130. Drugs
See also 122. DISEASE and ILLNESS ; 350. REMEDIES .
- adjuvant
- Medicine . a substance added to a medicinal preparation to assist the action of the principal ingredient.
- alcoholomania
- an obsession with alcohol.
- apothecary
- 1 . apharmacy.
- 2 . a pharmacist.
- barbiturism
- a condition of chronic poisoning caused by excessive use of barbiturates.
- cannabism
- 1 . addiction to marijuana.
- 2 . a toxic condition caused by excessive use of marijuana.
- cataphoresis
- the introduction of drugs into the body by means of an electric current.
- chloroformism
- a condition caused by the habitual use of chloroform.
- cinchonism
- a toxic condition owing to excessive use of cinchona and marked by headache, dizziness, and ringing in the ears. Also called quininism , quinism .
- cinchonology
- a branch of pharmacology that studies cinchona and its derivatives, as quinine and quinidine. Also called quinology .
- cocainism
- the condition of being addicted to cocaine.
- cubebism
- a toxic condition caused by smoking cubeb or Java pepper, formerly dried and crushed for medicinal purposes.
- diatesseron
- Obsolete Pharmacy . a mixture of four medicines in syrup or honey.
- dosimetry
- dosiology. See also 264. MEASUREMENT ; 342. RADIATION . — dosimetrist , n . — dosimetric , dosimetrical , adj .
- dosiology, dosology
- the study and determination of the doses in which medicines should be administered. Also called dosimetry .
- electuary
- a preparation consisting of pulverized medication mixed with honey.
- etheromania
- a mania for ether.
- formulary
- a book or Hst of medicines, with formulas and instructions for their preparation.
- galactopoietic
- any substance that stimulates the production and flow of milk. — galactopoietic , adj .
- hallucinogen
- a substance that induces hallucinations. — hallucinogenic , adj .
- laudanum
- tincture of opium or any preparation, especially in liquid form, in which opium is the main ingredient.
- lethomania
- a mania for narcotics.
- magma
- a pharmaceutical preparation in which precipitated matter is suspended in a watery substance. See also 179. GEOLOGY . — magmatic , adj .
- meconism
- an addiction to opium; opium eating. Also called meconophagism .
- meconology
- Rare . a treatise on the opium poppy.
- morphinism
- the condition produced by the excessive use of morphine. — morphinist , n .
- morphiomania
- an addiction to and intense craving for morphine. Also morphinmania .
- narcohypnosis
- hypnosis with the aid of drugs.
- narcomania
- an abnormal desire for drugs.
- narcosis, narcoma
- a condition of stupor or unconsciousness induced by drugs.
- narcosynthesis
- a form of treatment for mental illness that involves placing the patient under the influence of a narcotic.
- narcoticism, narcotism
- 1 . the narcosis or narcoma induced by drugs.
- 2 . an addiction to drugs.
- opiomania
- an addiction to opium.
- opiophagism, opiophagy
- the habitual use of opium.
- opiumism
- the excessive and habitual use of opium.
- pharmaceutics
- the science of pharmacy or pharmacology.
- pharmacodynamics
- the division of pharmacology concerned with the action and breakdown of drugs in the body. — pharmacodynamic , pharmacodynamical , adj .
- pharmacognosy, pharmacognosia, pharmacognosis, pharmacognostics
- the branch of pharmacology that studies the composition, use, and history of drugs. — pharmacognosist , n . — pharmacognostic , adj .
- pharmacography
- the description of drugs and their effects.
- pharmacology, pharmacologia
- the branch of medical science that studies the preparation, uses, and effects of drugs. — pharmacologist , n . — pharmacologic , pharmacological , adj .
- pharmacopedics, pharmacopedia
- the branch of medical science that studies drugs and medicinal preparations. — parmacopedic , adj .
- pharmacophobia
- an abnormal fear of drugs.
- pharmacopoeia
- a book, usually of an official nature, containing a list of approved drugs and medicines, with information regarding their properties, preparation, and use. Also called antidotary .
- 2 . a pharmacist’s stock of drugs.
- pharmacopolist
- an apothecary or pharmacist.
- pharmacy
- 1 . the art of preparing drugs and medicines, especially the discovery of new varieties.
- 2 . the place where drugs are prepared, dispensed, or sold. Also called apothecary .
- 3 . a drug therapy. — pharmacist , n .
- potomania
- 1 . an excessive tendency to drink alcoholic beverages.
- 2 . delirium tremens. Also called tromomania.
- quininism, quinism
- cinchonism.
- sudorific
- a medicine or other substance that causes or stimulates sweating. Also called diaphoretic, hidrotic. — sudorific , adj .
- synergism, synergy
- the joint action of agents, as drugs, that, taken together, produce a greater effect than the sum of their individual effects. — synergistic , adj .
- tabacism, tabagism
- addietion to tobacco; poisoning from excessive use of tobacco. Also tobaccoism .
- teaism
- the habitual use of tea.
- theriac, theriaca
- a compound of sixty-four drugs made into an electuary, formerly used as an antidote for poison. Also called Venice Treacle . — theriac , theriacal , therial , adj .
- tincture
- Pharmacy . a medicinal substance in soluble form, especially in a solution of alcohol.
- toxicomania
- an addietion to drugs, especially opium or cocaine.
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