264. Measurement
See also 226. INSTRUMENTS .
- acetimetry
- the measurement of the relative amount of acetic acid in a given subtance. —acetimetrical , adj.
- acidimetry
- Chemistry. the determination of the amount of free acid in a liquid. —acidimeter , n. —acidimetrical , adj.
- algometry
- measurement of pain by means of an algometer.
- atmidometry
- the measurement of evaporation in the air. —atmidometer , n.
- autometry
- 1. the measurement of oneself.
- 2. the measurement of a part of a figure as a fraction of the total figure’s height. —autometric , adj.
- baculometry
- the measurement of distance or lines by means of a stave or staff.
- chorometry
- the science of land surveying.
- chronoscopy
- accurate measurement of short intervals of time by means of a chronoscope. —chronoscopic , adj.
- cosmometry
- the science of measuring the universe.
- cryometry
- the measurement of extremely low temperatures, by means of a cryometer.
- cyclometry
- the measurement of circles.
- dosimetry
- the measurement by a dosimeter of the dosage of radiation a per-son has received. See also 130. DRUGS . —dosimetrist , n. —dosimetric, dosimetrical , adj.
- erythrocytometry
- measurement of the red blood cells in the blood, by use of an erythrocytometer.
- eudiometry
- the science of measuring and analyzing gases by means of a eudiometer.
- fluorometry
- the measurement of fluorescence, or visible radiation, by means of a fluorometer. —fluorometric , adj.
- galvanometry
- the measurement of the strength of electric currents, by means of a galvanometer. —galvanometric, galvanometrical , adj.
- gasometry
- the measurement of the amounts of the gases in a mixture. —gasometer , n. —gasometric, gasometrical , adj.
- goniometry
- the practice or theory of measuring angles, especially by means of a goniometer.
- halometry
- the measurement of the dimensions and angles of the planes of salt crystals. —halometer , n.
- heliometry
- the practice of measuring the angular distance between stars by means of a heliometer. —heliometric, heliometrical , adj.
- horometry
- the art or science of measuring time. —horometrical , adj.
- hypsometry
- the measurement of altitude and heights, especially with refer-ence to sea level. —hypsometric, hypsometrical , adj.
- indigometry
- the practice and art of determining the strength and coloring power of an indigo solution.
- isometry
- equality of measure. —isometric, isometrical , adj.
- konimetry
- the measurement of impurities in the air by means of a konimeter. —konimetric , adj.
- kymography, cymography
- 1. the measuring and recording of variations in fluid pressure, as blood pressure.
- 2. the measuring and recording of the angular oscillations of an aircraft in flight, with respect to an axis or axes flxed in space. —kymograph , n. —kymographic , adj.
- megameter
- Rare. an instrument for measuring large objects. See also 178. GEOGRAPHY .
- mensuration
- 1. the act, process, or science of measurement.
- 2. the branch of geometry dealing with measurement of length, area, or volume. —mensurate, mensurational , adj.
- metrology
- the study and science of measures and weights. —metrologist , n. —metrological , adj.
- osmometry
- the measurement of osmotic pressure, or the force a dissolved substance exerts on a semipermeable membrane through which it cannot pass when separated by it from a pure solvent. —osmometric , adj.
- osteometry
- the measurement of bones.
- oxidimetry
- the determination or estimation of the quantity of oxide formed on a substance. —oxidimetric , adj.
- pantometry
- Obsolete, the realm of geometrical measurements, taken as a whole. —pantometer , n. —pantometric, pantometrical , adj.
- piezometry
- the measurement of pressure or compressibility, as with a piezometer. —piezometric , adj.
- plastometry
- the measurement of the plasticity of materials, as with a plastometer. —plastometric , adj.
- pulmometry
- the measurement of the capacity of the lungs. —pulmometer , n.
- pyrometry
- the measurement of temperatures greater than 1500 degrees Celsius. —pyrometer , n. —pyrometric, pyrometrical , adj.
- radiometry
- the measurement of radiant energy by means of a radiometer. —radiometric , adj.
- rheometry
- the measurement of electric current, usually with a galvanometer. —rheometric , adj.
- stadia
- a means of surveying in which distances are measured by reading intervals on a graduated rod intercepted by two parallel cross hairs in the telescope of a surveying instrument. —stadia , adj.
- stereometry
- 1. the process of determining the volume and dimensions of a solid.
- 2. the process of determining the specific gravity of a liquid. —stereometric , adj.
- tachymetry
- the measurement of distance, height, elevation, etc., with a tachymeter.
- telemetry
- the science or use of the telemeter; long-distance measurement.
- turbidimetry
- the measurement of the turbidity of water or other fluids, as with a turbidimeter. —turbidimetric , adj.
- urinometry
- measurement of the specific gravity of urine, by means of an urinometer.
- volumenometry
- the measurement of the volume of a solid body by means of a volumenometer.
- volumetry
- the measurement of the volume of solids, gases, or liquids; volumetric analysis. —volumetric, volumetrical , adj.
- zoometry
- the measurement and comparison of the sizes of animals and their parts. —zoometric , adj.
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