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Econ. Resources on the Internet [14 of 20]

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Last-modified 1999/09/30
Version: vol. 4 no. 2

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
   Resources for Economists on the Internet, Vol. 4, No. 2, September, 1999

             Editor: Bill Goffe <>
             Editorial Assistant: Elise Braden <>

                            Part 14 of 20

   This guide, sponsored by the American Economic Association, lists
   more than 1,000 resources on the Internet of interest to academic and
   practicing economists, and those interested in economics. Almost all
   resources are also described.

   Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE) is a copyrighted work
   of the American Economic Association (the "AEA"). Permission to make
   digital, electronic or hard copies of part or all of RFE for personal
   or classroom use, Usenet distribution, or mailing lists is granted,
   provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct
   commercial advantage and that whole copies show the following notice:

   "Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE), Copyright 1999
   American Economic Association"

   Otherwise the AEA owns the exclusive right to print, publish,
   distribute, reproduce, sell, prepare derivative works, transmit,
   download, or otherwise transfer copies of RFE. Copyrights of
   components of this work owned by others than the AEA must be honored
   and attributed to the rightful owner. Abstracting and short quotes
   are permitted. To copy otherwise or to republish otherwise, including
   on web pages, in whole or in part requires prior specific permission.
   Permissions may be requested from the American Economic Association,
   2014 Broadway, Suite 305, Nashville, TN 37203, or via E-mail: RFE is provided without any express
   or implied warranty.


   For distribution via Usenet, this FAQ is split into 20 parts as large
   files don't travel well on Usenet. For other locations of this guide,
   see the section titled "1.5 Where to Obtain This Guide" in part 2.

10.2.0 Non-Academic Research and Policy Organizations

10.2.1 Econ. Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

   In all, EDIRC lists more than 4,000 sites of interest to economists.
   Many of course are in this category.


10.2.2 Policy.Com: Think Tanks

   This section of has an extensive index of think thanks and
   related organizations.


10.2.3 American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

   This well-known think tank "is dedicated to preserving and
   strengthening the foundations of freedom-limited government, private
   enterprise, vital cultural and political institutions, and a strong
   foreign policy and national defense-through scholarly research, open
   debate, and publications." They have some 50 resident scholars, and
   some 100 affiliated scholars at universities. At this site, they
   offer a weekly "What's New" section on topical issues, their monthly
   newsletter, their annual report (which details their studies in
   various areas), and biographies of their scholars. To find out more
   about their work, see the "Research Highlights," and "Current
   Commentary." There is also information on their magazine "The
   American Enterprise," a catalog of their many books, and information
   on the organization.


10.2.4 Brookings Institution

   The Brookings Institution "functions as an independent analyst and
   critic, committed to publishing its findings for the information of
   the public. In its conferences and activities, it serves as a bridge
   between scholarship and public policy, bringing new knowledge to the
   attention of decision makers and affording scholars a better insight
   into public policy issues." Their work is divided into three main
   areas: Economic Studies, Foreign Policy Studies, and Governmental
   Studies (they offer breakdowns of their work in each of these areas).
   They also offer extensive information on their scholars (handily
   arranged by areas of expertise), topical areas of interest in "Hot
   Topics," and their publications (including "Brookings Papers on
   Economic Activity"). Finally, they offer information about themselves
   and related organizations.


10.2.5 Cato Institute

   This organization describes itself as "20 years of promoting public
   policy based on individual liberty, limited government, free markets,
   and peace." Here you can find information on the Institute, its
   staff, and operations. They offer information on current features,
   its 14 research areas, speeches and Congressional testimony, and its
   publications library (with many reports on-line, and the rest,
   including books and t-shirts, can be ordered on-line). In an
   interesting innovation, their conferences (both live and archived)
   are available via RealAudio and RealVideo.


10.2.6 Economic Policy Institute (EPI)

   This organization "is a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank that seeks
   to broaden the public debate about strategies to achieve a prosperous
   and fair economy." Much of their work involves labor and work issues.
   They offer commentary on recent CPI, GDP, and unemployment releases.
   In addition, they have many analyses of current issues, briefing
   papers, and press releases. Their "Reading Between the Lines"
   analyzes economic articles in the popular press. Their "Data Zone"
   offers detailed data on "Wage and Compensation Trends," "Family
   Earnings and Income Trends," and "Prices" (many take some work to
   find elsewhere). The data is available in spreadsheet format.


