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Archive-name: tv/x-files/uk-faq/part3
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 30 September 1996
Version: 3.82

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Part 3 of The UK TXF FAQ

Snail Mail Contact Addresses

Chris Carter

 Chris Carter can be contacted via

Chris Carter
Executive Producer "The X-Files"
c/o Fox Broadcasting Company
PO Box 900
Beverly Hills
CA 90213

David Duchovney / Gillian Anderson

(actors name)
c/o X-Files Production Office
North Shore Studios
Building 10
110-555 Brooksbank Avenue
North Vancouver
B.C. V7J 3S5

Manga Publishing

 See the sectionMerchandise, Fan Clubs, Fanzines & Books

Harper Collins

Harper Collins Publishers
77-85 Fulham Palace Road
W6 8JB

Electronic Media

 Consists of :-

 * EMail Addresses
 * WWW Sites
 * FTP Addresses
 * Mailing Lists
 * Other X-Files Usenet Groups
 * Other FAQ's Available

 Charles Kennedy,Vice President of Programming Research at The Fox
Network.The address is: you send e-mail, indicate
"X Files" in the subject line.

 The X Files production company has e-mail addresses through
Delphi.Chris Carter does not have an official e-mail address.

     WWW Sites throughout the world.

 The main web site is Rutgers, this was the first and has acted as a
blueprint for many others.  All of the major documents that you will
require can be found here.  There are many others though with a huge
amount of audio, galleries and guides to download.


 * [] Rutgers site - The original
X-Files Web site.
Charles McGrew, Rutgers State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

 * [] Fox X-Files site - The official X-Files
Web site.
20th Century Fox Television, USA

 * [] Terminal X -
Beautiful and complete.
Steven R. Banks, Neosoft, Houston, Texas, USA

 * [] GATB Home Page - GA
FAQ and photo gallery.
Enrico Cantu, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA

 * [] The X-Files - Links and
episode reviews.
Enrico Cantu, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA

 * [] The WWW Home Page - Lot's of pictures and text.
Colin D. Cashman, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Massachusetts,

 * [] FBI X-Files
division - FAQ's, images and paranormal stuff.
Liem Bahneman, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA

 * [] The Relationshipper Website -
Were Dana and Mulder destined to be togehther?
Amy, Leikin and Michele, InfoCom Networks, Houston, USA

 * [] Sam's X-Files Home Page
-  FAQ's, Roswell, links and more.
Sam Ziegler, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

 * [] The X-Files -
Pictures, audio, text and links.
Roy Kidder, Infinet, USA

 * [] J's X-Files Home Page - Other
XF sites and UFO pictures/info.
Cybervox, InterPath, North Carolina, USA

 * [] The X-Files -
Pictures and links to other sites.
Stephen B. Wright, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA

 * [] X-Files Resources - Some
good pictures and links.
James Mellicant, Aequalis, USA

 * [] Jenifer's Home Page
- Lots of info, text and links!
Jenifer Linville, University of California, San Diego, California, USA

 * [] Eclectic X-Phile
Home Page - Home for all X-Philes.
Cybil Solyn, Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA

 * [] X-Files Episode Ratings - Episode
ratings and some links.
Ryan Herbst, Amaroq, USA

 * [] The Dana Scully Pages -
Some nice pictures.
John Lee, Cincinnati Country Day School, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

 * [] X-Files Video - Quicktime
Joe Hager, Net Access, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

 * [] Darcom's X-Files Page
- Some links to other sites.
Darcom, Interport Communications, New York City, New York, USA

 * [] X-Files: The Truth is here! - Info,
video's and more.
Michael Hernandez, University System of Maryland, College Park,
Maryland, USA

 * [] The David Duchovny Estrogen
Brigade - Speaks for itsself.
Fazia Begum Rizvi, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA

 * [] The David Duchovny
Estrogen Brigade 2 - Speaks for itsself too.
Lara E. Eakins, University of Texas, Texas, USA

 * [] The David Duchovny Estrogen
Brigade 3 - How many are there?
Miri, The Eden Matrix, USA

 * [] Duchovniks Homepage -
DD info and lots of pictures.
Walter, Web Communications, Santa Cruz, California, USA

 * [] Fwiffo's X-Files -
Nice list of other sites.
Alex A. Mace, The Mind, Ashland, Kentucky, USA

 * [] 22 Cool XF sites -
Links to 22 cool X-Files sites.
Brianna J. Cornelius, Pacifier, Vancouver, Washington, USA

 * [] The X-Files
Epicenter - Info and some links.
JFN, Jackson State Community College, Tennessee, USA

 * [] Brian's Home Page - Comic
covers and all links.
Brian Andersen, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

 * [] John M. Shaw's X-Files
Home Page - Info and a couple of links.
John M. Shaw, Utah State University, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

 * [] The X-Files Top Ten
Lists - Top Ten lists under construction.
Lain Hughes, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, USA

 * [] Purity Control - An
X-Files Newsletter - A nice newsletter.
R. Zimmerman, QuickNet, Sacramento, California, USA

