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Rolling Stones FAQ [1/4]

( Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 )
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Archive-name: music/rollingstones-faq/part1
Last-modified: 2000/02/28
Version: 7.02

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
                 Rolling Stones' Mailing list/newsgroup FAQ 

 COPYRIGHT 1994-2000 (c) Anthony J. Rzepela (editor)

   This collection of four works is under the copyright of the editor, 
   who may, at his discretion, relinquish said copyright to the authors 
   named herein.

   This collection may not be broken up, or be made available 
   by any publisher.  It may not be redistributed in any form 
   if any changes are made to it except by the holder of the 
   The editor of this FAQ retains all rights for use of it.

   No author or proofreader or assistant credited herein grants 
   the use of his or her name to any publisher.  Be warned that 
   attempts to publish this shared work-in-progress may interfere 
   with legal commitments individual authors may privately hold 
   with publishers.

  This FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list is intended for 
  new subscribers to the USENET news group alt.rock-n-roll.stones, 
  where updates are furnished monthly, and the Rolling Stones' 
  Internet mailing list (and digest) 'Undercover':


  It is a four-part FAQ list, with the following sections:

        Part 1:  basic question list. You are reading it now.
        Part 2:  Live and Unreleased recordings - a history 
        Part 3:  a bibliography of Rolling Stones-related material
        Part 4:  a skeletal discography of official releases


    Latest "official" versions (i.e., versions archived from 
    newsgroup news.answers):

    EMAIL:  send email to the address with 
            the following text in the body of the message:
            send usenet/news.answers/music/rollingstones-faq/part1
                          (or, part2, part3, part4, whichever is appropriate)

    Latest drafts are always available:
      EMAIL:  Send a request to

  To get on Undercover, the Rolling Stones mailing list, or 
  Undercover-digest, the digest version of the list, send 
  your Majordomo subscription request to:


        Your subscription request MUST be of one of the 
        four following forms: 

                  SUBSCRIBE UNDERCOVER [your email addeess]
                  UNSUBSCRIBE UNDERCOVER [your email addeess]
                  SUBSCRIBE UNDERCOVER-DIGEST [your email addeess]
                  UNSUBSCRIBE UNDERCOVER-DIGEST [your email addeess]

  List owner Steve Portigal can be contacted by email at
  personally if there is a problem.

  Last revised - February, 2000

How to use:    In the body of the document, you can just skip to the next
-----------    question  by  having your software  SEARCH  for  the  next 
               occurrence of "@Q"

Disclaimers:   The  authors of information on  hard-to-find items are unable
------------   to  provide  you  with any more  information than is provided 
               here on locating those items. Particularly where unauthorized 
               recordings are  concerned,  do not write anyone whose name is 
               listed  here as an  author and ask if  they can  help you get 
               your hands on such-and-such a recording.  

               Please realize that when you do so,  they are being asked by 
               a perfect stranger to give advice in writing on how to carry 
               out an illegal act.

               The authors of this document make no guarantees about the 
               quality  of  workmanship  or service  you will  get  from 
               patronizing a publisher, CD house, or magazine listed here. 
               Inclusion of a vendor's name does not imply an endorsement
               or recommendation.

               With respect to official releases, the exact versions of 
               recordings available  and in print at any point  in time 
               from the Stones' catalogue may suddenly change, without 
               the record companies bothering to let us know personally,
               rendering the current document obsolete.  As with any 
               purchase, it is wise to confirm with the seller exactly 
               what it is you are buying.        


    For part II  (Live and Unreleased recordings), we thank D.H. ("Mr. X.")
    For part III (the bibliography), we thank Stephen Carter (e-address below).
    For part IV  (EPs and albums), we thank Anthony Rzepela (e-address below).

     Contributors to Part I of the Rolling Stones FAQ list are: 

        Jens Backlund        (
        Frank Blau 
        Jon Brode            (also the major inspiration)
        Stephen D. Carter    (  
        Dave Heller
        Charles Papworth
        Ken Pennington       (
        Steve Portigal       (
        Dan Ream             ( 
        Anthony J. Rzepela   (
        Bjornulf Vik         (

     We'd also like to thank the fine-tooth brigade: our FAQ helpers/

        Todd Furesz          (
        Jim Henning          
        Russell T. Haines of Severe Tire damage
        Michael Honig        (
        Princess Margaret    (
        Mark C. Walters      (

     Finally, we would like to thank the Rolling Stones, for....whatever.

Maintenance:   Maintenance on parts one, three, and four are carried 
------------   out by Anthony J. Rzepela. Discussion/disagreements 
               concerning any of all four parts should take place on 
               the mailing list 'Undercover'.

Summary of questions:

        1. Who ARE the Stones - what is the band lineup/history?       
        2. Hey! Do they get email???
        3. What Stones-specific online resources are there?
        4. Where can I get online lyrics/chords/tabulature/GIFs?
        5. Where can I get an online discography?
        6. Hey! Why isn't this discography complete?
        7. Well, where *can* I get a complete one?
        8. What about CDs? What do I need for a complete
           set? How do they sound???
        9. Can you at *least* tell me about the solo records????
       10. Where can I get bootlegs? 
       11. Which bootlegs are best? Which will have my favorite song?
       12. How can I get that Keith sound in the comfort of my own home?
       13. Wouldn't it be neat if there were a Stones "museum"? 
       14. I'm a novice.  Can you recommend the best...
                a. albums
                b. movies  
                c. books
                d. home videos
                e. fanzines
       15. What is/who are 
                a. "Nanker Phelge"
                b. "The Glimmer Twins"
                c. "Rock and Roll Circus" 
                d. "Altamont"                  
                e. "Cocksucker Blues"                
       16. Gossip
                a. How many times have they been arrested?
                b. How many times have they been married?
                c. Will the band break up?
                d. Are they going to tour?
                e. Do you think this is the last time, really? 
                f. How old ARE they?
       17. What gives with:
                a. that tongue logo all over the place
                b. cheese
       18. Myths & legends:
                a. Did Keith really get his blood changed?
                b. Do they worship satan?
                c. Is Paul dead?

Sources used in this FAQ list:

(full publication information on these books can be found in part three of 
the FAQ list, The Bibliography From Hell)

The primary resources used for fact-checking this part of the document are:

Aeppli, Felix             - "The Rolling Stones 1962-1995: the Ultimate Guide"
Dalton, David             - "The Rolling Stones - The First Twenty Years"
Giuliano, Geoffrey        - "The Rolling Stones Album"
Wyman, Bill               - "Stone Alone"
Weiner, Sue & Lisa Howard - "The Rolling Stones A to Z"


@Q1. Who ARE the Stones - what is the band lineup/history?

  The first Rolling Stones long-playing album was released in 1964, to
  enough advance excitement to encourage the band's management to
  release it with only a portrait of the band on the front.  Once you
  understand that, all the rest really just falls into place. 

  Originally comprised of Mick Jagger (vocals), Brian Jones  (gtr),
  Keith Richards (gtr), Ian Stewart (piano),  Charlie Watts (drums), and
  Bill Wyman (bass), Ian Stewart was 'demoted' by de facto manager 
  Andrew Loog Oldham by the time of their first album release, because 
  he did not look the part of a Rolling Stone.  Although Ian did not 
  appear in group photographs or get listed in band personnel 
  information, he played, credited, on records and in concert with 
  the Stones up until his death in 1985.

  The first 'real' personnel change took place with the dismissal of 
  Brian Jones in 1969, who died several weeks later.  Before his
  death,  his slot was filled by a young guitarist named Mick Taylor,
  who had been in John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, and who stayed with the
  Stones until December 1974.

  Ron Wood, already a star from his work with Rod Stewart and the Faces,
  joined the Rolling Stones as a 'special guest' in 1975 for their 
  US tour and became a non-guest by the end of the year.  In 1993, 
  bassist Bill Wyman, then 56, officially quit after years of rumours 
  and speculation, and Ron became a full and equal partner soon after.  

  As of this writing, no permanent replacement has been announced 
  for Mr. Wyman, although Daryl Jones, ex- of Miles Davis, Peter 
  Gabriel, Sting, Madonna and other high-profile professional gigs, 
  has played on all Stones concerts from the start of the 1994/95 
  'Voodoo Lounge' tour through the last Summer 1999 dates on the 
  "No Security" tour.
@Q2. Hey! Do you think they read email???

  The Stones in the Internet Age is a long strange trip. The short
  answer is that if they do have email addresses, no one has seen 
  fit to share them with the world at large. Nevertheless, the 
  Stones are not Luddites and have gradually warmed to the
  promotional and interactive aspects of the Internet.

  As part of promotion for the "Voodoo Lounge" tour, Mick and Keith 
  each participated separately in "online" Q&A sessions, but 
  these very first ones were more batch than online, with questions 
  submitted in advance by online service users, then to the band 
  at once by representatives, after accumulating them. 
  Things have improved since then.  Keith's second online 
  Q&A session took place live as the Stones were about to take 
  the stage in Oakland, California in 1994, all four Stones had 
  individual chats take place on AOL during the "Bridges To 
  Babylon" tour, and the Stones have often tried to create special
  interactive efforts, sometimes (unfortunately) at the 
  "bleeding edge" of technology. 

  Early in their 1994 tour, a five-song portion of a Texas 
  concert was put out 'live on the Internet', and was widely 
  hyped as the first concert ever treated that way. In reality, 
  the band "Severe Tire Damage" holds the honor, beating the Stones 
  to the punch by more than a year, doing a show online in June 
  of 1993. This was well before the Stones even announced their 
  1994 tour, let alone any special events connected with it. 
  Before the US tour ended that December, the Stones made some 
  of the films used in their first-ever CD-ROM. 