10.2.7 Employee Benefit Research Institute

   "Established in 1978, the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI)
   is the only nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to original
   public policy research and education on economic security and
   employee benefits." This site offers information about the Institute,
   its membership, its publications and educational activities, its
   fellows program, its Lillywhite Award, and links to related areas.


10.2.8 Employment Policies Institute

   This organization "focuses on issues that affect entry level
   employment." Thus, there is considerable discussion on the minimum
   wage and living wage proposals. They sponsor independent academic
   research, and those reports are available here.


10.2.9 Employment Policy Foundation

   This organization provides "policymakers and the public with the
   highest quality economic analysis and commentary on U.S. employment
   policies affecting the competitive goals of American industry and the
   people it employs." Its numerous reports include its policy papers
   (they can be ordered on-line), its newsletters (freely available),
   its annual publication "The American Workplace" (which offers an
   overview of the workplace), press releases, "E-Mail Trends" (on
   topical issues, which can be received via e-mail) and a database of
   related data. Finally, it offers information on itself.


10.2.10 EPA Economy and Environment Program

   This section of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is devoted
   to carrying "out research and analyses of the interactions and
   relationships between the economy and environmental pollution control
   as well as other aspects of environmental economics." A number of
   reports are available on many different topics, as well as a number
   of well-organized links to similar sites.


10.2.11 Group of 30

   This private, non-profit, international group is comprised of very
   senior members of both the private and public sectors, as well as
   academia. The goal of the Group of 30, as outlined on this site, is
   to strengthen the understanding of international economics and
   financial issues, to examine the effects of decisions in both
   sectors, and explore choices available to practitioners and
   policymakers. This site lists information about the group, members,
   publications from 1980 to the present, and a call for papers for a


10.2.12 Heritage Foundation

   This site offers information on various public policy issues, only
   some of which are economic in nature. Several of their books are
   on-line, and they have on-line discussion forums. In addition, copies
   of their "Policy Review" are available here. Finally, there are many
   links to similar organizations.


10.2.13 Independent Institute

   This organization "sponsors comprehensive studies on the political
   economy of critical public issues."  At this site, they offer
   information on their publications (including their journal "The
   Independent Review") and their various public policy programs.


10.2.14 Institute for International Economics

   This Washington-based think tank is quite influential in trade and
   related issues. You can read about their authors and staff, their
   books (including ordering information), and read their press


10.2.15 Institute for Policy Innovation

   This conservative-leaning organization offers many of their position
   papers and other documents on current policy issues here.


10.2.16 Mathematica Policy Research

   This employee-owned firm is said to be a leader in the areas of the
   evaluation of public programs and demonstrations. Of particular
   interest to economists is their work on labor, microsimulation, data
   collection, survey methods, and welfare issues. Here you can read
   about the firm and its work.


10.2.17 National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

   NBER working papers are available on-line here; this includes all
   papers submitted since September, 1994. This service is freely
   available to subscribers of the hard copy series. It is also freely
   available to computers in non-OPEC or non-OECD countries (this is
   determined by the "top-level-domain" of the computer, and "reverse
   name-lookup" must be functioning).
   On this site you can also read about the NBER and staff, find
   detailed information on their books, working papers (including a
   keyword search), and their publications the "Digest" and the "NBER
   Reporter." There are datasets that many will find most useful. For
   macro data, these include the Penn-World Tables, Mark 5.6 (comparable
   data for many countries from 1950), the NBER Macro History Database
   (3,500 time series generally pre-WW II), and the NBER Official
   Business Cycle Dates. Industry data include the Bartelsman and Gray
   Manufacturing Industry Productivity Database, Productivity Panel from
   Bronwyn Hall, and imports and exports by SIC category 1958-1992.
   "Individual Data" includes Consumer Expenditure Survey Extracts by
   John Sabelhaus of the CBO (it is in a much more convenient form than
   the standard CES), and the Thordike-Hagen Survey (a sample of Air
   Force Veterans). "Other Data" includes Segregation Data (Cutler,
   Glaeser and Vigdor of NBER Working Paper no. 5163 and forthcoming in
   the QJE) and data from the 1997 "Economic Report of the President,
   1997" in .WK1 format.
   For the Penn World tables, an extensive set of macros for the Excel
   spreadsheet program can be found in pub/pwt55.spreadsheet. For more
   information on this set of macros, contact the author, Sailesh Tanna


10.2.18 National Center for Policy Analysis

   This think thank, which "seeks innovative private-sector solutions to
   public policy problems," organizes its information here in multiple
   ways. This includes "Policy Issues" on many different topics, their
   "Policy Digest" (from a variety of sources, and updated daily), its
   "Executive Alert," material for high school debaters, and issues
   before Congress, and a special section on global warming.



