Re: Has the usenet system broken down?


Charles R. MacDonald (
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 20:28:00 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Kent Landfield wrote:

> So how can I fix this ? I get my "feed" as a mirror of RTFM. What can we do
> to make it more robust ? Merge a rkive'd newsfeed here with mirroring of
> rtfm ? Is this just a temporary problem or the prelude to a more longer
> term one ? Thoughts ?

1) it would be "nice" to get rtfm working right (since it is original for
several mirrors)

2) if rkive makes the file date time equal to the date and time of the
original article, you could merge the results of several rkive sites to
get a complete file list, (other wise you might overwite the wrong version)

You would just need to set somthing up to overwite if newer (which is
probaly a dash command in whatever unix prgram you use to copy them.

IT might be nice to try to get a news site that gets several widely
dispered feeds of just *.answers and feeds back to the site that
cooperate to set it up, this would help keep the *answers "flowing" even
if usenet itself starts having real problems.

3) the volume of "cubic stuff" on usenet is making it more dificult to
run a clear FAQ service, the level of spam is enough to force many sites
to run such short retention periods that connectivity is getting to be a
problem. (there is one multimedia group that achilles holds for less than a

> Search the Usenet Hypertext FAQ Archive at

4) Gee you have a nice archive site!

I would suspect that over time, we will see the concept of an FAQ become
less conncted with usenet, and rather than news.answers, old timers may
send newbees to or a simalar site.

Charles MacDonald Stittsville Ontario
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