  In December 1995 Jagger, who had already done online Q&As for 
  AOL and Prodigy, went live on a CompuServe forum which was 
  supposed to demonstrate the latest in Internet-ready interactivity 
  applications (live video, for example).  In it, Jagger cited his 
  lurking on unnamed Internet forums devoted to the Stones as one 
  source for 1995 set list suggestions.  (He could have been referring 
  to the Usenet news group alt.rock-n-roll.stones, or the list 
  'Undercover', or traffic from the officially sanctioned chat 
  areas of commercial online services. No one knows for sure, 
  but all of these were active at the time.)
  An article in the February 1997 issue of "AV Video & Multimedia 
  Producer" claims that the first official Stones web site (the 
  now static and occasionally still-available 
  was put together with a lot of input from the Stones "people" and 
  that Jagger personally logged in while on the road with the Voodoo
  Lounge tour to check on its progress and have final approval. 
  The third official web site released on the Stones behalf was a great
  leap forward. In addition to offering online sales of souvenir 
  merchandise, timely news updates, concert ticket contests, and 
  "Bridges To Babylon" tour setlists, the site offered users the 
  chance to 'vote' for a song from a nominated list they'd like to 
  hear played at the next B2B show. There was a point about one-third 
  of the way into almost every B2B show where the top vote-getter was
  played by the band. URL:

  Some of that site's content was incorporated into the 1999 "No 
  Security" site (, which is the 
  band's current official Web site. An enterprising soul managed to 
  grab the domain "" for a fan site, but 
  that is not an official entity. 
  In November of 1997, it was announced that Mick Jagger had formed 
  a multimedia company, "Jagged Internetworks",  whose sole purpose 
  seems to be holding the rights to netcasts of cricket matches. The 
  URL ( 
  has a brief note from jagger introducing the site and its purpose. 

  As for the email question, there are no publicly known 
  email addresses for the Stones' members, and we suspect that 
  were some to come to light, they'd quickly be changed and 
  rendered useless.  A number of vendors along the way have 
  claimed at one time or another to manage email accounts for 
  band personnel, to the point of publicly announcing addresses.
  There was never any reasonable indication that this was 
  anything but hype, however.
@Q3. What Stones-specific online resources are there? 

     Lists and newsgroups

        The longest-running Stones-related Internet resource is 
        'Undercover', a true mailing list for Stones discussion, 
        established in 1992, which is also available in digest form. 

        Subscription requests should be sent to 
        the majordomo server at


        and they MUST be of one of the 
        four following forms: 

                  SUBSCRIBE UNDERCOVER [your email addeess]
                  UNSUBSCRIBE UNDERCOVER [your email addeess]
                  SUBSCRIBE UNDERCOVER-DIGEST [your email addeess]
                  UNSUBSCRIBE UNDERCOVER-DIGEST [your email addeess]

        There is also a USENET newsgroup (news:alt.rock-n-roll.stones)
        dedicated to the Stones, a number of privately run Web chat
        areas, and a busy message area on AOL. Except for the brief time
        that 'Stonesworld' was associated with the Stones, and ran 
        a Web message board, there was never any online forum which 
        enjoyed "official" affiliation with the band.

        Here are some other USENET newsgroups which could conceivably 
        hold some online Rolling Stones content: 


     The World-Wide-Web

        The current official WWW site for the Rolling Stones is 

        The preceding official WWW site for the Rolling Stones was

        Their first official World-Wide-Web site was established in 
        1994 at the beginning of the Voodoo Lounge tour, and is at ; the "/retro" section still houses
        live audio and video from the 1994 US tour, photographs 
        taken by Ron Wood, and selected other goodies, including a 
        band history authored by Stones expert and former fanzine 
        publisher Bill German. Mr. German's former official fanzine 
        ("Beggar's Banquet") ceased pulp-publication and 
        is now on the Web at:

        Former Stones have sites, too. 

        Gary Paranzino's site, dedicated to former Stone Mick 
        Taylor (, nee, 
        hosts exclusive audio, a messaging area, the Sw-5 
        mailing list, an exhaustively researched career history, 
        and is just an all around wet dream for Taylor fans. 
        It is also used for selling Mick Taylor CDs, which is as
        official as it gets. 

        Bill Wyman's "Sticky Fingers" restaurant has a site at with a strong Stones-history

        For an up-to-date list of hypertext links guiding you 
        to currently operating Stones-related Web offerings, 
        see the page


        This is a constantly updated sheet of pointers to others' 
        Stones' resources: FTP sites, guitar tab archives, and other 
        Web sites run by individuals, such as John A Artukovich's 
        "FingerPrint File" ( 
        dedicated to the history of live Rolling Stones recordings, 

        The home page for the 'Undercover' list 

        has recently mailed digests, selected Stones' lyrics,
        1995 and 1997 tour reviews, databases covering Guest 
        Appearances by Stones' personnel on others' recordings, 
        lists of cover versions of Stones' songs, and more.


        The Rolling Stones were just one music act with lyrics, 
        pictures and more archived at what was once 'THE' Internet 
        music-related FTP site, The University of Wisonsin-Parkside.  

        We say 'were' because as of 1996, this long-overwhelmed 
        site stopped offering service. 

        And in general, it looks like the days of huge archives of
        lyrics have passed, due to legal pressures from publishers, 
        who tend to frown on their property being offered for free.
        Other specific types of resources are detailed 
        in some of the following questions. 

@Q4: Where can I get online chords/tablature?

  The legal status of guitar tablature has recently come 
  into question.  You can always find the latest updates 
  on who is still brave enough to carry guitar tab 
  repositories for your fetching pleasure by using OLGA 
  (The On-Line Guitar Archive) at

  If you have access to USENET news, look at the groups          and the more raucous 
  and free-wheeling for guitar tablature
  and breaking news on availability. People will often 
  post chords or tablature to popular songs (including 
  Stones' songs) on these groups. 

  If you have chords and/or tab for a song, feel free to 
  post it to those groups. Due to their large size and 
  limited interest, it is usually not appropriate to 
  post tabs to a general-interest mailing list such as 
  Undercover (although it's been done before, that doesn't 
  mean it's appropriate). 

  If you are posting Stones tablature on USENET, perhaps 
  the best solution is to post it to the newsgroups and 
  just indicate on Undercover that you have done so.    
  You should be willing to offer to mail it to 
  anyone who doesn't have news access.             

@Q5. Where can I get an online discography?

  Part IV of this document has a listing which includes all 
  Rolling Stones EPs and LPs released in the US and UK, excluding
  out-of-print compilations. Original release dates, producer, song 
  lists, and maybe a biased comment or two, are added.

  A section of it lists tracks which cannot be found on CDs as 
  of the time of this writing. But just about every book and/or 
  website on the Stones has discographies of varying depth 
  and ambition. 
@Q6. Hey! Why isn't this discography complete?   

  To assemble a complete discography of the Rolling Stones is indeed a 
  daunting task.  The band has, in its' long recorded history, multiple 
  versions of the same songs, multiple versions of an album depending on 
  country of origin, multiple record labels releasing their post-1970
  recordings,  mono and stereo versions of pre-1970 albums, mono and
  stereo and "electronically processed" stereo versions of individual
  songs, dozens and dozens of singles, dozens of European compilation 
  packages, and then, in the eighties, the re-release of three-quarters 
  of it all on compact disc. (!)

  To give you an idea of the volume, take the experience of German 
  Stones' authority Dieter Hoffman, who put a book out in 1991 on 
  the topic called the 'White Book'.  The work covers all these 
  issues in excruciating detail, and it required more than 560 pages 
  to do so.

  So, in a nutshell - the field is wide open to do one online, 
  and do it right, and it could be you  who does it, or it could 
  pop up tomorrow by someone working on just that. 
@Q7. Well, where *can* I get a complete one?

  Book buyers have a number of choices for references about the 
  band's recording career: from perfunctory sketches in CD-sized
  paperbacks which go for $7, to painstakingly-researched, 500+ 
  page career encyclopediae. The following three books are
  ambitious, relatively current, and available without going to 
  the ends of the Earth. 

  In November of 1996, Stones authority Felix Aeppli released the 
  long-awaited followup to his 1985 book 'Heart of Stone'. Entitled
  'The Rolling Stones 1962-1995: The Ultimate Guide To Their Career
  In Recordings, Performances, Films & Solo Pursuits', the book covers
  just what it says. With 2840 individual entries, more than 650
  pages, more than 100 illustrations of single sleeves and 
  record covers, and coverage of film and television, there's not 
  much more even the insatiable could want to know. The A4-sized
  tome (approx. 8.5 x 11") bears an ISBN of 0-907872-26-3 and 
  a price tag of 65 pounds/$US 125. Currently it is available 
  exclusively via mail-order. Ordering information can be found
  at the following Web sites: 


  Although it has a mistake or two (out of thousands of opportunities),
  Dieter  Hoffman's 'Das Weissbuch'  (German for the 'The White Book', 
  ISBN: 3980248940) lists all official releases, vinyl and CD, single and
  LP, promos and dance remixes, in Germany, Japan, the UK and US, up
  until the Spring of 1991. It is more than 560 pages long and includes
  b&w photographs of covers and labels, and a detailed index of all known
  recorded selections by the Stones, even those appearing on 'official
  unauthorized' recordings (widely called 'bootlegs', see question 8).  
  Although now officially out of print, it was originally priced, as an
  import, at about $US 90.00 for mail order.  It has been spotted 
  sporadically at Tower Records stores for about half that price, as 
  recently as 1996. According to the fanzine "It's Only Rock and
  Roll", copies are still available directly from the publisher 
  for 99DM + postage. (New Media Verlag
                       Mozart Str. 10
                       Winsen and der Luhe
                       21423, Germany

                       Tel: (+49) 4171 64243
                       Fax: (+49) 4171 64355) 

  Published in 1997 at a reasonable price ($US 25 for softcover) is: 

            "It's Only Rock and Roll: The Ultimate Guide to the Rolling Stones"
            James Karnbach/Carol Bernson
            ISBN: 0816030359
            Publisher:          Facts on File 
                                11 Penn Plaza
                                New York, NY 10001

  Treads some of the same area as Aeppli's 1996 book, and supplements 
  dry historical review with collector/fan-oriented anecdotes, pictures 
  of desirable rarities, and previously unpublished information exclusive
  to this project. Chapters are dedicated to the band's history in 
  live performances/tours, official recordings, television, and film.
  (A book by Steve Appleford which is similar in price, format and 
  title also answers questions about officially released material, but 
  should not to be confused with the Karnbach/Bernson book.)
  Stones "fanzines" can also be a good ongoing source for the 
  latest information for collectors and interested parties.  
  Please see the "fanzine" section in this document under 
  question #14e.  