   This organization covers a large number of issues in the policy
   arena. Of particular interest are their lists of think tanks,
   advocacy organizations, university affiliated organizations,
   associations, government organizations (state, federal, and outside
   the U.S.). In addition, they offer an extensive issues directory for


10.2.20 Rand

   This site describes the many activities of RAND. Of particular
   interest to many is the selected list of publications. One can search
   for papers, read abstracts, and even order them.


10.2.21 Resources for the Future (RFF)

   "Resources for the Future (RFF) is an independent, nonprofit research
   organization that aims to help people make better decisions about the
   conservation and use of their natural resources and the environment."
   One can read press releases, details about their seminar series,
   extensive information about the RFF, excerpts from several books,
   Congressional testimony, working papers and studies, and selected
   articles by the RFF at this site.


10.2.22 Santa Fe Institute Economics Program

   This subset of the Santa Fe Institute offers information on its
   researchers, workshops (including graduate ones), and working papers.


10.2.23 Upjohn Institute for Employment Research

   "The W.E. Upjohn Institute is an independent, nonprofit research
   organization devoted to finding, evaluating, and promoting solutions
   to employment-related problems." To achieve this, it has three
   objectives: scholarship, linking scholarship to practical issues, and
   communication of these findings. This site offers a wide variety of
   information about their projects and programs. It includes
   information on their publications, newsletter, working papers, and
   technical reports. They also offer information on their grant
   program, dissertation awards, and the local western Michigan economy.


10.2.24 Urban Institute

   Founded in 1968, the Urban Institute's "staff investigates the social
   and economic problems confronting the nation and government policies
   and public and private programs designed to alleviate them." Just
   about every facet of the Institute's work can be found here. One is
   "Hot Topics," where they list their research by some 20 different
   areas. The also provide extensive information on their "Research
   Centers:" "Education Policy," "Health Policy," "Human Resources
   Policy," "Income and Benefits Policy," "International Activities,"
   "Nonprofits and Philanthropy," "National Center for Charitable
   Statistics," "Population Studies," "Metropolitan Housing and
   Communities Policy Center," and "State Policy." One of their major
   new project is "Assessing the New Federalism," which studies the
   shift of responsibility to the states. Their periodicals are
   available here as well; they include "Policy and Research Report,"
   "Update and Policy Bites;" various policy briefs are here too.
   Finally, you can search their print publications database.


10.2.25 International Center for Economic Growth (ICEG)

   This organization mission statement states that they work "to enhance
   the capacity of indigenous policy research institutes in developing
   and transitional countries to foster the policies and institutions of
   a market economy." They have affiliate organizations in more than 100
   countries. At this site they offer their working papers, newsletters
   (which can be subscribed to for e-mail delivery), information on
   their projects, funding possibilities in this area, and on-line


10.2.26 Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE)

   This organization "is Australia's largest applied economic commodity
   research agency." Their activities include economic research,
   commodity forecasting, funded research, and surveys. Besides reading
   about their activities, you can also read about their publications
   organized by different areas. There is also an extensive bibliography
   on contingent valuation.


10.2.27 Fraser Institute

   This institute, located in Vancouver, is "The source of market
   solutions for public policy problems." It has a full-time staff of
   25, 2,600 supporters, and its researchers have produced more than 120
   books and thousands of articles. Besides information about the
   institute, you can read about upcoming events, their press releases,
   and information about all their publications. Many complete essays
   and articles are available. They also offer a section for students.


