Re: getting newsgroup readers to look at an FAQ


Angela Boyko (
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 13:12:03

At 02:49 PM 3/18/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>I have also thought a FAQ-Webring might be nice. I get a lot of people
>to my FAQ, because of the webrings it is a part of.
>Currently I co-manage the "Made with Notepad" and the "Gateway 2000 Cow
>Pasture" rings, I don't really have the time to start and run a new one.

You don't have to start a new one, there already is a FAQ webring!

Just got another e-mail from someone who obviously can't read too well - in
the FAQ, it explicitly states that we only give out
his manager's address for fan mail (and I wrote to her and asked for
permission to do so). I had to add a paragraph stating that if you e-mail
me personally I will either ignore you or direct you back to the FAQ. Well,
guess what, I just directed someone else back to the FAQ. How many of you
have this problem? We as a group protect his privacy for privacy's sake and
for security reasons.


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