@Q8. What about CDs? What do I need for a complete set? How do they sound???

  Part IV of this document also includes a brief summary on the 
  state of the Recorded Stones in _the_ format of the eighties 
  and nineties.

  It briefly overviews who issues Stones CDs, what you need for
  a complete set of Stones music on legitimate CD (short answer: 
  you can't do it just yet), and what kind of sound you can expect
  for your purchase.

@Q9. Can you at *least* tell me about the solo records????

  Fair enough. For our purposes we are not, at this time, including any 
  appearances by band members on others' recordings, or band members' 
  efforts at producing or presenting other artists, but restricting 
  ourselves, in the interest of brevity, to recording projects prominently 
  featuring the member, his name, or some variation thereof (e.g., the 
  Charlie Watts Orchestra, Willie and the Poor Boys), and excluding 
  singles and configurations that do not present previously unavailable 

  The history of the Stones' solo careers goes something like this: 

  Although considered the first 'solo' effort by a group member, 'Memo 
  From Turner', sung by Mick Jagger in the movie 'Performance', released 
  in 1970, is credited to the 'Rolling Stones' on European compilations. 
  The soundtrack, which is still in print, says 'Sung by Mick Jagger'.  
  No one, apparently, was all fired up to collect similar credit for 
  Mick's vocal from the movie soundtrack for "Ned Kelly": "The 
  Wild-eyed Colonial Boy", a traditional song sung by Mick's character. 
  After years of languishing unseen (and largely undemanded) the movie 
  came out on videocassette in 1993, and a CD rerelease of the soundtrack
  appeared on Ryko in 1998. 

  Next up, in 1972, was a collection of lukewarm 'jams' which took place
  several years earlier in the studio while the Stones were  'waiting for
  our guitar player to show up'.  The effort was called  "Jamming With
  Edward", and it features the talents of Bill Wyman, Charlie Watts, Mick
  Jagger, and non-Stones Nicky Hopkins and Ry Cooder.  It was released on
  the Stones' own record label, rereleased on CD in 1995 by Virgin 
  Records in Europe, and in 1997 in the States.  

  Bill Wyman released two solo albums on the Stones' record label 
  in the mid-1970s, contemporaneously with Ron Wood's first solo 
  work in his long (but still pre-Stones) career. Keith Richards issued 
  a single in 1978, and ex-Stone Mick Taylor had a CBS album with his name
  on it in 1979. Bill Wyman had a certified international hit single
  in 1981 ("Si, Si, je suis un Rock Star") and in 1988, Keith's 
  first solo album was released, making him the last Stone 
  to release his solo debut album. 

  The recordings listed below should be fairly straightforward. 
  Promo-only versions have an asterisk. "LP" does not mean that
  the title is available on vinyl. Many of these titles have 
  been released on CD only. "LP" in this section indicates only
  that the release was a full-length album, and not a CD single 
  or promo disc.

  Jagger, Mick       "Don't Look Back"                      sgl     (1978)
                           (billed as a co-lead vocal w/Tosh in some countries)
                     "State of Shock"                       sgl     (1984)
                           (billed as a co-lead vocal w/Michael Jackson)
                     She's the Boss                         LP      (1985)
                     "Hard Woman"                           sgl     (1985)
                           (German 7", re-recorded version of the LP track)
                     "Lucky In Love"  (4:51*, 4:45, and 3:57* versions)
                     "Lucky In Love"  (extended, and a 6 min. + dub version) 
                     "Dancing in the Street" (duet w/ David Bowie)
                                                            sgl     (1985)
                     "Ruthless People"/"I'm Ringin'"        sgl     (1987)
                     Primitive Cool                         LP      (1987)
                     "Let's Work"/"Catch as Catch Can"      sgl     (1987)
                     "Memory Motel"
                          (re-recorded for a BBC TV show)   song    (1993)
                     Wandering Spirit                       LP      (1993)
                     "Sweet Thing" 12" single 
                          ("Mick's Extended Version", "Mick's Dub",
                           "Instrumental of Extended Mix", "Extended Remix",
                           "Stripped Down Version", "Instrumental of
                           Stripped Down Version")          12"     (1993)
                     "Sweet Thing" CD5
                          ("Mick's Extended Version", "Mick's Dub",
                           "Extended Remix", "Stripped Down Version", 
                           "Instrumental of Stripped Down Version", "LP Mix")
                                                            CD5     (1993)
                     "Everybody knows About My Good Thing"
                     "Sweet Thing (Funky Guitar Edit)"
                          (both selections are found on the "Don't Tear
                           Me Up" European CD5)
                                                            CD5     (1993)
                     "Wild Eyed Colonial Boy"               song    (1998) 
                          (Rykodisc rerelease of soundtrack to the 
                           1970 MGM film "Ned Kelly")

  Richards, Keith    "Run Rudolph Run"/"The Harder They Come"   
                                                            sgl     (1978)
                     Talk is Cheap                          LP      (1988)
                     "Make No Mistake" (single edit)        sgl     (1988)
                     "Make No Mistake" (extended edit)      12"     (1988)
                     Live at the Hollywood Palladium        LP      (1991)
                     Main Offender                          LP      (1992)
                     "Eileen" US CD5 (has 4 extra non-LP tracks:     
                           "Gimme Shelter",  "Wicked As it Seems", and
                           "How I Wish", all live, plus "Key to the Highway"
                           with Johnnie Johnson)
                                                            CD5     (1993)
                     "The Nearness of You"                  (song)  (1996)
                           (KR's 1980 recording of the old chestnut 
                            is used in the Julian Schnabel film "Basquiat", 
                            but does not appear on soundtrack CD)

  Taylor, Mick       Mick Taylor                            LP      (1979)
                     Stranger in This Town (live)           LP      (1990)
                     Too Hot for Snakes                     LP      (1991)
                                 (Mick Taylor & Carla Olsen)
                     Once in a Blue Moon                    LP
                                 (Gerry Groom, Mick Taylor & Friends)
                     Coastin' Home                          LP      (1995)
                     Stone's Throw                          LP      (1999)
                     "Red House", "Separately"                      (1999)
                       (bonus tracks on a ltd. edition of "Stone's Throw")

  Watts, Charlie     Live at the Fullham Town Hall          LP      (1986)
                       (Charlie Watts Orchestra)
                     From One Charlie to Another 
                       (CD plus book "Ode to a high-flying bird")
                                                            BOX     (1991)
                     A Tribute to Charlie Parker
                       (Charlie Watts quintet)              LP      (1992)
                     Warm and Tender                        LP      (1993)
                     Long Ago and Far Away                  LP      (1996)

  Wood, Ron      I've Got My Own Album to Do                LP      (1974)
                          (aka "Cancel Everything" on CD)
                 Now Look                                   LP      (1975)
                 "Sweet Sunshine" (flipside to 'Big Bayou')
                                                            sgl     (1976)
                 Mahoney's Last Stand (w/Ronnie Lane)       LP      (1976)
                 Gimme Some Neck                            LP      (1979)
                 1234                                       LP      (1981)
                 "It's Not Easy"                            song    (1984)
                      (on soundtrack to the film "Wild Life", and a 1998
                       tribute CD of Stones-related covers called "Cover You")
                 Live At the Ritz (w/ Bo Diddley)           LP      (1989)
                 Slide On This                              LP      (1992)

                 "Josephine ('In Your Face' mix)" (4:32)    PromoCD (1992)
                 "Somebody Else Might ('Slidin' on This' mix)" (3:48)/     
                    "Ain't Rock & Roll (remix)" (3:46)      CD5     (1993)

                 "Seven Days" (appearance on Bob Dylan 30th Anniversary CD 
                               CBS C2K 53230)               song    (1993)

                 Slide On Live (Plugged in and Standin')    LP      (1993)
                 "Stay With Me" (edit from live LP*)        CD5     (1993) 
                 "Somebody Else Might" (5:59  remix)
                    "Josephine" (remix)
                    (both tracks are on US "Stay With Me")  CD5     (1993)
                 "You Really Got a Hold on Me", 
                    "I Don't Know what You've Got" (bonus tracks on 
                    rerelease of 1993's SOL)                CD      (1998)

                 "So High", "Interfere"                     CD      (1998)
                  (from a limited edition 4-track CD included with
                  copies of his Genesis Publications book "Wood on Canvas")
                 "Insurance", "Safety Pin Queen", "Anymore for Anymore", 
                 "C&W Number", "My fault"                   CD      (1999)
                    (five previously unreleased tracks from 1976's
                    "Mahoney's Last Stand", on a Japanese CD rerelease)

  Wyman, Bill        Monkey Grip                            LP      (1974)
                     Stone Alone                            LP      (1975)
                     Bill Wyman                             LP      (1981)
                     Green Ice (film soundtrack)            LP      (1981)
                     Digital Dreams (video soundtrack)      LP      (1983)
                     Willie and the Poor Boys               LP      (1985)
                         ("superstar" group w/ Charlie Watts,
                          Andy Fairweather-Low, others)
                     Stuff (Japan only)                     LP      (1992)
                     Tear It Up                             LP      (1994)
                         (Live W&TPB album, recorded 1992 in Sweden; 
                         titled simply "Live" in Japan and UK) 
                     Struttin' Our Stuff*                   LP      (1998) 
                     Anyway the Wind Blows*                 LP      (1999)
                         (*Artist: "Bill Wyman and the Rhythm Kings", 
                                   another assortment of superstars doing 
                                   traditional numbers.) 