10.2.28 Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)

   This organization was founded by Hayek and Mises in 1927. "Its goal
   is to investigate the conditions and trends of economic performance
   and development in Austria and abroad by means of advanced methods,
   and to disseminate the results of these investigations so as to
   promote the general comprehension of the functioning of the national
   and international economy." It has a staff of about 40 economists,
   and research covers virtually all areas of economics. WIFO also
   organizes conferences and workshops.
   WIFO also has the most extensive collection of economic data on the
   Austrian economy, some of which comes from international
   organizations, and some of which is collected by WIFO. But, the data
   is only available internally.


10.2.29 Belgian Federal Planning Bureau

   This organization's "main objective is to analyze the parameters
   which influence the economic evolution and to evaluate the effects of
   economic policy decisions for the purpose of improving rationality
   and transparency of the decision-making." It is formally part of the
   Belgian government, but operates independently. They forecast the
   Belgium economy, perform associated research, and collect statistical
   information. You can read about their mission and staff (including
   their e-mail addresses), read some of their reports, and obtain some
   software they use: IODE (Intigrateur d'Outils de Diveloppement
   Economitrique). News and links to related sites are available as


10.2.30 Centre d'etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales

   This Centre was founded by Prime Minister Raymond Barre in 1978 as
   the main international economics research center of France, with
   research focusing on macroeconomic analyses of forecasts, monetary
   and financial matters, international trade, and transition and
   emerging countries. The site's publication section provides
   information on the Centre's two newsletters (a monthly French version
   and a bi-annually English version), working papers (some of which are
   available in English), the quarterly journal "Economie
   internationale," the "CEPII Economica" book series, and annual
   reports. Also available on this site is information about the
   Centre's Board; Staff; meetings; the CIREM club; and information
   about the CHELEM (Harmonized Accounts on Trade and the World Economy)
   database, which provides long-term annual data that covers trade and
   basic national accounts data for most of the world.

   # Info <>

10.2.31 Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

   This U.K. organization is a "European economics research network,
   established in 1983. Our network comprises over 450 Research Fellows
   and Affiliates, based in over 210 institutions in over 20 countries."
   Research is generally policy-oriented; they say "Our research ranges
   from global financial crises to international trade policy, from the
   economic transformation of Central and Eastern Europe to European
   competition policy."
   Besides very extensive information on itself, they offer a wealth of
   material -- currently some 75 megabytes. This includes their
   publications, which includes their "Bulletin" from 1983 (which is
   searchable) and the bi-monthly "European Economic Perspectives" since
   1993 (the current issues are available as well). Abstracts from their
   "Discussion Papers" are also available (the complete papers should be
   available "soon"), and like all their publications, their databases
   can be searched. Their "Newsletter" is also available. There is also
   extensive information on their meetings where they present their
   research to non-specialists -- this is an important part of their
   mission; there were some 23 in 1988 in countries around the world.
   There is also information on their conferences and workshops (51 in


10.2.32 Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)

   This organization "is a non-profit foundation endowed by the ENI
   Group, the Italian public energy and chemical company. FEEM has grown
   out of the need to extend knowledge of energy and environmental
   issues. This goal is achieved in two ways, through conducting
   research in these areas and promoting interaction between academic,
   industrial and public policy spheres." At this site you can read
   their recent newsletters and annual reports, find out about their
   staff, read the list of working papers, see a list of seminars and
   workshops, read about LIVIA (a "Computer Laboratory for Environmental
   Impact Assessment"), and also read about the European Association of
   Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE).


10.2.33 German Institute for Economic Research (DIW)

   "The Institute was established in 1925 to serve the general public
   interest by observing and researching economic developments both in
   Germany and abroad. It assists governmental, administrative and
   industrial decision-making through empirical studies and policy
   analysis. This involves research into a wider range of economic
   issues, forecasting of short-term economic developments, and
   evaluation of long-term economic processes, such as German
   reunification, European integration and Germany's growing involvement
   in the world economy." At this site you can read about the Institute,
   read recent issues of their Economic Bulletin, abstracts of the
   papers published in the Institutes Quarterly Journal of Economic
   Research, and selected research findings. You can also find out about
   the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), a longitudinal study of
   Germans with about a sample of about 5,000 households (the data is
   available, subject to some restrictions on usage due to privacy
   laws). There is also information on the Cooperation Bureau for
   Economic Research on Eastern Europe, which is housed at the


10.2.34 Infrastructure and Spatial Economics

   This Dutch organization "performs policy research on infrastructure
   investments, transport and traffic, the spatial structure of the
   national economy, and the regional planning of industrial and
   commercial areas. It is an initiative of CPB and four Dutch
   ministries..." At this site you can read about their past, current,
   and future projects. They also have abstracts of their studies, links
   to related sites, and information on the CPB.


