Re: Rip Van Winkle needs help


Charles R. MacDonald (
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 20:11:09 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Carl Symborski wrote:

> So I put my approved FAQ headers from two years ago on
> part 1 of the FAQ and posted to my group as well as comp.answers
> and news.answers. Just like I did way back when.
> Question: I got an email back saying my request was in some such position
> in the *.answers processing queue. Is this OK/Normal, or did I
> get kicked into some other mode since I haven't posted in so long?

somewhere along the line the "approved" did not do its thing, so the FAQ
got sent to the moderators of news.answers. That got you into the
infamous queue.

> Question: I never saw my posting in the comp.dcom.cell-relay news
> group either. (This is the group I FAQ for). Is this normal?

Yes, if it was sent for approval to a moderated group, the posting will
not appear in any group until it gets "approved"

> I hear that there is this FAQ-checker thing. I sent my part 1
> to that and got a OK scan from the checker script. Not surprising
> given that I am using my approved header.

and if you have been posting it before, you probaly have all the right
things in the right places

> Question: Have I now fowled things up further by submitting for
> approval a FAQ which is already approved?

Pam and the rest of the gang will probaly figure it out ok...If there
have been any changes (like the address you post from) they will even
appreciate getting the update. They are unpaid and overworked so it may
be a few weeks until you hear from them.

> I have refrained from sending parts 2->8 at this time until I can
> sort this out.

You could look at the list of periodic informational postings to see if
you have been dropped. Most likely your news admin has set up the system
to reject "moderated" postings, talk to the news admin at your news site
to see if this is the case.

(this happend to my wife the first time she tried to do an FAQ, it was
all ready, we posted it from her account, and get a letter back from MIT
asking why we sumited an already approved FAQ. Turns out the National
Capital freenet will not allow an arbitrary approved line. It
automaticaly strips them out of postings. We used the FAQ server at MIT to
post for about a year. Chris lewis also offered to post it for us. (I
have since figured out a jury-rigged way to do it.) The second version of
Karens FAQ now comes from "" and I can use my jury-rig to
post there, or from achilles (thanks ajh)

Charles MacDonald Stittsville Ontario
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