FAQ Maintainers Mailing List
Re: [faq-maintainers] question about the list...


From: D. Kirkpatrick (sunclad@sunclad.com)
Date: Mon Mar 04 2002 - 17:21:46 CST

Here's my 2 cents worth...

Any list I am on has replies to list messages sent back to the list.

As it stands now we are set to send replies to the poster.

If I want to respond to the list and maintain a discussion thread I have to hit REPLY, delete the poster's address, and manually insert the list address.

This seems to be contrary to using the list as a method for a group dialogue which I understand it should be. If one hits reply you wind up in a one-way dialogue with the poster when in fact there may be a number of valid suggestions available from a wider pool here.

Yes, lists can be set either way or reply to both.

While there are a great number of variations in e-mail programs a suggestion by one poster to get a "real mail program" is simply not warranted.

The growing number of people on the net these days use commercial or shareware programs, some more popular than others. While we'd all like to just hit a Unix shell and access sendmail direct, a growing number of people cannot do this.

As such we have to be sensitive to this.

If it were not for the FAQ posting server at mit.edu I'd have to post my FAQ manually to all appropriate groups each month. That's because my news programs DO NOT allow me the flexibility to deal with the extra headers necessary to make the "answers" groups react. The server is a godsend to me.

And I've been here a few years.

So unless there is a serious problem, or the list has a "benevolent dictator" as a moderator who thinks otherwise, lets just take a vote and see who wants messages to go to the list, and who to the poster. Then everyone deals with it.

I vote for replies to list.

Dennis Kirkpatrick

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