n.
- gynecologist
- a physician who specializes in the care, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the female reproductive system.
- helcology
- the branch of medical science that studies ulcers. —helcologist , n.
- heparology
- the branch of medical science that studies the liver. — heparologist , n.
- hepatology
- the study and treatment of the liver. —hepatologist , n. —hepatological , adj.
- herniology
- Pathology. 1. the study and treatment of hernias.
- 2. a work on hernias. —herniologist , n. —herniologic, herniological , adj.
- heterology
- 1. an abnormality in tissue structure, arrangement, or manner of formation.
- 2. the study of abnormalities in tissue structure or organization. —heterologous , adj.
- hysterology
- scientific study of the uterus.
- iamatology
- the branch of medicine that deals with remedies.
- iatrology
- 1. the science of medicine or healing.
- 2. Rare. a treatise on medicine and physicians.
- immunogenetics
- 1. the branch of immunology that studies immunity in relation to genetic formation.
- 2. the study of genetic relationships between animals by comparing immunological reactions. —immunogenetic , adj.
- immunology
- the branch of biomedical science that studies immunity from disease and the production of such immunity. —immunologist , n. —immunologie, immunological , adj.
- industrialist
- a physician who specializes in industrial medical problems.
- internist
- a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of disease.
- ischidrosis
- suppression of the process of perspiration.
- kinesiatrics
- the branch of medicine that concerns itself with muscular exercise as a cure for disease. Also called kinesipathy .
- laryngology
- the study and treatment of the larynx. —laryngologist , n. —laryngological , adj.
- leprology
- the brand of medical science that studies leprosy and its treatment. —leprologist , n.
- lingism
- Rare. a gymnastic treatment for disease, named after a Swedish physician, Peter H. Ling.
- lymphography
- a description of the origin and function of the lymphatic system.
- merology
- the study and treatment of body fluids and elementary tissues.
- naprapathy
- a healing system based on the theory that disease or illness is caused by strained ligaments and other problems of connective tissue and can be treated by massage. —naprapath , n.
- neonatology
- the art and science of diagnosis and treatment of the newborn. —neonatologist , n.
- nephrology
- the branch of medical science that studies the kidneys. —nephrologist , n.
- neurologist
- a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nerves and nervous system.
- neuromechanism
- the structure and arrangement of the nervous system in relation to function.
- neuropath
- a physician who specializes in diseases or disorders of the nerves. Also neuropathist .
- neuropathology
- the branch of medicine that studies and treats the morphological and other features of nervous system disease. —neuropathologist , n. —neuropathologic, neuropathological , adj.
- obstetrics
- the branch of medicine that specializes in care of women before, during and after childbirth. —obstetrician , n. —obstetric, obstetrical , adj.
- oncology
- 1. the study of tumors.
- 2. the totality of medical knowledge concerning tumors. —oncologist , n. —oncologic , adj.
- ophthalmology
- the medical specialty that studies and treats diseases of the eye. —ophthalmologist , n. —ophthalmological , adj.
- opotherapy
- the treatment of illness and disease with extracts made from certain glands of animals, as the thyroid or adrenal glands. Also called organotherapy .
- organicism
- 1. the theory that all symptoms are due to organic disease.
- 2. the theory that each of the organs of the body has its own special constitution. —organicist , n. —organicistic , adj.
- organotherapy
- opotherapy.
- orthodontics
- the branch of dentistry that specializes in treatment of malformed teeth and oral problems. —orthodontist , n. —orthodontic , adj.
- orthopathy
- the treatment of illness or disease without the use of drugs.
- orthopedics
- the branch of surgery that is specially concerned with the preservation and restoration of function of the skeletal system, its articulations, and associated structures. —orthopedist , n. —orthopedic , adj.
- orthopraxy, orthopraxis
- the use of mechanical apparatus or devices to correct bodily deformities.
- orthopsychiatry
- the branch of psychiatry that deals with incipient disorders of mind and conduct, especially in childhood and youth. —orthopsychiatrist , n. —orthopsychiatric, orthopsychiatrical , adj.
- osteology
- 1. the scientific study of bones and their diseases.
- 2. the totality of medical knowledge concerning the bones of the skeletal system. Also called skeletology . —osteologist , n. —osteologie, osteological , adj.
- osteopathy
- a medical specialty that emphasizes manipulation of the skeleton to treat illnesses. —osteopath , n. —osteopathie , adj.
- otolaryngology
- the medical practice dealing with the ear, nose, and throat; otology and laryngology combined for medical study or practice. —otolaryngologist , n. —otolaryngological , adj.
- otology
- the medical specialty that studies and treats diseases of the ear. —otologist , n. —otological , adj.
- otorhinolaryngology
- otolaryngology. —otorhinolaryngologist , n. —otorhino-laryngologic, otorhinolaryngological , adj.