 * [] The X-Files - Includes
an GATB Page.
Ziggy, a2i Communications, California, USA

 * [] Office of the Assistant
Director - Dedicated to Mitch Pileggi.
Robin M. Mayhall, Turning Point Info Services, Austin, Texas, USA

 * [] Mitch Pileggi Estrogen Brigade - Info,
pictures and more about Pileggi.
Paula L. Mackey,, Riverside, California, USA

 * [] Adam's X-Files
Headquarters - FAQ's, sound, pictures and more.
J. Kraynak, VoiceNet, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

 * [] AOL X-Files Forum WWW Page - Great looking
Mulder7778, Sci-fi Web, USA

 * [] X-Files Pages - A few
Tina Mancuso, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, USA

 * [] X-Files - A few
pictures and links.
Julie Waters, CMU Computer Club, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

 * [] The Superdeformed X-Files
Page - A collection of links.
Azrael, Alachua Freenet, USA

 * [] "Aix" BBS's Home Page
- UFO and XF links and pictures.
Kasparov, EarthLink Network, Los Angeles, California, USA

 * [] Mel's X-Files Home
Page - Includes FAQ's, Cool Stuff and links.
Melissa Boysen, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA

 * [] Miri's X-Files Home Page -
Pictures, links and nice sounds.
Miri, Web Communications, Santa Cruz, California, USA

 * [] XXY-Files Home Page - "I
want to believe" poster source.
Hytritium, America Online, USA

 * [] I want to believe
- Little bit of info and a couple of links.
Kenny Reynolds, Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science,
Mississippi, USA

 * [] Dsctexmex's X-Files
Sound Clips Page - Great collection of sounds.
Dsctexmex, America Online, USA

 * [] X-Files - Lots of
(unreadable) links.
Scott Shepherd, SRVnet, Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA

 * [] X-Files Sound Page - Great season 3
Rory Swensen and Simon Lee, Prograde Marketing, Utah, USA

 * [] Vikram's X-Files Page -
Transcripts and some pictures.
Vikram Pant, RadixNet, Washington, USA

 * [] X-Files - Info, pictures
and links.
Red Ward, Prodigy Service Company, USA

 * [] JYW's Domain - Great
looking site.
Jennifer Y. Whang, Pomona College, Claremont, California, USA

 * [] Jon's X-Files
Home Page - Pictures, sounds and some links.
Jonathan Duarte, GeoCities, USA

 * [] Purity Controlled Webpage
- This page talks!?
TJ Currey, Northwest Nexus Inc., USA



 * [] The Truth is
Here - Pictures, comics and links.
Victor Chan, University of Alberta, Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

 * [] The Gillian
Anderson Home Page - Autographed pictures!
Mike Walter and Victor Chan, University of Alberta, Alberta, Edmonton,

 * [] The X-Files - Info and a
few links.
Steven Legge, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

 * [] The GA NeuroTransmitter
Association - Info about the GANTA.
Bill, InterLog, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

 * [] Ramone's X-Files
Home Page - Very nice set of pages.
Shawn G. Nystrand, CapitalNet, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

 * [] Mike Quigley's Home
Page/X-Files Corner - Lots of interviews.
Mike Quigly, Mind Link, Vancouver, Canada

 * [] Nick's X-Files
- A few sounds and pictures.
Nick Alfano, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

 * [] Rene Weber's X-Files
Page - Audio interview and pictures.
Rene Weber, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada



 * [] Sherry's X-Files page - 
Sounds, pictures and lots of links.
Sherry Mayo, Research School of Chemistry, Canberra, New South Wales,

 * [] The X-Files - Fantastic
site, a real must!
Simon Chin, Melbourne University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

 * [] X-Rate -
Australian episode ratings.
Brian Poleykett, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western
Australia, Australia

 * [] The Complete
X-Files Links - A very complete list of links.
Paula, Ipswich City, Queensland, Australia


United Kingdom

 * [] GABA Home
Page - Great site for GA fans
Sandman, Oxford University, Oxford, England, UK

 * [] X-Files
UK ep. guide - Some info and an episode guide.
Dave Chapman, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

 * [] X-Files Vault -
Some sound files.
Geoge R. Keys, Sunderland University, Sunderland, England, UK

 * [] X-Files in the UK - Very good
Simon Morley, Zynet, Exeter, England, UK

 * [] Moira's X-Files Page - Very
promising site with a sense of humor.
Moira McLaughlin, Web13 Internet cafe, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

 * [] Trust No One - Info
and a few links.
Chuck Foster, Pipex, Cambridge, England, UK



 * [] Strange Things DCU - A FAQ
and links.
William Knott, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland

 * [] Mulder's X-Files Page -
Some links to other sites.
Stephen Jacob, University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland



 * [] Norwegian X-Files - Don't
miss this one!
Hans Chr. Larsen and Andre Tobiassen, Bodoe Graduate School of Business,
Bodoe, Norway

 * [] X-Files and UFO Page - Info and a
few pictures.
Tom Erland Sveen, Hogskolen i Hedmark, Norway