@Q10. Where can I get bootlegs?

    Stones fans are pretty lucky when it comes to bootlegs.  There are
    hundreds of Stones' bootlegs available, many of them are even 
    high quality recordings. You can find all sorts of things 
    bootlegged: demos, rehearsals, outtakes, concerts and interviews. 
    Unfortunately, bootlegs are sort of illegal. 

    A legal loophole discovered by 'Swingin' Pig' records in 1986 created
    an explosion in the "unauthorized recording" market, although it still
    finds challenges in court by the likes of U2, Phil Collins, and others.
    Many, (but not all) "unauthorized recordings" are not "bootlegs" but 
    were legitimate releases throughout much of Europe at the time they were 
    released.  (You may, if you are lucky, find "unauthorized recordings" at 
    your own local mom-and-pop record store clearly marked *IMPORT*.)

    Local authorities in Europe have been increasingly successful  
    at finding ways to crack down on the manufacturers as the 90s 
    draws to a close.  In the US, 1996 saw a marked increase in raids 
    on manufacturers and record shows, and shutdowns of long-standing 
    retail outlets. But advances in computer technology have brought down 
    the price and expertise hurdle of creating music CDs in one's 
    living room, and many outlets which used to sell CD bootlegs
    are now featuring home-made CD-Rs of the same unauthorized recordings. 
    With releases no longer tied to manufacturing plants and advance 
    planning, it's hard to predict with a straight face that this art
    form will disappear any time soon. However, it IS still illegal, 

    Here are the 4 main ways to acquire bootlegs:

    First, know your local record stores.  Avoid the large chains - they
    generally only carry legitimate items. The small, independently run
    stores are good places to look, and used record stores are a good bet.
    Get a phone book and personally visit all the stores listed.  Bigger
    cities and college towns usually have more of the stores you need. 
    Go to your nearest metropolis or campus and comb the stores.

    Second, go to record shows and conventions. Even the ones that have
    a "no bootleg" policy can be rewarding, as they often don't enforce
    the rule very well. Check in area newspapers and with local record
    stores for dates and locations. Goldmine magazine prints a national 
    directory of record show listings, but it may not list all of the 
    shows in your area.

    Third, use mail order places. Record magazines, such as Discoveries, 
    (or "Record Collector", in the  UK) abound with ads offering Stones  
    merchandise.  Of course, there's always an extra risk involved when  
    dealing with  mail-order places,  but most that bother to advertise 
    in major magazines are reputable. If you're unsure of a vendor, start 
    small (buy one item) and work up to larger purchases.  If they are 
    prompt and straightforward, then feel comfortable sending larger orders. 

    As a last resort, you can often resolve any dissatisfaction with 
    a vendor using the power of the purse: many credit card agreements 
    have "consumer clauses" which allow you to withhold payment 
    to a vendor if you can show that promised goods were not delivered
    in a satisfactory or timely manner.

    You can usually find a copy of Discoveries, Goldmine, or 
    Record Collector in record or book stores, or get in contact 
    with them directly.                  
    Caveat emptor. Bootlegs are often over-priced and low quality. 
    Due to the legal gray area in which most bootlegs are sold, 
    sellers may not have a friendly return policy on them. Some  
    other vendors who offer bootlegs may refuse to do business 
    with credit cards to avoid the paper trail that gets left behind.
    And one downside of the CD-R "revolution" is the huge supply of 
    noisy or unusable discs, some of which may play or fail depending
    on the unit you try to play them on. 

    Fourth, trade tapes with friends. This is the cheapest way to build a
    respectable collection of bootlegs. Buy a few discs and trade tapes 
    of them to get tapes of other things you were unable to buy or find. 
    If you make this economical method your main collection-building 
    strategy, it is probably worth the effort to pursue titles for 
    your purchases which are not very common. This will make tapes 
    of your purchased discs more attractive in trading circles. 

@Q11: Which bootlegs are best? Which will have my favorite song?

  Part two of this document is occupied with nothing but answering 
  this question.  It is a concise history of the band's performing 
  career,  and it includes remarks on availability of outtakes,  
  unreleased studio recordings, and live performances.   

@Q12. How can I get that Keith sound in the comfort of my own home?

  Two approaches, here:

  If you want to play like Keith, well you *really* need a  Fender
  Telecaster ;-). As well, Keith plays in open G tuning, his own  5
  string version. Take your low E string OFF the guitar and tune it:
  (low to high) GDGBD. You can always tune the low E string to D as well
  if you don't want to remove strings. Keith sums up his guitar playing
  thusly: "5 strings, 3 fingers, and one asshole."


  barre at the 5th fret (that's a C in open G tuning) and slam a few
  chords... hammer on an Am7 form in fron of the bar.. that's an F... slam
  a few more... repeat progression at the 2nd fret... noodle around on the
  open G.... that'll get you through about 70% of all the solo albums and a
  great deal of Stones stuff as well. A few tidbits... Keith uses talcum
  powder on the neck before he speeds things up a lot, but if
  you are really picky about strings, you will have to be religous about
  wiping them when you are finished. And of course, never be so dull as to
  actually play chords ON the downbeat... wait about 20 nanoseconds from
  all major timing cues...get that one string about 2 clicks out of tune...
  it's all in the tension, you know. And remember, no effects boxes and
  keep in mind that "it only tightens up"...

@Q13. Wouldn't it be neat if there were a Stones "museum"? 

  Bill Wyman operates a restaurant called "Sticky Fingers" in the 
  well-heeled Kensington section of London. The food is much the 
  same general type of menu as you might find at Hard Rock.  Cost 
  seems OK.  The whole place is of course a shrine to a certain 
  well known band!  Bill has decorated it with framed (etc)
  posters, magazine covers, guitars, gold discs, etc etc. - even
  an especially good blown up cutting on the right of the door
  as you go out, headed 'Korner Cancels', referring to the
  first real Stones Gig, on 12th July 1962. No trouble finding
  things to read and gaze at while you await your meal.  Most of the
  time Stones music plays.  Location: 1 Phillmore Gardens, London.
@Q14. I'm a novice.  Can you recommend the best...
  First.... a note on the worth of opinions. They are, as the saying 
  goes, like anal cavities.  Everyone has one and they all stink. They
  are also free, so remember that you get what you pay for.

  Detached, objective judgment of the worth of a particular period  of
  the Rolling Stones' career is a problem all its own.  As Keith
  Richards has said, people tend to be fond of what they were hearing
  the first time they got laid.

a. albums

  If you are thinking of starting out with live albums or greatest-hits
  compilations for an exposure to the Rolling Stones, (or for someone
  else's benefit!), consider:
  Their early work (the first eight years), originally on DECCA records 
  (London Records in the USA), is covered by any of the greatest-hits
  compilations that are now being released on CD by ABKCO.   

  "Hot Rocks 1964-1971", the double-CD set, is a near-definitive 
  collection of the hit singles that established them as legends. 
  Alternatively, you could pair up the single CDs "High Tide and 
  Green Grass (Big Hits)" and "Through the Past  Darkly (Big
  Hits Part 2)" for a collection of equal length with a slightly 
  different impact.  Or, get the 1989 ABKCO 3-CD set called "The 
  London Years", which is stuffed with just about anything 
  the band put out as a single in these years. It includes everything 
  found on the American versions of the two "Big Hits" compilations, 
  everything from "Hot Rocks 1964-1971" with the exception of three 
  HR songs, and it has several somewhat rare selections otherwise 
  unavailable on CD anywhere.

  (As of June 1995, the three compilations mentioned in the paragraph
  below seem to be off the shelves indefinitely and _superseded_ by the 
  1993 European compilation "Jump Back".  If you can find any of these 
  three compilations on your store shelves, consider that they may
  be gone forever soon. It's mostly no big deal: Two of the three 
  have material that is available elsewhere. 1981's "Sucking in the 
  Seventies", however, has several tracks on it which remain 
  unavailable elsewhere on CD.)

  Several compilations cover their post-ABKCO work.  "Made in the Shade"
  was originally released in 1975, and "Rewind (1971-1984)" in 1984. 
  Unfortunately, the CD releases of these two albums have an overlap of
  four songs.  "Rewind" is the better value for your CD money. "Sucking
  in the Seventies", from 1981, is of interest largely to collectors. 
  It has three tracks otherwise unavailable on CD, including a live 
  song from 1978, and the single/promo edits of 6 other Stones 
  numbers released after 1975. 

  A 1993 compilation, entitled "Jump Back", was not released in the 
  US, but has, on a single CD, everything found on the "Rewind" CD except 
  for "Hang Fire" and "Heartbreaker"; plus, thrown in for good measure
  are "Bitch", "Wild Horses", "Respectable", "Mixed Emotions", and "Rock 
  and a Hard Place".

  The Rolling Stones have released six "live albums" (seven if
  you count 1995's "Stripped" which has a limited number of 
  live performances) and except for 'Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!',
  released in 1970, everyone seems to hate something about 
  all of them.  

