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is Leo dead after Chris blew him up????

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Question by Lindsay rayner
Submitted on 7/27/2003
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is Leo dead after Chris blew him up????

Answer by Humaine
Submitted on 8/19/2003
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Being that Leo was already dead, and was a whitelighter and now a Elder, I say No. I think Chris may have knocked him off course, maybe even through time.  Really depends on who this prick Chris is. I have a feeling he's and evil version of Wyatt.


Answer by Leo
Submitted on 8/29/2003
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I am not  dead!He didnt blow me up!I blew him up!^-^


Answer by Kattio
Submitted on 8/29/2003
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No, Leo is not dead.  I checked it out.  Chris just moved him to another dimension.  Apparently he just wanted Leo out of the way so that the girls would learn to trust him.  They force Chris to bring Leo back or take them to him or something and he is a very different Leo than the one who left.  NO MORE FLANNEL SHIRTS!!! The new Leo is apparently pretty rough and surly and very different.

Also, Phoebe gets a new power in the season premier.


Answer by CharmingSarah
Submitted on 8/30/2003
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I hope Leo returns & the actor has not left. My guess is Chris is Pipers & Leos son from the future.


Answer by Andy...
Submitted on 8/31/2003
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Evil future wyatt possibility is one i'd like to see because of the power the child had.


Answer by p3
Submitted on 1/4/2004
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no he does not die.he is in valhala


Answer by charmed*
Submitted on 2/2/2004
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no Leo isn't dead he is just in another dimension and will be coming back soon


Answer by Andre
Submitted on 2/23/2004
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Leo is not dead. Chris banished him to the island of Valhalla. Chris is not evil. He just needed Leo out of the way to stop Wyatt from turning evil


Answer by kt
Submitted on 2/23/2004
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No he went to some uncharted island and chris is wyatts bro.


Answer by Jen
Submitted on 3/16/2004
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Chris is Wyatt in the future, remember that episode where Piper and Leo had to conceive a baby before a certain time because if they didn't then Wyatt would not be born and Chris would not excist, so, piper and leo has a certain amount of time to conceive Wyatt to save Chris and they did it so Chris is still alive!


Answer by Elfy Boy
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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Considering that he is dead i believe that chris is either wyatt or is trying to stop wyatt turning evil and needs Leo out of the way from watching him and stopping him.


Answer by lia
Submitted on 11/28/2004
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leo is not dead as i have seen every episode out. also chris is not wyhatt he is from the future he his piper an leos son as well as wyhatt


Answer by Paige
Submitted on 3/3/2005
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Is Leo still an elder? If not, what is he?


Answer by Nya Nya
Submitted on 4/21/2005
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YES! He is dead! HAHAHAHAAAA! *cough* Okay, no. He's just in Valhalla..


Answer by fifi
Submitted on 1/29/2006
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leo is not dead he returns and chris is leoand pipers son from he future, he just sent leo to a diffrent dimention. chris is good in the end and gets killed but he is from the future but he only get killed as he is being born in present time.


Answer by medina merima
Submitted on 2/4/2006
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  Dear Leo,Piper
you and leo are going anther babby'''''''
plese plese
leo,piper get back togrther'''''''''

from medina''''''' Wyatt and another Babb''''


Answer by omg your all thick
Submitted on 3/16/2006
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cheis is Chris there is no doubt about it so stop being stupid and enjoy the show


Answer by Chris'slover(L)(L)
Submitted on 5/24/2006
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OK! Chris Sent him to Vallhala... an island run by women. He sent him there to get him out of the way. The women of vallhalla train men to like fight and tuff and the men have no choice but to obaye them. Leo is they're top warrior. He like beats the crap out of chris! (poor chris) Do you even know who chris is?


Answer by correct answer
Submitted on 7/25/2006
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Chris is Pipers and Leos son from the future!and no he didn't blow Leo up, he just moved him to a mythical Island of Valhalla- which no one knows about except the Valkyries(who are a  powerful race of demi-goddesses who scout the battlegrounds for dying warriors then take their souls to Valhalla where they prepare them for the final world battle),so that the Charmed Ones would learn to trust him.


Answer by charmedfan to the max
Submitted on 10/25/2006
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NO he doesn't die he is still around he just got sent to a different country surrounded by all these beautiful women


Answer by pipermariewyatt
Submitted on 3/2/2007
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Chris never blowed him up..... he moved him with his powers


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