Baseball stats

Bip (Leon Joseph) Roberts

Birthday: October 27, 1963 Berkeley (California) USA

Weight: 165 lb.
Height: 5' 7''
Debut: April 07, 1986
Final game: September 27, 1998
Bats: both
Throws: right

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Bip Roberts's salaries
Year Team League Salary
1998 Detroit Tigers AL $2300000
1997 Kansas City Royals AL $1950000
1996 Kansas City Royals AL $2500000
1995 San Diego Padres NL $2300000
1994 San Diego Padres NL $1650000
1993 Cincinnati Reds NL $3900000
1992 Cincinnati Reds NL $1550000
1991 San Diego Padres NL $675000
1990 San Diego Padres NL $195000
1989 San Diego Padres NL $74000
1986 San Diego Padres NL $60000
Matches stats
Year Team Played
Batting Defense Pitching Catching 1B 2B 3B Shortstop Left
1998Detroit Tigers 34 34 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0
1998Oakland Athletics 61 61 52 0 0 0 30 3 0 8 12 3
1997Cleveland Indians 23 23 22 0 0 0 13 0 0 10 0 0
1997Kansas City Royals 97 97 87 0 0 0 0 10 0 82 2 0
1996Kansas City Royals 90 90 72 0 0 0 63 0 0 8 2 1
1995San Diego Padres 73 73 73 0 0 0 25 0 7 48 4 0
1994San Diego Padres 105 105 103 0 0 0 90 0 0 16 5 0
1993Cincinnati Reds 83 83 77 0 0 0 65 3 1 12 1 0
1992Cincinnati Reds 147 147 136 0 0 0 42 36 0 69 16 0
1991San Diego Padres 117 117 110 0 0 0 68 0 0 19 29 0
1990San Diego Padres 149 149 143 0 0 0 8 56 18 75 0 0
1989San Diego Padres 117 117 103 0 0 0 9 37 14 35 1 20
1988San Diego Padres 5 5 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0
1986San Diego Padres 101 101 87 0 0 0 87 0 0 0 0 0

Shortcuts descriptions

Bip Roberts's batting stats
Year League Team Games Games
1998ALOakland Athletics61612818251110115103152402114
1998ALDetroit Tigers34341711328600961161402103
1997ALCleveland Indians232319852330383071402021
1997ALKansas City Royals979744346107172136153215321136
1996ALKansas City Royals90903933996212052129253882068
1995NLSan Diego Padres73734029690140225202173612102
1994NLSan Diego Padres10510552403129155231217395713227
1993NLCincinnati Reds83834629270130118266384613032
1992NLCincinnati Reds147147925321723464454416625442147
1991NLSan Diego Padres117117664241191333322611377104436
1990NLSan Diego Padres1491491045561723639444612556516848
1989NLSan Diego Padres11711781329991583252111494501623
1988NLSan Diego Padres551930000021200000
1986NLSan Diego Padres1011013424161521121412142910212

Shortcuts descriptions

Bip Roberts's fielding stats
Year League Team Pos G GSIOPOAEDP
1998ALOakland Athletics3B32553300
1998ALOakland AthleticsCF121230030010
1998ALOakland AthleticsLF82759010
1998ALOakland AthleticsRF30151000
1998ALDetroit TigersOF22391000
1998ALOakland AthleticsOF221439041020
1998ALDetroit Tigers2B11212303
1998ALDetroit TigersDH29
1998ALDetroit TigersLF22391000
1998ALOakland Athletics2B30256033858318
1997ALKansas City RoyalsCF22514200
1997ALCleveland IndiansLF10822813201
1997ALKansas City RoyalsLF82711820142330
1997ALKansas City Royals3B10920931201
1997ALCleveland Indians2B1313280243149
1997ALKansas City RoyalsOF84731871146530
1997ALCleveland IndiansOF10822813201
1996ALKansas City RoyalsRF11211000
1996ALKansas City RoyalsDH16
1996ALKansas City Royals2B63571467101189442
1996ALKansas City RoyalsCF22484000
1996ALKansas City RoyalsLF871819101
1996ALKansas City RoyalsOF111025015101
1995NLSan Diego PadresSS7716861814
1995NLSan Diego PadresLF483596583210
1995NLSan Diego Padres2B25235433768211
1995NLSan Diego PadresOF5039106392210
1995NLSan Diego PadresCF449810000
1994NLSan Diego PadresLF16927719000
1994NLSan Diego PadresOF201339130000
1994NLSan Diego Padres2B90852145148221942
1994NLSan Diego PadresCF5411411000
1993NLCincinnati Reds2B64631576136172531
1993NLCincinnati RedsOF11616115010
1993NLCincinnati RedsSS1030000
1993NLCincinnati RedsLF12514012010
1993NLCincinnati RedsCF11212000
1993NLCincinnati Reds3B32571400
1992NLCincinnati RedsCF161121123000
1992NLCincinnati Reds2B4231833518317
1992NLCincinnati Reds3B3629815206856
1992NLCincinnati RedsOF79731701138110
1992NLCincinnati RedsLF69621490115110
1991NLSan Diego Padres2B68641690128185735
1991NLSan Diego PadresCF292765672010
1991NLSan Diego PadresLF191438039020
1991NLSan Diego PadresOF46411036111030
1990NLSan Diego Padres2B88196102536
1990NLSan Diego PadresLF75691832162831
1990NLSan Diego PadresSS1813364233818
1990NLSan Diego PadresOF75691832160831
1990NLSan Diego Padres3B56461199348967
1989NLSan Diego Padres2B95156172317
1989NLSan Diego PadresSS1412315252847
1989NLSan Diego PadresOF543395477320
1989NLSan Diego Padres3B3729713155923
1989NLSan Diego PadresRF201130524210
1989NLSan Diego PadresLF352162552210
1989NLSan Diego PadresCF11241000
1988NLSan Diego Padres2B1092201
1988NLSan Diego Padres3B21420110
1986NLSan Diego Padres2B876516841661721033

Bip Roberts's stats in 1998

Bip Roberts's stats in years 1996-1998








Stats shortcuts
ABAt BatsBatting
BABatting AverageBatting
BBBase on BallsBatting
CSCaught StealingBatting, Fielding
DPDouble PlaysFielding
GGamesBatting, Fielding
GIDPGrounded into double playsBatting
GSGames StartedFielding
HBPHit by pitchBatting
HRRHomeruns RatioBatting
IBBIntentional walksBatting
ISOIsolated PowerBatting
OBPOn Base PercentageBatting
OPSOn Base plus SluggingBatting
RBIRuns Batted InBatting
SBStolen BasesBatting
SFSacrifice fliesBatting
SHSacrifice hitsBatting
SLGSlugging AverageBatting
TBPTotal Base PercentageBatting

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