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This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions, and some hopefully useful answers. It should be possible to find the latest edition of this FAQ at: *** PLEASE DON'T E-MAIL CONTRIBUTIONS TO ME *** *** E-mailed contributions will NOT be included *** *** E-mailed requests/questions will NOT be answered *** *** Replies to this message go back into the newsgroup *** I am NOT here to supply information on request or research obscure topics. I merely compile the information from the newsgroup and add whatever I think may be useful or relevant. If you really can't look something up for yourself, *ask in the newsgroup*! Like many people in New Zealand (and some other parts of the world) I pay for my e-mail by volume, both incoming and outgoing. E-mailing a request to someone you don't know without an invitation is often NOT appreciated. I very seldom respond to such mail. It particularly annoys me to receive requests for information which is in the faq... Contributions and comments are welcomed, but PLEASE POST THEM to s.c.n-z so that others can comment on their accuracy/relevance. If you quote bits of the faq for context, please keep it to a minimum. Thanks. I correct and amend the FAQ as information and time come to hand and post it on the tenth of each month. The subject line on the FAQ and the weekly reminder will be constant for the convenience of those who wish to killfile them. Hopefully this FAQ will reduce the number of requests from people who want to know all about NZ but can't be bothered finding a NZ embassy or travel agent or want all replies by mail 'because they don't read this group very often...'. My thanks to the contributors (listed at the end of section 2) without whom I couldn't (and wouldn't) have compiled this. Please remember that most of this stuff is quoted so I may not be to blame for factual errors! :-) =========================================================================== CONTENTS ============================== INTRODUCTION: History of ============================== PART A: INFO SOURCES A1 HOW TO FIND NZers AND INFORMATION ABOUT NZ A1.1 On The Net A1.2 Elsewhere A1.2.1 Overseas Offices of the NZ Tourism Board A1.2.2 Traditional sources (libraries, newspapers, etc.) ------------------------------ A2 INFORMATION FOR NZers OVERSEAS A2.1 NZ Consulates/Embassies Overseas A2.2 How Do I Get News From Home? A2.3 Expatriate Organisations? ------------------------------ A3 INTERNET ACCESS WITHIN NZ ============================== PART B: FACTS AND FIGURES B1 THE COUNTRY B1.1 Where Is NZ? B1.1.1 General B1.1.2 Statistics B1.1.3 Dependencies B1.1.4 Time Zones B1.2 The Landscape B1.2.1 General B1.2.2 Miscellaneous Figures B1.2.3 Flora and Fauna B1.2.4 Climate ------------------------------ B2 THE PEOPLE B2.1 A Short History B2.2 Maoritanga B2.2.1 The Moriori Question B2.2.2 Guide to Maori pronunciation B2.3 Demography B2.3.1 General B2.3.2 Major Cities B2.3.3 Age Distribution B2.3.4 Ethnicity B2.3.5 Official Languages B2.3.6 Religions ------------------------------ B3 LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND B3.1 The Political Scene B3.1.1 Why 'New Zealand' B3.1.2 Constitution B3.1.3 Form of Government B3.1.4 The Justice System B3.1.5 Organisation Membership B3.2 Economy B3.2.1 Defence Against Silly Questions B3.2.2 Current Status B3.2.3 Currency B3.2.4 Stockmarket B3.2.5 Interest Rates B3.2.6 Taxes B3.2.7 Miscellaneous Prices B3.3 Life In General B3.3.1 Business Hours B3.3.2 Tipping B3.3.3 Cost of Living B3.3.3.1 Rent B3.3.3.2 Wages B3.3.3.3 Transport B3.3.3.4 Food B3.3.3.5 Consumer goods B3.3.4 Crime B3.3.5 Finding a job B3.3.6 Schools and Education B3.3.7 Universities B3.3.7.1 Teaching focus B3.3.7.2 Addresses B3.3.7.3 The University Hierarchy B3.3.7.4 Postgrad Study B3.3.8 Health B3.3.8.1 Water Supply B3.3.9 Communications B3.3.10 Misc B3.4 Holidays B3.4.1 National B3.4.2 Regional B3.5 Technical Stuff B3.5.1 Electricity B3.5.2 TV info B3.5.3 Video Conversion B3.5.4 Bringing Computers In B3.5.5 Telephone B3.5.6 Radio ------------------------------ B4 COMING TO NEW ZEALAND B4.1 Travel To NZ B4.1.1 Travel Details B4.1.2 Agricultural Restrictions B4.1.2.1 Animal Quarantine B4.1.3 Overseas Embassies in NZ B4.2 Immigration Stuff, Points System B4.2.1 Assessment for the General Category B4.2.2 Employability B4.2.3 Work Experience