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  • pc-hardware-faq/chiplist/part1
    Subject: Personal Computer CHIPLIST 9.9.5 part 1 of 5
    Maintainer: offerman@einstein.et.tudelft.nl (Aad Offerman)
    Last Posted: 27 Jul 1998 20:25:00 GMT
    Last-modified: 1998/06/14
    Version: 9.9.5

  • pc-hardware-faq/chiplist/part2
    Subject: Personal Computer CHIPLIST 9.9.5 part 2 of 5
    Maintainer: offerman@einstein.et.tudelft.nl (Aad Offerman)
    Last Posted: 27 Jul 1998 21:02:07 GMT
    Last-modified: 1998/06/23
    Version: 9.9.5

  • pc-hardware-faq/chiplist/part3
    Subject: Personal Computer CHIPLIST 9.9.5 part 3 of 5
    Maintainer: offerman@einstein.et.tudelft.nl (Aad Offerman)
    Last Posted: 27 Jul 1998 21:02:43 GMT
    Last-modified: 1998/06/14
    Version: 9.9.5

  • pc-hardware-faq/chiplist/part4
    Subject: Personal Computer CHIPLIST 9.9.4 part 4 of 5
    Maintainer: offerman@einstein.et.tudelft.nl (Aad Offerman)
    Last Posted: 5 Jul 1998 15:12:16 GMT
    Last-modified: 1998/07/05
    Version: 9.9.4

  • pc-hardware-faq/chiplist/part5
    Subject: Personal Computer CHIPLIST 9.9.5 part 5 of 5
    Maintainer: offerman@einstein.et.tudelft.nl (Aad Offerman)
    Last Posted: 27 Jul 1998 21:04:49 GMT
    Last-modified: 1998/06/14
    Version: 9.9.5

  • pc-hardware-faq/part1
    Subject: comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Part 1/5
    Maintainer: ralf@alum.wpi.edu (Ralph Valentino)
    Last Posted: 22 Mar 1998 19:29:49 -0500
    Last-modified: 1997/11/10
    Version: 1.25

  • pc-hardware-faq/part2
    Subject: comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Part 2/5
    Maintainer: ralf@alum.wpi.edu (Ralph Valentino)
    Last Posted: 22 Mar 1998 19:29:52 -0500
    Last-modified: 1997/11/10
    Version: 1.25

  • pc-hardware-faq/part3
    Subject: comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Part 3/5
    Maintainer: ralf@alum.wpi.edu (Ralph Valentino)
    Last Posted: 22 Mar 1998 19:29:53 -0500
    Last-modified: 1997/11/10
    Version: 1.25

  • pc-hardware-faq/part4
    Subject: comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Part 4/5
    Maintainer: ralf@alum.wpi.edu (Ralph Valentino)
    Last Posted: 22 Mar 1998 19:29:55 -0500
    Last-modified: 1997/11/10
    Version: 1.25

  • pc-hardware-faq/part5
    Subject: comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Part 5/5
    Maintainer: ralf@alum.wpi.edu (Ralph Valentino)
    Last Posted: 22 Mar 1998 19:29:59 -0500
    Last-modified: 1997/11/10
    Version: 1.25

  • pc-hardware-faq/vendor-reviews/comtrade
    Subject: COMTRADE (& Others!) Opinion/Info/Review
    Maintainer: "John M. Grohol Psy.D."
    Last Posted: 17 Apr 2004 11:26:24 GMT
    Last-modified: 06/01/97
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 4.01

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM