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Islam FAQ (Part 15/15): Misc: List of Halal Foods

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Archive-name: islam-faq/part15
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 1995/3/27
Version: 3.3
Organization: Alumni Association, Caltech, Pasadena, California

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
        Copyright 1993,1994,1995 Asim Mughal ( 

        Redistribution  for  profit,   or   in  altered  content/format
        prohibited without explicit  written  permission  of the author.
        Any other redistribution must  include this copyright notice and

                      Frequently Asked Questions: Part 15
        This message  is  automatically  posted  to 'soc.religion.islam'
        every  month  and  when  updated.  This  lists  answers  to most
        commonly asked questions on  the  forum. Contributions & changes
        are requested and should be directed to: 

        OVERVIEW:  The   Frequently   Asked   Questions   document   for
        Islam  has  been  divided  in  parts.  Below is the index. 

        Part 1 - Welcome & Index
        Part 2 - Info on Islamic News Groups
        Part 3 - Introduction to Islam
        Part 4 - God & Worship
        Part 5 - Islam, Quran & Muhammad (PBUH)
        Part 6 - Marriage Laws in Islam
        Part 7 - Women In Islam
        Part 8 - Life after Death, Moral System & Human rights in Islam
        Part 9 - Islam: Prophethood, Jesus & Trinity
        Part 10 - Islam: Farrakhism & Malcom X
        Part 11 - Islamic Internet Guide: Islamic Resources on Internet
        Part 12 - Other Islamic Resource Guides on Internet
        Part 13 - Islamic Literature: Books & Video
        Part 14 - Islamic Calendar & Prayer Time Table for 1994
        Part 15 - Misc: List of Halal Foods


                       PART 15: Misc: List of Halal Foods


 1. Introduction .............................................................. 
 2. List of Halal Foods ....................................................... 
 3. Archive Info .............................................................. 
 4. Credits ................................................................... 

 Articles .....................................................................

 1. Introduction .............................................................. 

    This part of FAQ is  for  miscellaneous  topics  of interest to Muslims.
    Currently, it has only the list  of  halal  foods.  This list is a quick
    reference guide for Muslims  and  enables  them  to follow their dietary

 2. List of Halal Foods ....................................................... 

>From: aa747@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Ronald M. Hopkins-Lutz)
>Date: 10 Oct 1994 15:24:31 GMT

>From: xx257@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (The Islamic School)
>Date: Wed Sep 30 20:11:42 1992
                          TOOTHPASTE, SOAP ETC.
                         Date: 21 February 1990

    *** INTRODUCTION *** 

    The following information was  extracted  from the Muslim Consumer Guide
    (which was published in the  newsletter  of MSA Ann Arbor, Jan-Feb. 90),
    then was posted by Muhammad B. Setiawan  (Dept. of Eng. Physics McMaster
    University), and finally collected, edited and distributed by MSA of the
    University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. 

    We hope that it be of great  use  to  you  and  that  you  will read the
    ingredient on every product before you  make your purchase. If in doubt,
    you may write to the company, they have  been very helpful in provinding
    the requested information. 


    Here are the results  of  consultations  done  by  MSA with various food
    companies. No  particular  questions  were  asked  on  products that may
    contain alcohol. 

    1. L.D.Schrieber Cheese Company:
    No shortening, lard, gelatin or lecithin used.
    Cow products are used = Good

    2. Burger King Corp.:
    Shortening used is from swine = BAD. Lard is used in buns and apple
    pie = BAD. Lecithin is used in buns = BAD/GOOD because you are not
    sure. Shakes = GOOD

    3. General Foods :
    Lard is used on SWAN DOWN cake mixes. Gelatin (from collagen-bearing
    tissues on any animal) is used in many products including Jell-O Brand
    Gelatin Desert = BAD

    4. Knox Gelatin Inc. :
    "Knox Gelatin is prepared from the protein collagen, which is extracted
    from either beef (bones and skin) or PORK (skins)" = BAD

    5. American Lecithin Company :
    "Our Lecithin is derived from Soybeans and is sold under the trade name
    Alcoles" = GOOD

    6. Nestle :
    A list was sent to MSA confirming that their products do not contain
    any animal by-product. Lechithin used in their products is derived
    from Soybeans = GOOD

    7. General Mills Inc.:
    Shortening similar to lard is used, also Soya lechithin is used = BAD
    (because it does not say Soya or lard and you don't know so it is
    better to avoid).