B4.2.4 Age B4.2.5 Settlement Factors B4.2.6 Business Investment Category B4.2.7 Importing a Car ------------------------------ B5 TRAVEL WITHIN NZ B5.1 Info Sources B5.1.1 Tourism Board B5.1.2 Maps B5.2 Accommodation B5.2.1 Youth Hostel Association B5.2.2 Backpackers B5.3 Transport B5.3.1 Cycling/Sea kayaking B5.3.2 Hitchhiking B5.3.3 Renting a car/campervan B5.3.4 Train Services B5.3.5 Cook Strait Ferry B5.3.6 Coach Travel B5.3.7 Driving B5.3.8 Commercial Tours B5.3.9 Flying B5.4 Misc Info B5.4.1 Film Developing ------------------------------ B6 MAP OF NEW ZEALAND ------------------------------ B7 CONTRIBUTORS ============================== PART C: THE SUBJECTIVE BITS C1 DEFINITION OF 'KIWI' ------------------------------ C2 DESCRIPTIONS OF NZ CITIES ------------------------------ C3 HOLIDAYING IN NZ C3.1 Places C3.1.1 Parks and Tracks C3.1.2 Beaches, etc. C3.1.3 Distinctive Features C3.1.4 Archaeology/Historical/Heritage Sites C3.1.5 Places To Go To C3.1.6 Places To Avoid C3.1.7 Temporary Attractions C3.2 Activities C3.2.1 Tramping C3.2.2 Skiing C3.2.3 Climbing/mountaineering C3.2.4 Watersports C3.2.5 Whale/Dolphin Watching C3.2.6 Pubs To Go To/Nightlife C3.2.7 Anything Else???? ------------------------------ C4 GENERAL CULTURE C4.1 Sport C4.1.1 Why do New Zealander Sportspeople Wear Black? C4.2 Food C4.2.1 What is Vegemite/Marmite? C4.2.2 Pavlova recipe C4.2.3 The Edmonds Cook Book C4.2.4 Laying A Hangi C4.3 National Anthems C4.4 The Gumboot Song C4.5 Some Works by NZ Authors C4.6 Other Bits ------------------------------ C5 FAMOUS NEW ZEALANDERS C5.1 Cinema C5.1.1 Films C5.1.2 People C5.2 Music C5.2.1 Pop/rock bands C5.2.2 Blues C5.2.3 Country C5.2.4 Classical C5.3 Literature C5.4 Fine Art C5.5 Humour C5.6 Other... =========================================================================== INTRODUCTION: History of The only record I have of the history of is this copy of the CFD, kindly passed on through various people. It appears the archives of the original material may have been lost, and as this is a repost (of sorts) I'm not sure how any of the details relate to the original. ---------- Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,soc.culture.australian, soc.culture.british,soc.culture.celtic,soc.culture.misc,nz.general From: (Graeme Williams) Subject: CFD: Date: 25 Feb 91 04:41:44 GMT [ I have the rest of the header if it'd be useful ] Z*******Z******* CFD: A New Zealand culture group *******Z*******Z This is a call for a discussion regarding the creation of a new newsgroup devoted to "New Zealand culture". Here is what I propose: NAME: This will need to be decided on, several suggestions are: soc.culture.newzealand soc.culture.aoteoroa MODERATION STATUS: The group would be unmoderated. CHARTER: The group will provide a forum for discussion of topics related to New Zealand. In particular such things as: News, politics, Maori and Pacific Island culture, music, sport, events, films, telly, jobs, farming, the enviroment, economics, tourism, places to see, trade, education, bungy jumping, pavlovas, the Goodnight Kiwi and Wal and the dog in Footrot Flats. In short anything and everything Kiwi, or related to NZ. Contributions and queries from people other than New Zealanders will also be most welcome. COMMENTS: I have had rather a lot of positive feedback via email regarding the creation of this group, some very enthusiastic. What I would like to see now is some discussion on the net amongst the various people interested. In particular we will need to decide on a name for the group. I have set the Followup-to: field to news.groups so all discussion regarding this proposal should take place there. So, if you're interested and don't subscribe to news.groups, SUBSCRIBE to it NOW! I want to hear publicly from all you Kiwis (and others interested) scattered few and far between all over the globe. Shake off the traditional Kiwi apathy cos "she'll be right" won't work here on the net. Get those fingers typing and tell us what you think. Cheers, Graeme Williams - a Kiwi in Canada ---------- That's it. Any comments or contributions to this introduction would be appreciated. Please post as usual... =========================================================================== PART A User Contributions:Section Contents
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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