  Moving on to "regular" releases, many people are strongly persuaded that
  the Rolling Stones' years with Mick Taylor, and just before, are an
  artistic peak that no one before or since has been able to touch.  To
  acquire that era, you can obtain the albums released from 1968 to 1972.
  (In order of release: 'Beggar's Banquet', 'Let It Bleed', 'Get Yer
  Ya-Ya's Out' (live), 'Sticky Fingers', and 'Exile on Main Street'). 

  While an investment in the ABKCO compilations provides a fairly complete 
  overview of the best of the Rolling Stones' first eight years, the band's 
  first three American releases ('Newest Hit Makers', '12 X 5', and 'Now!')
  stand as a powerful documentary of what all the fuss was about. 
  'Aftermath' is also a favorite among many aficianados.

  What one critic has referred to as their 'silver age' occurred in the
  late 70's-early eighties, after many had given the band up for dead.  
  The albums "Some Girls", "Emotional Rescue", and "Tattoo You" (released 
  from 1978 to 1981) show a veteran outfit churning out top-notch material
  which was a critical and commercial success. Common rock criticism to the
  contrary, this rejuvenation was NOT just the result of the appearance of
  punk rock and the Sex Pistols in the world. After all, the punk
  phenomenon didn't seem to do much for Led Zeppelin or the Who.  

b. movies
  The Rolling Stones are the focus of several films that have 
  still not made it to the home video market. 

  Their film history is somewhat chaotic.  Part of the reason you 
  can't see them all at your leisure may have as much to do 
  with technical feasibility as court injunctions.

  (Any movies that were subsequently released to the home video 
  market are listed under part d. of this question, "home videos")

  'Cocksucker Blues' - 

      A concert film cum tour documentary, widespread exhibition of 
      this film has been frustrated by much legal wrangling over the 
      years.  See question #15.

  'Ladies & Gentlemen, The Rolling Stones' - 

      A concert film by which all others surely must be judged. High 
      excitement prevails in this film of two concert performances from 
      their 1972 American tour. Originally released in Quadrophonic 
      sound, the original soundtrack, recorded as it is on film 
      in an unusual manner, requires considerable labor to screen
      properly. That effort is occasionally undertaken, as it was for 
      a September 1996 screening at Lincoln Center.
c. books
  The number of published books about the Rolling Stones can (and does)
  fill up a separate document all its own: Part three of this FAQ list.  
  Still, it is probably of some use to have a 'shortlist', some starting
  point, so here are the titles of five current books we recommend for
  giving you a good  start in learning about the history, influence, and
  greatness of the  Rolling Stones. 

  Please note that these five are not necessarily the best 
  books about the Stones, but they ARE the best of what's 
  currently available.

       'Dance With the Devil' 
       Stanley Booth
           - Delayed for years due to litigation, this book combines 
             equal parts tedious personal confession and juicy Stones-tour 
             gossip. Particularly compelling is the detailed description 
             of a group rehearsal. An insider's account of the Stones' 
             entree into the big time.

       'Symphony For the Devil' 
       Philip Norman
           - Stops in 1983, but the author delivers a respectful and 
             competent biography.  Bookended by anecdotes about their 
             1981 tour, Norman's analysis of characters in the play 
             known as the Rolling Stones is deep and thoughtful. Revised
             and reissued in 1992.

       'Keith Richards - the Biography' 
       Victor Bockris
           - Little more than a cut-and-paste job of other,
             indiscriminately chosen biographies, this book still has the 
             advantage of recent vintage, and the fact that the author
             can turn out seductive and flowing prose.  Never a dull moment, 
             which is actually difficult to say about lesser Stones'-related 

       'The Rolling Stones Album' 
       Geoffrey Giuliano
           - Biographically, nothing is very deep - only a thumbnail 
             sketch of the band's history is attempted.  Sometimes, though,
             this is more refreshing than failed attempts at deep analysis.  
             Intended as pornography for the Stones-memorabilia fetishist, 
             this book has great color photographs of records, books, 
             promotional items, and posters. If a picture paints a thousand 
             words, this is a million-word chronicle. 

       'Stone Alone' 
       Bill Wyman (with Ray Coleman)
           - The only book by any band member that was there in the early 
             years, and at the height of the madness, this can (surprisingly)
             get awfully boring.  If, as is said, the devil is in the details,
             then opportunities abound here, as one of Wyman's techniques is to 
             provide the full text of letters for rather unseemly work-a-day 
             tasks.  Yet, there is no discussion of the band's musical working 
             techniques, except as they pertain to, for example, how long they
             would spend working on a new song of Wyman's versus one penned by 
             Jagger and Richards. Great opportunities missed, but others taken,
             if you have the interest and patience. NB: only covers up to 
             July, 1969.

  Now these five *are* the best: good luck finding them all!          

       'Stone Alone' - Wyman/Coleman
       'Symphony for the Devil' - Phillip Norman
       'An Illustrated Record'
       Roy Carr
           - A beautiful, thoroughly researched, large-format book which 
             presents the Rolling Stones' discography up to 1976. It includes 
             tour history, side-project information, interviews, unreleased 
             album covers, and beautiful reproductions of the original DECCA 
             LP covers. Essential.

        'The Rolling Stones - The First Twenty Years' 
        David Dalton 
           - Dalton has edited several books on the topic, any and all of
             them worthwhile. Another large format book, this collection of 
             essays, reviews, band history, interviews, photographs, and a 
             sessionography, remains overwhelming years after you acquire it.
             Out of print, and highly recommended. 

        Robert Greenfield
           The abbreviation of "Stones Touring Party", and the name of a 
           drug, this out-of-print classic is about life on the road
           with the World's greatest you-know-what on their most infamous
           excursion to the United States, in 1972. (Rereleased in 1997 
           in paperback, without photographs.)

d. home videos

  The Stones are the subject of several releases on home video.  
  Any title marked with an 'M' has a theatrical release in its 

     (Note: the designation ("import") means this is a title that 
            is not generally available in the States except in 
            'specialty' stores.  Since the rest of the world 
            has a different video standard from the US, these 
            tapes may have been made through a format-conversion 
            process, and so may suffer in son et lumiere.)

  'Bridges To Babylon Live'
      An edit of their December 12, 1997 show in St. Louis. This 
      home video was initially distributed in the US under an 
      exclusivity deal with Public Broadcasting, begun in March 
      of 1998 and lasting for seven months.

M 'The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus' - 

      Originally conceived as a television show, this 1968 gala 
      (see question #15 for details) was screened for the world 
      finally in 1996 at the New York Film Festival before its 
      release on home video two days later.
  'Live Voodoo Lounge'

      In November of 1995, a 94-minute home video began appearing     
      on shelves in the UK.  This single VHS tape, released 12/95 
      in the US, is a 17-song distillation of the November 1994 
      "pay-per-view" concert from Joe Robbie Stadium 
      in Miami, Florida. It features one-time collaborations with
      guests Robert Cray and Bo Diddley.  

  'The Rolling Stones '95 Voodoo Lounge in Japan'
  (Japan-only release) 

      A double-disc (or double-VHS-tape) of a March 
      1995 performance in Tokyo which was originally shown on NHK-TV.  
      The set list includes "Sweet Virginia", "Slipping Away", 
      "Rock and a Hard Place", "Live With Me", "Angie", and 
      "Sympathy for the Devil".
M 'At the Max'                    

      85 minute distillation of the concert film they said couldn't
      be brought to home video. Originally filmed in the eye-popping 
      IMAX format, and exhibited only in planetariums or learning 
      institutions where your peripheral vision could be properly 
      occupied, this feature was culled from three concerts in the 
      1990 European tour. PolyGram released this title on home video 
      in Europe in November '94 just as the Stones planned to 
      announce 1995 concert dates on the continent. The video was 
      released in the US shortly thereafter. 

M 'Sympathy for the Devil' (ABKCO re-release) 

      Re-released for home video in 1994 under the auspicies of 
      ABKCO, this version of the 1970 Jean-Luc Godard film 
      'One Plus One/Sympathy for the Devil' opted for the more 
      Stones-oriented title. 

  'Live Voodoo Lounge'

      Highlights of the band's four August 1994 appearances at Giants'
      Stadium at the New Jersey Meadowlands. This 90-minute concert 
      tape is basically the 1994 set at that time less five songs or 
      so (no 'Love Is Strong', 'Beast of Burden', 'I Go Wild', 'Happy', 
      or 'Can't Get Next To You', which were getting played regularly 
      at that point in the tour).  This tape was only available at 
      concerts from souvenir stands, or via mail order directly from   
      Brockum, the Stones' concert souvenir marketeers. Originally 
      planned to be out of circulation (along with other 1994 
      tour souvenir items) in the Spring of 1995.

  'The Rolling Stones: Unauthorised Biography'       

      This program consists mostly of *still* *photographs* floating in 
      a small portion of the screen over a black background.  There is 
      occasional motion picture footage (a couple uninteresting complete 
      shots of some airport arrival or departure which would be shown for 
      only two seconds in a judiciously edited documentary.), and the *only* 
      music one hears is about 30 seconds of "Around and Around" in front 
      of that froofy curtain (is this PD stuff YET?).  There are a couple 
      TV news stories (Mick's 1967 bust and the 1976 UK tour), about one 
      minute of a Wyman interview, and two minutes of of an interview 
      with Mick Jagger done after his 1992 solo appearance on Saturday 
      Night Live. (He wouldn't reproduce his comedic imitation of 
      Keith Richards for the interviewer without the props he had 
      on the live TV show.)

  '25 X 5 (The Continuing Adventures of the Rolling Stones)' - 

      This two-hour retrospective of the band's entire career, released in 
      1990, has some ultra-rare and exclusive footage and performances from 
      the band's own collection.  It's narrated by interviews with the band, 
      so bring your own grain of salt. Highly recommended.