    8. Quaker Oats :
    Soyabeans Lecithin is used. Shortening used is from Swine. Some of
    the products are MAsa Trigo, Flako pie crust and cup cake mix.


    *** SEVERAL TERMS *** 

    A. Derived from pork or other animals:
    1. bacon
    2. ham
    3. sausage
    4. lard
    5. fat
    6. gelatin
    7. shortening (animal).

    B. Avoid - doubtful (may be derived from animal or vegetable):
    1. lechitin
    2. emulsifier
    3. dough conditioners
    4. mono and diglyceriders
    5. enzymes or rennet in cheese

    C. You can use - Good:
    1. soyolecithin
    2. soybean lecithin
    3. vegetable lecithin
    4. vegetable shortening
    5. vegetable mono and diglyceriders
    6. vegetable enzimes or rennetless cheese.
    7. fish

    D. Avoid - may contain alcohol
    1. Artificial and imitation extracts and flavorings

    E. When you see these letters :
    "U" or "K" they may mean that the produce does not contain
    anything from an animal.


Manufacturer           Brand                  Coagulant         Use
Kellog Co.             Frosted Pop-tarts      Type-B gelatin
                                              (from veal/beef)  Good
                       Unfrosted Pop-tarts    No gelatin        Good
Frank Foods            QT Frosting Mix        Vegetable fat     Good
General Mills Inc.     Ready-to-spread        Vegetable fat
                       Frosting               and/or Lard       BAD             
Proctor & Gamble       Duncan Hines ake Mix  Vegetable fat     Good
Great Atlantic &       A & P Creamer          Coconut & Palm
Pacific Co.                                   Oil               Good
Topco Assoc. Inc.      Food Club Non Dairy
                       Creamer                Vegetable fat     Good
Penn Maid Food Inc.    Natural Yogurt         No gelatin        Good
                       Swiss Yogurt           Gelatin from
                                              calf skin         Good
Jolly Rancher          Candies                Palm & Coconut
                                              Oil               Good
M & M Co.              Starburst Fruit        Gelatin from
                       Chews                  Lard              BAD
American Home Foods    Crunch 'n Munch        Vegetable fat     Good
    Vendor              Product           Ingredients           Use
Drake Bakeries Div.
 of Borden Foods Inc.   Honey bun         Lard                  BAD
Entenmans               All Products      Vegetable Shortening  Good
Giants Goods            Bread Vegetable   Shortening            Good
Huber Baking Co. Bakers
 of sunshine Bread      Roman Meal Bread  Soybean Salad Oil     Good
Keebler                 All Products      Vegetable Shortening,
                                          Oleo and Lard         BAD
Nabisco                 All products      Lard                  BAD             
Pepperidge Farm         Rolls, Bread,
                        Butter or Cakes   Vegetable Shortening  Good
                        Layer Cakes  NOTE: even though this cake
                               is made with good sortening the
                               GELATIN USED is made from PIGSKIN BAD
Pillsbury Co.           1896 Brand Butter
                        milk Biscuit      Vegetable shortening  Good
Stroehmann Brothers Co  Hilibilly Bread;
                        White Bread       Lard                  BAD
Sunshine Biscuit Co.    All Products      Vegetable shortening  Good
***  ICE  CREAM  ***
MANUFACTURER               PRODUCT                              USE
Baskin Robbins             Ice Cream                            Good
                           Sherberts                            Good
                           Water ice                            Good
Baskin Robbins             Ice cream and those flavors
                            containing miget marshmallow        BAD
Pensupreme                 Ice Cream                            BAD
Pensupreme Schraff         Ice Cream (available at Safeway)     Good
Meadow Gold                Ice Cream                            Good
Meadow Gold Louis Sherry   Ice Cream (all Natural)              Good
Abbotts                    Ice Cream                            Good
         erts                            Good
                           Water Ice                            Good
Pantry Price               Ice Cream                            Good
Breyers                    Ice Cream                            Good
***  CHEWING GUM  ***
Manufacturer        Products           Ingredients              Use
GM Co.             Rescue 11  Soap pads                         Good
Purex Corporation  Brillo     Soap pads         Lard            BAD
                              Supreme Steel
                                                   pink & green
                              bars per carton)  Beef Tallow     Good
                              Dobie Pads        Beef Tallow     Good            
Miles Laboratory   S.O.S      Soap Pads         Lard        __              Tf      Plastic Mesh
                              Balls             Lard            BAD
--  compiled by
      Sysops of The Islamic School
   aa755        sxg12          mxs44