- pathognomy
- the study of the signs that reveal certain physical conditions. —pathognomonic , adj.
- pathology
- the branch of medicine that specializes in the study of disease. —pathologist , n.
- pediatrics
- the branch of medicine that specializes in the care of infants, children and adolescents. —pediatrician , n. —pediatrie , adj.
- pedodontics
- the branch of dentistry that specializes in the care of children’s teeth. —pedodontist , n. —pedodontic , adj.
- pharmacomania
- a mania for medicines.
- pharyngology
- Physiology. the study and treament of the pharynx. —pharyngologist , n. —pharyngological , adj.
- phonocardiography
- stethography, def. 2.
- physiatrics
- the medical use of natural, nonmanufactured agents. —physiatrical , adj.
- physiatrist
- a physician who specializes in the use of physical therapy for treatment or rehabilitation following disease, trauma, or surgery.
- physiology
- 1. the branch of medical science that studies the functions of living organisms or their parts.
- 2. the organic processes or functions of an organism or any of its parts. —physiologist , n. —physiologic, physiological , adj.
- pneodynamics
- the study of the forces involved in respiration.
- pneumatography
- a procedure for tracing the movements of the chest in respiration, obtained with a pneumatograph. —pneumatogram , n.
- posology
- 1. the science of medicinal dosage.
- 2. a system of dosage. —posologic, posological , adj.
- proctology
- the branch of medicine concerned with the disorders of the rectum and anus. —proctologist , n. —proctologic, proctological , adj.
- prosthetics
- the branch of surgery dealing with the replacement of missing limbs or organs with artificial substitutes. —prosthetic , adj.
- psychiatry
- the branch of medicine that is concerned with the study, treatment, and prevention of mental illness, using both medical and psychological therapies. —psychiatrist , n. —psychiatrie , adj.
- psychopathology
- 1. the branch of medicine that studies the causes and nature of mental disease.
- 2. the pathology of mental disease. —psychopathologist , n. —psychopathologie, psychopathological , adj.
- psychopharmacology
- the study of drugs that effect emotional and mental states. —psychopharmacologic, psychopharmacological , adj.
- psychosomatics
- the branch of medical science that studies the relation between psychical and emotional states and physical symptoms. —psychosomaticist , n. —psychosomatic , adj.
- radiology
- the medical specialty involving the use of radiation for diagnosis and therapy. —radiologist , n. —radiologie, radiological , adj.
- radiotherapy
- the treatment of diseases, especially malignant cancer, with radium or other radioactive substances. Also called radium therapy .
- radiothermy
- a form of therapy using heat from a shortwave radio or diathermy apparatus.
- roentgenology, röntgenology
- the science and use of x rays, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of illness and disease. —roentgenologist, röntgenologist , n.
- roentgenotherapy, röntgenotherapy
- treatment of disease and illness by means of x rays.
- sarcology
- Archaic. the anatomy of the soft parts of the body. Cf. osteology .
- serology
- 1. the science of the preparation and use of serums.
- 2. the study of serums. —serologist , n. —serological , adj.
- serotherapy
- treatment of illness or disease by means of serum obtained from inoculated animals.
- spirometry
- the measurement of the breathing capacity of the lungs. —spirometer , n.
- stethography
- 1. the use of a recording instrument to register movements of the chest.
- 2. the use of an instrument to record sounds made by the action of the heart. Also called phonocardiography . —stethographic , adj.
- stomatology
- the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the mouth. —stomatologist , n. —stomatologic, stomatological , adj.
- syndesmology
- the anatomy of the ligaments of the body; the science or study of ligaments.
- tenography
- the scientific description of the tendons. —tenographic, tenographical , adj.
- tenology
- the study and treatment of the tendons.
- thereology
- the art of healing. —thereologist , n.
- toxicology
- the scientific study of poisons, their detection and actions, and the treatment of the conditions they cause. —toxicologist , n. —toxicologie, toxicological , adj.
- traumatology
- the science of wounds and their treatment. —traumatologist , n.
- urethroscopy
- the use of the urethroscope to examine the urethra.
- urinology
- urology, def. 2.
- urinometry
- measurement of the specific gravity of urine, by means of an urinometer.
- urinoscopy, uroscopy
- examination of the urine for diagnostic purposes. —urinoscopic, uroscopic , adj.
- urology
- 1. a treatise on urine.
- 2. the branch of medicine that studies diseases of the kidneys, of the urinary tract, etc. Also called urinology .
- 3. Obsolete , the study of the composition and production of urine. —urologist , n. —urologie, urological , adj.
- venereology
- the study of the diseases that are communicated by sexual intercourse. —venereologist , n. —venereological , adj.
- virology
- the branch of medical science that studies viruses and the diseases they cause. —virologist , n. —virological , adj.
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