  'Mick Jagger & the Rolling Stones'            

      A 30-minute episode of something called 'Celebrity Showcase'. At 
      least the outside box is honest: it warns potential customers
      that there is no Rolling Stones music on the entire program. Not

  'Video Rewind' - 

      A one-hour feature, this early attempt at making a unique offering 
      in the then-infantile home music video market is occasionally 
      successful and funny. It includes rarely seen "official" videos of 
      records released from 1978 to 1983, two television performances
      from "Don Kirshner's Rock Concert" in the mid-70's, and a 
      cut-and-paste version of "Brown Sugar", which uses spliced 
      footage from several tours. The thread/plot tying this 
      all together is a long hallucination by Bill Wyman.

M 'Let's Spend the Night Together' - 

      The home video version of the film of their 1981 US tour, directed 
      by Hal Ashby. Opinion on this film is widely varying.  Some longtime 
      Stones' enthusiasts are disappointed by the performance, while others 
      find it an exciting document of a great tour (current author loves
      it, but he was 18 when the tour took place!).  A video rental costs 
      you maybe three bucks - so we're not going to sweat making a bad 
      recommendation. The original VHS release, if you can find it, may 
      not be in Hi-Fi.

  'Rolling On' - 

      A 60-minute television documentary, assembled in 1982, but consisting 
      of an annoying 'cheese-rock' soundtrack (no Jagger-Richards tunes), 
      and some rarely seen footage from the 'Charlie is My Darling' era 
      (1965). Little to recommend it except when you mute the horrendous 
      audio tracks, and watch Jagger work a crowd in some rarely-seen 
      early live footage. 
M 'Gimme Shelter' - 

      This home video of the documentary of the 1969 tour and the disastrous 
      free concert that closed it ("Altamont") stands as a classic film 
      separate from any other rock film due to its' too-true human drama 
      and its portrait of the end of an era.  Last refurbished in 1992, 
      the newest editions of the VHS tape are in Hi-Fi. Aficianados claim 
      that the audio soundtrack on the last release of this film, in 
      fine ABKCO tradition, was made from less desirable mono masters. 
      There have been both R-rated (brief nudity, foul language) and 
      PG-rated (cleaned up) versions of this film in home-video 
      circulation. Other snippets of dialogue, such as some decidedly
      non-obscene negotiation in the Stones' lawyer's office, have 
      been removed from some releases for no apparent reason. 

  'The Stones in the Park' ("import") - 

      A one-hour Granada TV documentary of the Stones' July 1969 free concert 
      in London's Hyde Park. The stage debut of new guitarist Mick Taylor, this
      show has snippets of some classic performances. Rarely seen, but is
      available for rent in select, non-"chain store" shops.

M 'One plus one (Sympathy for the Devil)' -     

      A pretentious bore by Jean-Luc Goddard, this film has splices of the 
      Stones building and recording the classic track 'Sympathy For the Devil'
      in the studio in 1968. Since seeing the Stones 'behind-the-scenes' at 
      work is so rare, this is a valuable document. No. No. Yes. No. No. No.

      (A 1994 re-release by ABKCO uses the 'Sympathy' title exclusively.)

  'Charlie is My Darling' ("import")  

      A one-hour documentary of their 1965 tour of Ireland. Some stunningly 
      funny documentary footage of Keith and Mick, drunk, at a piano and 
      singing. Also, a nice portrait of the frenzy and excitement that 
      accompanied their early road work, including a truly frightening mob 
      scene at a show that got out of hand while the band was playing.  
      Same narrow distribution as the Hyde Park documentary video above. 

M 'That was Rock/The TAMI Show' - 

      The Stones perform five songs in twelve minutes on the "Teenage 
      Music International" show, filmed in Los Angeles in 1965. Other 
      guests on the show(s) were Chuck Berry, James Brown, Lesley Gore, 
      Marvin Gaye, the Supremes, and Ike and Tina Turner. Worth it to 
      see a young Mick and Diana Ross singing together at the finale. 

e. fanzines

*   Basement News 

    Basement News Distribution
    c/o Guenter Beetz
    Waldstr. 59
    D-63110 Rodgau 6

    Phone & FAX: ++49 (6101) 16210
    Cost for 3 issues/year:
       Germany: DM 20 
       Europe: DM 25 (Eurocheque or equivalent cash in national currency)
       Overseas: US$ 23 (cash)

    Published by Dieter Hoffman, the author of the Schwarzbuch (Black
    Book) bootleg bible and Weissbuch (White Book) listing of legit
    releases. Provides detailed information on current band activity,
    bootleg reviews, and the scuttlebutt on new Stones or Stones related
    record or CD releases.  

*   Beggars Banquet   [NOW OUT OF BUSINESS]
    P O Box 6152
    New York, NY   10128

    Monthly - 20 US Dollars/12 issues in the US, 25 US Dollars for overseas

    Originally a 'pure' fanzine written by Bill German, this survived
    being the semi-official Fan Club Magazine in the Mid-80's. Rather
    tame and uncritical, and perhaps too much 'Bill German and the Stones'
    (usually Ronnie).  Wouldn't be without it.

    [Ceased publishing early 1996. A website run by the publisher
    at is still going, and offers back
    issues for sale.] 

*   Front Row Fan Club
    Landseestr. 49
    D-76437 Rastatt 
    A German-language _monthly_ newsletter which has published 
    more than 50 issues. Includes live CD reviews.     

    English-language Home Page is at: 

*   It's Only Rock'n'Roll
    Vabraaten 111
    N-1392  Vettre
    Norway             [Tel: (+47) 6679 4297]

    English Language, A5-sized magazine, first appeared in 1980. 
    Published approx. quarterly, four issues are definitely scheduled 
    for the year 1995. Price: NOK 200 (or, roughly, $US 30.00, or 
    20 English pounds) for four issues. No personal checks, please.
    Visa and MasterCard accepted, which greatly simplifies things.

*   Le Club Des Stones
    75666 Paris Cedex 14

    Actually the name of the French fan club for the Rolling
    Stones, they'll issue four A4 magazines per year to you 
    (in French, natch) for 100F.

*   Shattered
    PO Box 3723 
    London SE15 1HW

    A5-sized 'zine. Four issues 12 UK Pounds/18 pounds overseas

*   Sticky Fingers
    Post Office Box 3474
    Granada Hills, CA  91344
    Published its first issue Jan/Feb 1996. Six issues are 
    scheduled a year.  $3/ea. at newsstands. Features 
    extensive reviews of live CDs. Not reviewed.

    Rates: USA:        $US 30 for 1 year
           Other:      $US 40 for 1 year

*   Stones People
    c/o Yuji Ikeda
    2-5-16-509 Harumi
    Tokyo 104

    With a slower publishing schedule than most fan magazines, 
    each issue is nonetheless hefty (~100 pages) and produced 
    in high quality. 

*   Stones People Magazine (nee Stones People Europe)
    Middenweg 2
    1217 HT Hilversum
    The Netherlands


    Prices (Eurocheque or cash only, please):   
                                NLG 60 (60 Dutch Guilders), 
                                NLG 80 outside of Holland

                                55 US Dollars for USA (incl. S/H)
                                15 US Dollars for sample issue (incl. S/H)

    Launched in December 1995, the goal is to publish quarterly 
    issues of 64 pages each. Includes color photography, and all 
    text is in both Dutch and English. Praised even by the
    competition. URL: 

*   Tumbling Dice

    Terry Carty
    9 Collingwood Close
    Kent   CT8 8JD


    9 UK Pounds in UK, 12 UK Pounds in Europe, 18 UK pounds in rest

    Single issue for 1.5 Pounds plus a SASE (A5 sized).

    Only been going since early 1991 and still finding its feet.  Each
    issue much improved on the previous, and distribution problems
    slowly disappearing.  No band access. 

@Q15. What is/who are

a. "Nanker Phelge"?

  The credited author of several early compositions ("Stoned",  "The 
  Underassistant West Coast Promotion Man"), "Nanker Phelge" is actually a 
  pseudonym used for group compositions. "Nanker" was the nick name for 
  a rather unpleasant facial expression band members used to make, 
  and "Phelge" the surname of an early roommate of Keith, Mick, and 
  Brian's whose personal hygiene left something to be desired.

b. "The Glimmer Twins"?

  The production team known to the world as "The Glimmer Twins" consists
  of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, so dubbed because of a chance encounter 
  with an elderly woman on vacation, who thought she recognized one of the
  Stones, but only had a "glimmer" of the real identity of her find.

c. "Rock and Roll Circus"?

  Mere days after the release of 'Beggar's Banquet' in 1968, the band 
  pulled together a 'circus': a television spectacle consisting of real 
  circus performers, and some progressive rock acts of the day.  
  Jethro Tull, The Who and Eric Clapton were in attendance, as were 
  lions, trapeze artists, and Yoko Ono.
  The idea was to produce a unique showcase, but the footage was
  eventually shelved, due to what the Stones felt was a sub-standard
  performance. It was not shown publicly for 27 years, except for brief
  excerpts in home videos (specifically, the Stones' own title 
  '25 x 5', and the Who's performance of 'A Quick One', which was used 
  in their own film/career documentary, 'The Kids Are Alright'.). 

  It was also Brian Jones' last performance with the band.  
  The two main musical highlights were a 'supergroup' consisting of 
  Eric Clapton, John Lennon, Keith Richards, and Mitch Mitchell (of the 
  Jimi Hendrix Experience), and a performance of several songs 
  by the Stones themselves, including 'Route 66' (not filmed), 
  'Confessin' the Blues' (not filmed), 'Parachute Woman', 'Jumpin' 
  Jack Flash', 'Sympathy for the Devil', 'No Expectations', 'You 
  Can't Always Get What You Want', and 'Salt of the Earth'.