 Announcements ................................................................

 3. Archive Info .............................................................. 

    This FAQ is archived  at  several  sites  and  is  available  for public
    retrieval thru anonymous FTP, E-MAIL, Gopher & World Wide Web. 

                              -- Anonymous FTP --

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                                  -- E-MAIL --

    Send E-mail to: 

    Text of E-mail Message: 

    send usenet/news.answers/islam-faq/part15

                                  -- GOPHER --

        Site: 70
        Path:                 Computing Information/
                              CCO anonymous ftp archive/

        Site: 70
        Path:                 Resources relating to Islam/

                           -- World-Wide-Web (WWW) --

    One recommended interface is 'mosaic,' below are mosaic 'home pages.' 

URL at USENET Archive site:

URL at Caltech MSA site:

 4. Credits ................................................................... 

    The author wishes to thank all those who contributed in any capacity for
    the original one part FAQ or this multi-part FAQ. 

                                 -- SOURCES --

    The basic  introduction  and  literature  presented  in  the FAQ is from
    brochures on Islam distributed  by  Institute  of  Islamic Information &
    Education (III&E). These  brochures  were  typed  in  electronic form by

    The  information  on   soc.religion.islam  forum  (in  Part  2) has been
    compiled  from   USENET   archives   and  administrative  logs  of
    Soc.Religion.Islam moderator panel. 

    What is III&E? 

    III&E is an acronym for the Institute of Islamic Information & Education
    which was  established  in  Chicago,  Illinois  in  1985.  The  III&E is
    registered in the  State  of  Illinois  and  recognized  by the Internal
    Revenue Service (IRS) as a not-for-profit religious organization. 

    More information can be obtained by  contacting Dr. M. Amir, III&E, P.O.
    Box 41129, Chicago, IL  60641-0129,  U.S.A.;  Tel:  (312)  777-7443 Fax:
    (312) 777-7199.

                                  -- FORMAT --

    The format of the FAQ series  has  been  done  by utilizing resources of
    Islamic Information & News  Network  (IINN).  A  custom program, Nebula,
    written by editors of IINN for generating newsletters has been used. 

    What is IINN? 

    Islamic Information & News Network  is  a forum dedicated to educate the
    network community on issues relating to Islam and Muslims in an academic
    & non-political environment.  Weekly  digest is available on internet by
    subscribing to  MUSLIMS@ASUACAD.BITnet  (A  Bitnet listserv list) and on
    USENET: bit.listserv.muslims. 

                               -- Permissions --

    Permission to  post  this  multi-part  FAQ  has  been  obtained  by  the

	o	Institute of Islamic Information & Education (III&E)
	o 	Islamic Information & News Network (Muslims@PSUVM.bitnet) 
	o 	Moderator(s) of News.Answers (Thomas Khoenig & P.Huang)

# End of Islam FAQ Part 15 #

User Contributions:

pypb km Starwars Wars

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM