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  • macintosh/games-faq: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: comp.sys.mac.games FAQ
    Maintainer: schulman+@pitt.edu (Christina Schulman)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.ambrosiasw.com/csmg-faq/csmg-faq.html
    Last Posted: 7 Oct 1996 03:07:21 GMT
    Last-modified: 1996/10/06

  • macintosh/games-resource-guide
    Subject: Mac Game Resources on the Internet FAQ
    Maintainer: schulman+@pitt.edu (Christina Schulman)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.ambrosiasw.com/csmg-faq/resource-guide.html
    Last Posted: 23 Mar 1996 06:20:36 GMT
    Last-modified: 1996/03/23
    Posting-Frequency: bimonthly

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM