111. Deafness

See also 132. EAR ; 198. HEARING

a type of ear trumpet used by the deaf.
an acronym for the American Sign Language for the Deaf, a system of communication through gestures and hand signals.
loss or absence of the power of hearing.
a form of deafness in which the sufferer hears only his own voice, and that very loudly. See also 266. MEDICAL SPECIALTIES .
dactylology, dactyliology
the technique of communicating through signs made with the fingers, as in the manual alphabet for the deaf.
the condition of lacking both hearing and speech. Also called surdomutism . — deafmute , n .
the teaching of communication through the use of hand signals to the deaf. — manualist , n.
1. the principles of the oral method of training the deaf, as lip reading.
2. the support or practice of these principles. Cf. manualism. — oralist , n.
a hearing device for the deaf that is placed against the upper teeth so it can transmit vibrations to the auditory nerve through the bones of the skull.
defective sense of hearing. Also paracousia .
a procedure for producing visible records of sound waves or speech sounds, especially to assist the deaf in using the telephone. Also called visible speech . — phonautographic , adj.
Pathology. the degree of deafness that is sufficient to block the acquisition of speech by normal means.
deafmutism. — surdomute , n .

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