FAQ Maintainers Mailing List
Re: What format?


From: Dr. David A. Zatz (webmaster@allpar.com)
Date: Tue Aug 08 2000 - 07:40:43 CDT

As one who HAS access to html - indeed, I manage a Web site with something
like 500 or 600 pages of it! - I'd like to weigh in for a moment.

Much of the Internet has become a triumph of style over content. I think
most of us regret the direction some sites have taken (visited adobe.com

The point of this is that with plain text, you have the following advantages:

1) Readable by ANYONE. WebTV, mainframe, VAX terminal, ANYONE. Not just
those with nice setups, but (say) Colombians using 8086 PCs [not to spread
a stereotype, I just know some people from there who said they are still in
general use]; kids from poor school districts using hand-me-downs that
cannot handle modern browsers; even people who, for whatever reason, use
the Internet through a telephone! or a PalmPilot.

2) EASY TO PRINT. (I know that's all caps, but it's worth screaming about).

3) Never going to be over-imaged and over-formatted to death.

4) Readable when automatically transmitted on newsgroups.

5) No large black areas to waste toner!

So while I won't pretend to be a perfect practitioner - the Chrysler FAQ
which I maintain is packed with "see the Web site for details" - I will say
that the key stuff is still kept up to date and in plain text format.

http://www.allpar.com - http://www.toolpack.com/ - http://www.ptcruizer.com

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