 * [] Ola Mertenssons
X-Files Page - A little bit of info and a couple of links.
Ola Mertensson, Lund University, Sweden

 * [] Svenska X-Files - Looks good, but
it's in Swedish only.
dZ-Productions, Stockholm, Sweden

 * [] Where the X-Philes hang out
- Nice pictures and sounds.
Tjomme, @lgonet, Stockholm, Sweden

 * [] Elias X-Files
Fan - Different, but nice.
Elias Bjorn, Spyken, Lund, Sweden



 * [] The V-Files - Vancouver
info and links.
Colin Borys, Hamburg, Germany

 * [] The X-Files -
Pictures, FAQ's and links.
Michael Kleinhenz, University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany



 * [] La verite est
ailleurs - The French X-Files Home Page.
Jean Mix, Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, France

 * [] Aux
frontieres du reel - For the French speaking X-Philes.
Comte Pascal, University of Bourgogne, France

 * [] Aux frontieres d'URL -
French X-Files Page..
Alquier Laurent, E.E.R.I.E., Nice, France


The Netherlands

 * [] Yet Another X-Files Site -
Work in progress.
Stefanie Ross, Hogeschool Zeeland, Vlissingen, The Netherlands

 * [] Mr C X-Files Homepage - Organised
collection of links
Rogier Creyghton, The Internet Plaza, The Netherlands



 * [] Belgian X-Files Page
- Info and links. (Under construction)
Gert Longin, Bussiness University Ehsal, Brussels, Belgium

 * [] The Belgian
X-Files Department (BXD)
Applied Economics University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium



 * [] The Italian X-Files
Home Page - Pictures, FAQ's and other text.
Stefano Cobianchi, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy



 * [] X-Files in
Singapore - Sounds, pictures, FAQ's and more.
Cheng Ming-Yu, Singapore National University, Singapore

 * [] GA Photo Gallery
- All pictures one could possibly want.
Benjamin Chee, Singapore National University, Singapore

FTP Sites.

 * - Sound, images and fanfiction.

 * - Nice collection.

 * - X-Files Creative Archive.

 * - X-Files Images.

 * - Only graphics and sounds.

 * - Text files only.

 * - Sounds.

Mailing Lists

 * USA

This is an Internet mailing list for The X Files, run by Chael Hall,
which discusses the episodes currently being aired in North America. To
sign up for the list, send a message to
with "subscribe X-FILES".To receive the digested form, use "SUBSCRIBE
X-FILES-DIGEST" instead. For more information, send a mail to the above
address stating "INFO X-FILES" in the message.

 * United Kingdom

The subscription info is:    subscribe x-files FirstName LastNameand
archives are at:

 * Australia

Australian mailing list, discussing episodes currently airing in
Australia. Send e-mail to the address above with "help" in the body of
the message for more information.

 * Germany

German X Files mailing list for German-speaking X-Philes. Send mail to 
the above address with "Subscribe xf-de" in the body of your message.

 * Others

A moderated group posting only reliable information about the show has
been established by Michael Kleinhenz, Only
"official" submissions will be accepted such as reliable information
about new episodes, books, comics. etc. Articles must be mailed to the
moderator for approval before they will be mailed. To subscribe send
mail to  the above address with "subscribe x-files-info" in the body of
the message, not the subject line.

Other X-Files USENET newsgroups (main American group) (fanfiction group) (Australian group)

Other FAQ's.

 These documents are *very* likely to contain information of a spoiling
nature, you have been warned!

 * [] Gillian Anderson
FAQ - Questions and answers about GA.
By Alan Sawyer,

 * [] David Duchovny FAQ -
Questions and answers about DD.
By Kellie Mathhews, & Sarah Stegall,

 * [] Deep Throat FAQ -
The FAQ about the mysterious DT.
By Jeff Gostin,

 * [] The X-Files FAQ
- Everything you need to know about the X-Files.
By Pat Gonzales,

 * [] X-Files
creative FAQ - The FAQ for creative X-Philes.
By Pat Gonzales,

 * [] The X-Files episode Guide - An
overview of all episodes.
By Cliff Chen,

 * [] X-Files 20
Questions - The 20 most frequently asked questions.
By Cliff Chen,

 * [] Netpicker's Guide to
the X-Files - A list of episode "errors".
By Kymberlee Ricke,

 * [] The Official YAXA
List - X-Phile terminology.
By Sue Stiefel,

 * [] Mulder &
Scullyisms - Great dialogues from the show.
By Sam Ziegler,

 * [] GA sound clips
- Recordings from GA on "RealTime".
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

 * [] Interview with GA -
Transcript from the interview in "RealTime".
Mike Quigley

 * [] The Roswell Testimony
- Inside stories from the crash at Roswell.
By Sam Ziegler,

=== The Home Page: (Sponsored by Apex)
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=== IRC: asfafa (#gb/#disa)     \X/  Surf Squirrel, DOpus5, Zip100 ===

User Contributions:

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Paul Tang <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM