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Are you an expert in this area? Share your knowledge and earn expert points by giving answers or rating people's questions and answers! This section of FAQS.ORG is not sanctioned in any way by FAQ authors or maintainers. Questions strongly related to this FAQ: what does patricia arquette\'stattoo in stigmata mean? by jenn (1/14/2006) How old do you need to be to get you naval pierced in California? by Cayla (4/4/2004) what is the meaning of Patricia Arquettes bellybutton tattoo from the movie Stigmata??? by jennybell98@hotmail.com (5/28/2004) Where do you find wholesale navel barbels that just have prongs without the stones? I want... by Dana (9/10/2003) To all the body artist, Are you happy with the currnt way you purchace your supplies?... by coolchick (2/11/2004) How does it feel to get your belly button pierced. Because I am a huge wimp and I am... by Taylor (10/7/2003) Looking for engravable silver jewelry. Want to buy wholesale for resale. Rings, pendants,e... by Denise (11/12/2003) what is the meaning of the tattoo on patricia Arquette\'sbelly button in the movie... by billie (3/19/2004) Dear ] I am karam mosaad I prepare research about history of jeweler... by KARAM MOSAAD (5/15/2004) I have webbed toes on both feet. I would like to know if they can be pierced safely with a... by Shacky Rustelferd (5/13/2004) im 15 and i want to get my belly button pierced, how old do you have to be to get it done... by joanna (1/21/2004) um mm ya i am 13 years old and considering getting a belly ring but will it fall throught... by misty knights (9/1/2003) im 13 1/2 can i get my naval dun in ur shop by emma (6/28/2003) Questions somewhat related to this FAQ: i want to get my chest area pierced but how much will it hurt and is there anything i can... by skank (10/23/2003) Where can I find surgical stainless steel neck chains? by beatgoddess (10/9/2003) I have webbed toes on one foot. I want to know instead of having surgery if it is... by Lucy (8/14/2006) I've seen the movie stigmata and it left me very curious about it all.i don't get it... by Rozzy (9/6/2004) I am going to be 16 in a few days and I want to get a genital piercing. However, I don't... by fucktard (1/12/2004) Where can my sister get her navel pierced? She is only twelve but is dying to get it done!... by Smiley (7/1/2003) what are the odds of decreased feeling when you get your nipples pierced? by brielle (1/15/2004) i got my libret peirced and i wanted to know if its okay if it starts to puss, e-mail me... by sea breeze (1/28/2004) Other questions awaiting answers: 42276 questions related to other FAQs 6468 general questions 15588 answered questions
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