  The surviving footage (65 minutes' worth), including six of
  the Stones' selections, was finally premiered in October 1996 
  at the New York Film Festival thanks to an agreement between 
  ABKCO and the Rolling Stones. A CD and home video were released 
  that month, also. 

d. "Altamont"?

  To cap off their highly successful Fall 1969 tour of the United States,
  the band planned a large, free concert in San Francisco similar to a
  successful event they had done in London's Hyde Park in July of that
  year.  Between permit denials, greed, and a last-minute change of
  venue, the event devolved from a potentially powerful West Coast
  Woodstock to a poorly-planned mess.  A bad choice of security
  (American biker gang the "Hell's Angels") contributed to a day-long
  sideshow of violence and "bad vibes". 

  By the time the Stones came on in the evening, tempers were short.
  The dramatic stabbing of a spectator by one of the Hell's Angels
  during the Stones' set was captured on film in the documentary 
  "Gimme Shelter", available now on home video.
e. "Cocksucker Blues"? 

  It is the title of both a notorious slow blues song performed by 
  Jagger which has been frequently bootlegged, and an unrelated film
  project by Robert Frank which was a documentary of the Stones' 1972
  American tour.

  The song tells the woeful tale of a "lonesome schoolboy" who has come 
  to the big city (London) but does not know where to find all the 
  amenities a young man needs.  Presented as a single by Jagger to 
  fulfill a contractual obligation to the then-despised 
  DECCA records, the label declined to release it. It did appear 
  very briefly as an 'official' release: as a bonus single 
  to a German boxed set in 1984.  The box was quickly pulled, 
  and re-released without the offending tune.

  The film is rarely seen, as a unique legal settlement has required 
  that its' director, Robert Frank, accompany each and every showing of
  the film.  More bark than bite.  Drug-fueled orgies and all kinds of 
  human degradations were rumoured to be captured on film. This was 
  more a reflection of what people thought went on on a Stones'
  tour than what actually happened.  Rather tame, it has some tit, some
  drunken revelry, some drug use by band members, and some footage of
  the greatest rock and roll band in the world in action. 

@Q16. Gossip

a. How many times have they been arrested?

  The band's longtime acquaintance with law enforcement started with an 
  infamous 'pissing' incident in March of 1965 in which Bill Wyman, who
  needed to use the rest facilities at a car fuel stop, was not only
  refused admittance to the chamber, but told to promptly  vacate the
  premises.  Mick Jagger and Brian Jones joined Bill in pissing against
  a wall, and the Stones' image as 'bad boys' was firmly established. In
  a remarkable show of solidarity and opportunism, which was not to
  be repeated, all five band members showed up at court, several
  weeks later...

  Unfortunately, being pop-stars in the "swingin' sixties", they were
  easy targets for aggressive  narcotics enforcement officers.  Human
  nature and law enforcement being what they are, these officers
  descended on the weakest and most vulnerable of the lot, Brian Jones,
  with some regularity and viciousness, although by the end of the
  Seventies, Mick and Keith also found themselves "busted" several
  times, culminating in the most serious case, Keith's 1977 arrest for
  heroin possession in Canada, which threatened the continued existence
  of the band.

  The Eighties, the decade of the "War on Drugs", produced its own
  comical efforts at putting Stones Behind Bars, but these were so
  poorly executed, they failed almost upon impact. Ron Wood, several
  years younger than everyone else in the band, got his own taste in
  1980.  Although charges were dropped, Mr. Wood was said to have problems
  with unspecified drugs in the early eighties, and also to have taken
  care of them with a "Betty Ford"-type cure while the Stones were
  languishing unused mid-decade.  In 1994, Charlie Watts admitted 
  to a mid-80s episodic problem with abuse of speed and alcohol, and a 
  flirtation with heroin. He claims to have cleaned himself up 
  towards the end of 1986.

  1965 - "Pissing" incident at a gas/petrol station. Five-pound fines
         for Mick, Brian, and Bill are appealed.  
  1967 - The "Redlands" bust - allegations of carpeted girls and Mars bars.
         Keith's conviction on "allowing his premises" overturned on
         appeal; Mick's pep-pill possession successfully appealed - Court 
         found that he had been more severely sentenced than an "anonymous 
         young man".
  1967 - Brian busted same day as the "Redlands" case court appearance.
  1968 - Brian busted for cannabis. Found guilty and fined.
  1969 - Hashish possession: Mick and Marianne Faithfull; Marianne
         acquitted, Mick is fined.
  1972 - Jagger and Richards held on assault of a photographer; delay means
         the evening's show in Boston starts after midnight. 
  1972 - Keith's French pied-a-terre is raided; Coke, Hashish, heroin found.
  1973 - Keith present when his British residence is raided. Drugs and guns. 
  1975 - Keith gets in trouble for carrying a knife in Fordyce, Arkansas
  1977 - Keith fined 750 pounds + costs for coke possession.
  1977 - Keith arrested for heroin possession in Canada.  Eventually
         "sentenced" to play a free concert and take his cure in New Jersey. 
  1980 - Ron and Jo Howard hang out with the wrong crowd in St. Maarten, 
         and spend several days in jail for possession of cocaine.
  1987 - Jerry Hall gets into some trouble in Barbados when the local
         customs people decide a 20-lb. package of marijuana is hers.
         The "Kangaroo Customs" officers screw their own case, and Jerry
         is found 'not guilty'.

b. How many times have they been married?                            

  Both Charlie Watts and Keith Richards are on their first marriages.  
  Charlie married in 1964, Keith 19 years later. Brian Jones was never
  married. Mick Jagger had his 9-year marriage (to model Jerry Hall),
  which he never admitted existed, annulled in 1999. Ron Wood is on his
  second marriage. Ex-Stone Bill Wyman was the only member
  already married when he joined the group, and he entered his third 
  legal marriage shortly after leaving the group in 1993. 

c. Will the band break up?

  At some point, we believe.

d. Are they going to tour again?

  As of this revision of the FAQ, the Stones' concert 
  concern has just wound down what amounts to a two-year 
  tour - on the road from September 1997 through June 
  1999 with some brief layoffs. Rumours always swirl, 
  but it's a safe bet that any new tour, if it happens, 
  is not going to happen for a while. 
e. Is this the last time, really? 

  They were first asked this in 1966. 

f. How old ARE they?

  Birthdays are as follows:

      Jagger       July 26, 1943         
      Brian Jones  Feb. 28, 1942    (dismissed June 8, 1969; died July 3, 1969)
      Richards     Dec. 18, 1943 
      Stewart      July 18, 1938    (died December 12, 1985)
      Taylor       Jan. 17, 1949    (quit 12/1974; usual 1948 wrong)
      Watts        Jun. 02, 1941         
      Wood         Jun. 01, 1947         
      Wyman        Oct. 24, 1936    (quit 1993)     
@Q17. What gives with: 

a. that tongue logo all over the place

  When the band formed "Rolling Stones Records" in 1971, their label 
  design was basic yellow, with a small red, white, and black 
  "tongue-and-lip design", as the copyright notices now say, on the 
  left side. The "tongue-and-lip", and countless variations, have 
  since appeared on all kinds of official (and unofficial) Stones 
  memorabilia and products. In a 1971 interview in _Rolling Stone_ 
  magazine, Keith Richards claimed that the inspiration was the 
  Indian goddess Khali, and he went on to say that we could expect
  many variations on the theme.

  The credit for the original design has been mistakenly given to
  several people over the years.  The most frequent misattribution 
  is the claim that it is a creation of Andy Warhol's. Even a 
  researcher as thorogh as Philip Norman has mistakenly 
  repeated this legend. Warhol designed two Stones' album covers, 
  including the first LP released on "Rolling Stones Records", but 
  he did not supply the tongue.  Mr. Norman claims elsewhere 
  that the earliest inspiration was a set designed by 
  Kenneth MacMillan for the Royal Ballet's 'Paradise Lost'.

  As recently as March 1995, Billboard magazine printed a blurb 
  which incorrectly hinted that the 1971 design which would go on to 
  remain imprinted on thousands' of Stones' fans' minds came 
  from one Ruby Mazur.  Billboard finally saw their mistake 
  and identified Mazur as the designer of the first officially 
  used variation on the tongue: the Rolling Stones Records 
  open-hole 7" single sleeve. First used in 1972 and last used 
  9 years later, the sleeve design has one eye, and uses the 
  middle record-label open hole as "the mouth" of an ill-defined face.  
  The design for the sleeve is memorable because the record-label 
  hole is not perfectly round, as is standard industry practice, 
  but a contour of the Mazur-designed open mouth. 

  On April 8, 1995, Billboard definitely attributed the original 
  classic design to John Pasch. In a 1997 interview done for a 
  television infomercial pitch selling authorized Stones-related 
  merchandise, Mick Jagger cited John Pasch. 

b. cheese

  Very simple really...........

  Woody says Keith is afraid of cheese in Rolling Stone 
  magazine, October 1994...

  Undercover readers analyze the meaning of this for approximately six 
  weeks, digressing into the interelationship between cheese and heroin 
  addiction and constipation. A syndrome of tight pants wearers dubbed 
  (by a doctor) as "Mick Jagger's Revenge" joins the story. Exact 
  relevance, if any , unclear......

  A newswire story about 18 people being injured in a Cheltenham, England
  cheese-rolling festival and the fact that Brian Jones grew up there leads 
  to speculation that Brian Jones rolled cheese down a hill every year as a 
  child in Cheltenham and then grew up to be a Rolling Stone. Speculation of 
  cheese involvement in Brian's death in 1969 discussed now and then.........

