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Are you an expert in this area? Share your knowledge and earn expert points by giving answers or rating people's questions and answers! This section of FAQS.ORG is not sanctioned in any way by FAQ authors or maintainers. Questions strongly related to this FAQ: will cole come back to season 8?????????????? by colelover (2/15/2006) when is charmed season 8 coming to dvd i need to buy it.. by charmed mcl (9/22/2006) Where can I get a list of the bands that have played at the nightclub on Charmed? by Lori D (1/6/2006) I loved Cole and the relationship he had with Phoebe. I also thought having a demon turned... by jan (5/15/2004) warning:SPOILER how did Prue die? Where can i find out about that episode? by do (5/31/2004) will Cole come back? by missvivian (5/30/2004) Is there going to be a season 7 for charmed?yes or no by niki (5/17/2004) if you get your nipples percied is it still possible to breast feed afterwards? by shorty (3/25/2004) is there going to be a charmed series 8? by becky (10/2/2005) is there anyone on here from england that knows when and on what channel we will get to... by deb (9/26/2003) Is the intro music from teardrops explode? and where can I buy it? Like cole to come back... by tezdaze (5/18/2004) when does charmed season seven come out to DVD? by ari (9/12/2006) When will charmed be back on television in Australia? by Lindsay Rayner (10/5/2003) When will Charmed (Season 8) start in Australia? by Chrissy (4/23/2006) Did Phoebe get new powers. I know she has the Empath Powers. But how was she able to... by NEWCHARMEDGUY (1/27/2004) Is there a site to see the book of shadows from the inside? And does anyone have pictures... by Jazzy (3/22/2004) I purchased Season 3 and 4 and couldn't find the part where Leo heals Piper and Prue dies.... by jarea_meh17 (3/4/2006) is the charmed series finishing in season 8. if not then what season is it finishing in ... by piper fan 4 eva (9/23/2005) the tatoo on the back of phobe\'sneck what does that mean? by lisa (5/21/2004) My question is relating to the episodes The day the magic died and Baby's first demon.In... by Charmedlady (3/23/2004) when is charmed season 8 going to start in australia we are so far behind season seven... by charmed fan 4 eva (2/4/2006) Does anyone remember what the Charmed One's familiar was originally called? I know... by Bee (11/7/2003) Will there be a series 6 in charmed on channel 10? If so what is the date that it will... by kitty kat (12/20/2003) Does anyone here know when they are going to start selling season 4 and 5 on DVD? by Me (11/2/2005) does anyone know who plays the ending instrumental of every charmed episode that shows the... by glamorpuss (4/29/2007) when is series 8 going to screen in australia by johnjibbs (7/6/2006) When is Season 6 of Charmed on living TV in England on? by honeySugar (11/2/2003) When is the season 8 of charmed gonna be on living t.v. in England? by milz13 (10/26/2005) Is there anywhere u can see the inside of the book of shadows on the internet? Where I can... by Piper fan (3/9/2004) Can you tell me when the 6th series of charmed is starting on living tv? by daniellesilva212 (12/15/2003) DID PRUE DIE IN REAL LIFE by NANA (9/26/2006) Do leo and Piper get back together again they make a great couple?!?! by Piper fan (3/10/2004) hey live been wondering when season 8 will come out in Australia because on this whole... by idunno (10/26/2006) Does anyone know the actual location of "the manor"? I have seen it in other movies and... by Jenny (7/9/2003) Does anyone know when season 7 is coming out? by lilly (1/1/2007) what is wyatt\'sname in real life by nin (3/13/2004) When is charmed series 6 starting in the uk only reply if u really know i've heard febuary... by beva (10/8/2003) SO does any one know the actual release date of the programme charmed on dvd? Cos me & my... by littlehottie1985 (3/15/2004) Is leo the same actor that played charles in stephen king's sleepwalker?me and my son have... by southernstorm81 (2/10/2004) spesifically,how did prue die? by the psycic (2/18/2006) when is season 6 starting on living tv by tina (7/19/2003) Does anyone know if or when the rest of the seasons are coming out? I bought the first one... by Lori (2/24/2005) How did Phoebe loose all her powers and does she get them back by red (11/19/2005) how did prue die? I still haven't seen the episode in which she dies but have seen ones... by Lissu (11/12/2003) does any one know how series 6 ends by charmed no1 fan (4/6/2004) Can you bring back Cole and Prue? by CareBear (2/27/2004) how does Prue die in charmed by lip (11/9/2005) is Leo dead after Chris blew him up???? by Lindsay rayner (7/27/2003) when is season 8 of charmed going to start in england by lewis (12/22/2005) I want to find a pichter of leo and piper together of the show charmed ones. by andrea (7/30/2003) I AM DOING A SCHOOL REPORT, AND I LOVE THE SHOW CHARMED, BUT WHAT I REALLY NEED IS TO FIND... by DONNA (1/1/2004) where exactly is charmed filmed and can you go and watch? by syriah (7/30/2003) when is charmed series 7 coming to the UK? by daxstar (11/18/2004) i have seriously been looking for the show charmed on dvd's..guess there is none..when... by byllyon2001 (8/12/2003) yeah i know he came fm the future..but i don't know who really is and why he came back to... by demented_gurl (4/2/2004) is phobe going to die ??? by kayleigh (4/10/2006) do u want charmed on dvd? well i sell charmed episodes on dvd on my site check it out ... by charmed one summer (11/21/2003) is charmed gonna keep going for along time? I dont think i could handel the end of... by adam (5/4/2004) Hey I'm going to LA and was told that CHARMED is not filmed at the Warner Bros studios in... by CharmedbyHMC&CharmedUK (7/29/2003) where can i get a collar tag like kits? by Kerri Teague (6/25/2004) I would like to know how to find and get the Charmed Season One Promo Card PB1, It's... by WASSIE (2/22/2007) Questions somewhat related to this FAQ: where can i buy a charmed calendar with good pictures by unknown (12/21/2003) I AM LOOKING FOR 4 RINGS THAT HAVE TO DO WITH CHARMED THE SERIES. ARE THERE ANY AVAILABLE... by JOE (10/25/2003) Can anyone tell me what happened to Phoebe and Cole's baby? by Brynn (1/22/2004) Is it possible to watch charmed over the internet anybody know of any sites ? by Ikkels (3/5/2004) Is there going to be any other episodes after the big war where Phoebe and Paige die and... by cho-lynn (3/28/2007) WHEN IS THE SEASON OF CHARMED GOING TO BE OUT ON DVD by KIRA (7/8/2003) when dose season 8 come out in Ottawa by dude (3/10/2007) i think that charmed is da best program so is there going 2 b a episode 8? by JJ (4/5/2004) I would like to know if charm will be put on cd for purchase? by DD (7/28/2003) we have just had the last episode of season 6 on tv and i missed the last 10 minutes can... by debbie (2/15/2005) when is 'charmed' series 6 going to start? by ruby (11/21/2003) Other questions awaiting answers: 42276 questions related to other FAQs 6468 general questions 15588 answered questions
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