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Econ. Resources on the Internet [8 of 20]

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Posted-By: auto-faq 3.3 (Perl 5.005)
Archive-name: econ-resources-faq/part8
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Sci-econ-research-archive-name: econ-resources-faq/
Last-modified 1999/09/30
Version: vol. 4 no. 2

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   Resources for Economists on the Internet, Vol. 4, No. 2, September, 1999

             Editor: Bill Goffe <>
             Editorial Assistant: Elise Braden <>

                            Part 8 of 20

   This guide, sponsored by the American Economic Association, lists
   more than 1,000 resources on the Internet of interest to academic and
   practicing economists, and those interested in economics. Almost all
   resources are also described.

   Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE) is a copyrighted work
   of the American Economic Association (the "AEA"). Permission to make
   digital, electronic or hard copies of part or all of RFE for personal
   or classroom use, Usenet distribution, or mailing lists is granted,
   provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct
   commercial advantage and that whole copies show the following notice:

   "Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE), Copyright 1999
   American Economic Association"

   Otherwise the AEA owns the exclusive right to print, publish,
   distribute, reproduce, sell, prepare derivative works, transmit,
   download, or otherwise transfer copies of RFE. Copyrights of
   components of this work owned by others than the AEA must be honored
   and attributed to the rightful owner. Abstracting and short quotes
   are permitted. To copy otherwise or to republish otherwise, including
   on web pages, in whole or in part requires prior specific permission.
   Permissions may be requested from the American Economic Association,
   2014 Broadway, Suite 305, Nashville, TN 37203, or via E-mail: RFE is provided without any express
   or implied warranty.


   For distribution via Usenet, this FAQ is split into 20 parts as large
   files don't travel well on Usenet. For other locations of this guide,
   see the section titled "1.5 Where to Obtain This Guide" in part 2.

5.0 General Interest

5.1 The Dismal Scientist

   [macro and regional data with analysis plus general commentary]

   This site, part of "Regional Financial Associates," a consulting
   firm, bills itself as "The Best Free Lunch on the Web." On the macro
   side, they offer not only current releases of many macro series, but
   also analysis of each release, and analyses of the economy in general
   on a monthly basis. They do the same for regional data. They offer
   nearly 130 series on the states, and 60 on 257 metropolitan areas. In
   a nice twist, you can sort states and metropolitan areas by these
   series (surprisingly interesting). They also offer analyses in the
   "Thoughts" section; current sections include the Asian crisis,
   financial markets, industry analysis, regional, and the U.S. economy.
   There are also macro and regional forecasts, and finally, there is a
   useful dictionary and calendar of data releases.


*  5.2

   [topical focus (nice on new econ material on the Internet)]

   This economics guide, run by John Irons, is part of the web
*  site (formerly the Mining Company), which provides "expert guides
   to help you find/learn/share" information on the Internet (there are
   several hundred guides, typically in areas of general interest). This
   particular guide addresses two "markets:" very topical subjects, and
   general interest (of course, much of this is of interest to
   professional economists). It is updated several times a month, and
   does a good job of covering new economic events on the Internet. For
   instance, there is a section dealing with economics articles in
   on-line magazines ("Econ in Online Mags"), and newly added economic
   resources on the Internet ("Net Finds"). There are also short essays
   and reviews on topical areas. Finally, there are sections dealing
   with less topical areas as well: "Books, Economics Community, Data,
   Government, News, Newsletter, Archives, Organizations, Resources, and
   Special Topics."


5.3 Dr. Ed Yardeni's Economics Network

   [macro and international charts and analysis]

   Ed Yardeni is chief economist of Deutsche Morgan Grenfell (North
   America). His site offers a wealth of analysis and data (much of the
   later in a very convenient form). It includes "Weekly Economic
   Analyses" ("explore the latest economic and financial controversies")
   and "Weekly Economic Briefings" ("focus on a key issue each week").
   The most recent versions are restricted to customers of his firm. He
   also offers "Topical Studies," which cover most any economic topic.
   Other material of interest includes macro forecasts of Deutsch Morgan
   Grenfell, stock market valuation information, many "Chart Rooms" with
   data from markets, the U.S., and the global economy (they are
   remarkably insightful and well chosen). Other areas of interest
   include "Slide Shows" (of financial and economic charts), a section
   on monetary and fiscal policy, and demography and marketing. In the
   "Center for CyberEconomics," the interplay between economics and
   computing is examined. The current focus is the Year 2000 computer
   problem, which Yardeni thinks has a better than even chance of
   causing a recession in 2000. Finally, there is a area of links to
   useful Internet tools and sites. Almost all the data and analysis is
   in PDF format.


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