  A Toronto caterer to the Stones commented that Keith lingers round the 
  cheese tray and eats a lot for a skinny guy......

  Keith tells Q magazine that he isn't allergic to cheese, but he might 
  as well be.....

  Cheese influence on Stones lyrics analyzed (i.e. "don't wanna walk or 
  talk about cheeses, just want to see Keith's face)......

  Steve Portigal gives cheese names to unsubscribers who send their 
  unsubscribe request to the readers, rather than to the admin address
  as instructed at the end of each digest.

  Mick Jagger, suspected of being an incognito reader of Undercover, 
  begins talking about cheese during concert song interludes, 
  introducing keyboard player Chuck Leavell at the Halloween show 
  in Oakland, 1994 with the phrase "I talk to the cheese". (editors' 
  note: current scholarship claims that what is said here 
  is "I talk to the trees.")

  And why does this interest us?

  To each his own answer...or as Bob Dylan used to say.."the ants 
  are my friends, they're blowin in the wind, the ants are just 
  blowin in the wind"

  [special thanks to Dan Ream with his help on question 17.]

@Q18. Myths & legends:

a. Did Keith really get his blood changed?

  It was a widely circulated rumour that to cure himself of an addiction
  to heroin, Keith Richards flew to the Swiss chalet of an exclusive 
  physician who had a method for replacing all of a patient's nasty 
  addicted blood with good clean blood. 
  Great gossip. Bad science.

  While it has been claimed in print by at least one biographer,  this
  author was also Keith's dealer for several years. It is widely 
  considered to be little more than another colorful urban legend.

b. Do they worship satan?

  Among the phenomena that have become known to us since the formation 
  of the Rolling Stones are: CDs, wireless amps, home video, and 
  Serious Rock Criticism.  Early Serious Rock Critics, trying in vain 
  to capture in prose the mystique, wonder, beauty, arrogance, and power
  of the Rolling Stones, would often resort to demonic imagery.  It did
  not help matters that the band released songs like "Sympathy for the
  Devil", or that Jagger performed in a swirling cape bathed in red
  light.  Blame this one on the old "four blind men describing an
  elephant" syndrome.
  Professional demonist and man-about-town Kenneth Anger once asserted
  that Anita Pallenberg (Keith's paramour in the Stones' supposed
  'demonic' period) was a 'witch'.  But that's Kenneth Anger.

c. Is Paul dead?
  He is rumoured to have shown up at a Rolling Stones concert in 
  New York City in 1978 to catch the festivities. Other than that, 
  no one seems to care.

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Whether you believe in God or not, this message is a "must-read"!!

All throughout time, we can see how we have been slowly conditioned to come to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Did you know that the Bible foretold of this event almost 2,000 years ago?

In the book of Revelation 13:16-18, we read,

"He (the false prophet who deceives many by his miracles--Revelation 19:20) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666."

Speaking to the last generation, this could only be speaking of a cashless society. Why's that? Revelation 13:17 states that we cannot buy or sell unless we receive the mark of the beast. If physical money was still in use, we could buy or sell with one another without receiving the mark. This would contradict scripture that states we need the mark to buy or sell!

These verses could not be referring to something purely spiritual as scripture references two physical locations (our right hand or forehead) stating the mark will be on one "OR" the other. If this mark was purely spiritual, it would indicate both places, or one--not one OR the other!

This is where it really starts to come together. It is incredible how accurate the Bible is concerning the implantable RFID microchip. Here are notes from someone named Carl Sanders who worked with a team of engineers to help develop this RFID chip:

"Carl Sanders sat in seventeen New World Order meetings with heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the C.I.A. to discuss plans on how to bring about this one-world system. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world—a microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick, convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society).

Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without the knowledge of the Bible (Brother Sanders was not a Christian at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip inserted.

Guess what? These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand (the two places the Bible says the mark will go) are not just the most convenient places, but are also the only viable places for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The microchip is approximately seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, criminal record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this chip.

Brother Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped design, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16–18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick.” Carl believes this is referring to a hypodermic needle when they poke into the skin to inject the microchip."

Mr. Sanders asked a doctor what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID microchip leaked into the body. The doctor replied by (...)
Mar 22, 2023 @ 2:02 am
Whether you believe in God or not, read this message!

Throughout time, we can see how we have been carefully conditioned to come to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Did you know that Jesus foretold of this event almost 2,000 years ago?

In the book of Revelation 13:16-18, we will read,

"He (the false prophet who deceives many by his miracles--Revelation 19:20) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666."

Speaking to the last generation, this could only be speaking of a cashless society. Why's that? Revelation 13:17 says that we cannot buy or sell unless we receive the mark of the beast. If physical money was still in use, we could buy or sell with one another without receiving the mark. This would contradict scripture that states we need the mark to buy or sell!

These verses could not be referring to something purely spiritual as scripture references two physical locations (our right hand or forehead) stating the mark will be on one "OR" the other. If this mark was purely spiritual, it would indicate both places, or one--not one OR the other!

This is where it comes together. It is amazing how accurate the Bible is concerning the implantable RFID microchip. These are notes from someone named Carl Sanders who worked with a team of engineers to help develop this RFID chip:

"Carl Sanders sat in seventeen New World Order meetings with heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the C.I.A. to discuss plans on how to bring about this one-world system. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world—a microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick, convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society).

Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without the knowledge of the Bible (Brother Sanders was not a Christian at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip inserted.

Guess what? These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand (the two places the Bible says the mark will go) are not just the most convenient places, but are also the only viable places for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The microchip is approximately seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, criminal record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this chip.

Brother Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped design, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16–18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick.” Carl believes this is referring to a hypodermic needle when they poke into the skin to inject the microchip."

Mr. Sanders asked a doctor what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID microchip leaked into the body. The doctor replied by saying a terrible sore would appear in tha (...)
Apr 4, 2023 @ 3:03 am
Greetings my name is Matthew D'Agati.
Solar technology is actually perhaps one of the most promising and sought-after types of clean, renewable energy in the last few years. This might be because of its numerous benefits, including financial savings, energy savings, in addition to positive impact it offers regarding the environment. In this article, we're going to talk about the advantages of choosing solar power in homes and businesses, the technology behind it, and exactly how it may be implemented to increase its benefits.

One of the main advantages of choosing solar technology in homes could be the cost benefits it gives. Solar power panels can handle generating electricity for your home, reducing or eliminating the necessity for traditional sourced elements of energy. This will end in significant savings on the monthly energy bill, particularly in areas with a high energy costs. In addition, the price of solar panel systems and associated equipment has decreased significantly over time, which makes it more affordable for homeowners to buy this technology.

Another good thing about using solar technology in homes could be the increased value it may provide to your property. Homes which have solar energy panels installed are usually valued greater than homes that don't, because they offer an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly replacement for traditional energy sources. This increased value may be an important benefit for homeowners who will be trying to sell their house later on.

For businesses, the many benefits of using solar technology are wide ranging. One of many primary benefits is cost benefits, as businesses can significantly reduce their energy costs by adopting solar power. In addition, there are many different government incentives and tax credits offered to companies that adopt solar technology, which makes it a lot more affordable and cost-effective. Furthermore, companies that adopt solar technology can benefit from increased profitability and competitiveness, because they are viewed as environmentally conscious and energy-efficient.

The technology behind solar technology is not at all hard, yet highly effective. Solar panel systems are made of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. This electricity can then be kept in batteries or fed straight into the electrical grid, depending on the specific system design. In order to maximize some great benefits of solar technology, it is essential to design a custom system that is tailored to your particular energy needs and requirements. This can make sure that you have the proper components set up, such as the appropriate wide range of solar energy panels additionally the right types of batteries, to maximise your power efficiency and value savings.

One of many important aspects in designing a custom solar power system is comprehending the different sorts of solar power panels and their performance characteristics. There are 2 main kinds of solar power panels – monocrystalline and polycrystalline – each having its own advantages and disadvantages. Monocrystalline solar energy panels are manufactured from a single, high-quality crystal, helping to make them more effective and durable. However, also they are higher priced than polycrystalline panels, that are created from multiple, lower-quality crystals.

Along with solar power panels, a custom solar technology system may also include a battery system to keep excess energy, in addition to an inverter to convert the stored energy into usable electricity. You should choose a battery system this is certainly with the capacity of storing the quantity of energy you'll need for your specific energy needs and requirements. This will make sure that you have a trusted supply of power in case of power outages or any other disruptions to your power supply.

Another advantage of using solar technology could be the positive impact th (...)
Jul 14, 2023 @ 8:08 am
Dating is a junket that encompasses the spell of good-natured connection, slighting excrescence, and alluring discoveries. It is a dispose of through which individuals traverse maudlin possibilities, getting to comprehend each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to part experiences, unpleasantness ideas, and fashion deep connections.

In the empire of dating, whole encounters a dissimilar kind of emotions. There's the exhilaration of get-together someone modish, the anticipation of a in the first place escort, and the give someone a kick of discovering stock interests and shared values. It is a time of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals open themselves up to the feasibility of inclination and companionship.

Striking communication lies at the heart of dating, facilitating accord and consistency between two people. It involves running listening, ethical declaration, and empathy, creating a room on trustworthy dialogue. Including communication, individuals can inquire their compatibility, exchange thoughts and dreams, and assemble a fundamental of trust.
Nov 22, 2023 @ 12:12 pm
Total Drama | The Ultimate Reality Show Adventure
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17. Total Drama | The Ultimate Reality Show Showdown
18. Total Drama | Surviving the Craziness of Total Drama
19. Total Drama | Ready for a Total Drama Showdown?
20. Total Drama | The Unforgettable Journey to the Top}

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