10.2.35 Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)

   This U.K. organization specializes in studies of fiscal policy. In
   addition, it is an ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council)
   Centre, and it has played a substantial role in recent public
   debates. This site offers a large amount of information on their
   activities: staff information, membership information, press
   releases, job announcements, information on IFS, conferences (with
   on-line registration), on-line summaries of recent work, and a list
   of publications (with on-line ordering). Many of their other
   publications are on-line.


+  10.2.36 Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA)
+  The IEA attempts to "improve understanding of the fundamental
+  institutions of a free society with particular reference to the role
+  of markets in solving economic and social problems."  This site
+  presents some of the current research issues being addressed by the
+  Institute; publications, including the IEA journal "Economic
+  Affairs"; upcoming conferences and lectures, press releases, a forum
+  for discussing current topics, and a student section. This site also
+  provides information on the activities of the Education Unit, the
+  Environment Unit, the Health and Welfare Unit, and the Trade and
+  Development Unit.
+  #

10.2.37 Institute of Public Finance

   This institute focuses on research in all aspects of public finance.
   The site provides information on the Institute's library; research
   projects from 1996, 1997, and 1998; past workshops; and publications,
   including their journal "Financijska praksa" ("Financial Practice"),
   technical papers, occasional papers, and a report on current monetary


10.2.38 Kiel Institute of World Economics

   This institute specializes in research on business cycles and many
   different facets of economic growth (there are additional areas of
   expertise as well). The institute dates from 1914. At their site, you
   can read about their focus areas, learn about their organization, see
   a list of their publications, and connect to their library. You can
   also read about news, meetings, and events.


10.2.39 Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (WIIW)

   This institute focuses on central and eastern Europe. "The
   Institute's special expertise -- detailed personal knowledge of the
   countries of the former eastern bloc -- helps assess economic trends,
   search for new business opportunities and reduce uncertainty in
   entering markets." On the Internet, they offer information about
   themselves and their projects. Perhaps the most useful is their
   extensive database of economic information for this part of the
   world. However, currently, it is accessible only to members of the
   Institute. They also offer abstracts of their publications, and an
   on-line card catalog of their library.


10.2.40 Center for Latin American Capital Markets Research

   This site has all sorts of links to servers on this topic. They
   include exchanges, their original research in the area (including
   abstracts of past work and notification when current work is
   completed), and economic information on countries in this region.


10.2.41 Economic Planning Agency (Japan)

   At this site you can read about the New Economic Plan, a guide to the
   Economic Planning Agency, a hypertext version of "The Economic Survey
   of Japan," numerous white papers, information on many papers from the
   agency's Economic Research Institute, and details on how to order the
   "Annual Report on National Accounts, 1995" on either floppies or
   CD-ROM. There are also summary plots on the economic performance of
   the Japanese economy.


+  10.2.42 India Policy Institute
+  This Institute, which started as an Internet mailing list in 1998 and
+  was registered as a Trust one year later, has three main objectives.
+  The first is to host "The National Debate on System Reform" in order
+  to produce "A People's Manifesto." Second, the Institute would
+  publish the first edition of "A People's Manifesto" by January 1,
+  2000 and update it annually. Finally, the Institute would network to
+  "determine and influence public policy in India."  On this site, one
+  can find an electronic town hall with debates to take India out of
+  its current situation, a "National Search for Honest People" for
+  distribution of the Manifesto; a clearing house for publications on
+  Indian policy; publications of the Institute; future plans; and
+  participating organizations, related organizations, and information
+  on members.
+  #

10.2.43 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)

   This organization's purpose can easily be determined from its title:
   the promotion of trade with Japan. The current emphasis is on
   assisting exporters to Japan. While the material on this site
   describes their history and organization (including contact around
   the world), most of the site is devoted to explaining their
   activities, which are quite numerous. These include programs to
   assist exporters to Japan, cooperation and exchanges with developed
   and developing countries, and communication within Japan. Finally,
   they have material on their publications, and pointers to economic


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