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Back to comp.dcom.lans.ethernet FAQ
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Questions strongly related to this FAQ:
- What is the acceptable max number of broadcasts per second in a broadcast domain? In other... by antoni.anton (5/9/2004)
- I want to know,according to the 802 sepc,do the ethernet frames order must be guaranteed?... by redttt (7/19/2003)
- tell me the detailed programing mode of Ethernet such as promiscuous, normal mode etc. my... by ronak (2/28/2004)
- What is the Bandwidth of Ethernet.compare it with Ring network by Rajee (2/12/2004)
- What is the maximum Ethernet packet rate of a 1GE link? by Ophir (3/21/2005)
- IEEE802.3 standard is based on the original Ethernet standard. There's however, one... by Subu (7/11/2003)
- What if you bought an ethernet plug and are getting someone elses' ethernet by Brizzy (4/19/2004)
- i want to know in detail about the programing modes of Ethernet such as promiscuous,... by ronak (2/28/2004)
- i have 8 sites, each with a point to point T1 running to the host site. Can I plug... by steve (7/30/2003)
- when would it be appropriate to use ethernet, and when is it be appropriate to use... by al (1/15/2004)
- What limits the max data field size of 1.5kb in ethernet.. by Manikandan (10/13/2003)
- how popular is ethernet and what are the uses of ethernet today? by Tadpole (10/2/2003)
- Will TCP/IP become a universal network protocol? by DIONNE (8/13/2004)
- What are the voltage levels in different Ethernet networks.
i.e. for 10 base 2; 10 base T... by RAJESH AGRAWAL (6/8/2005)
- What is the criterion of CRC error rate? Is it correct that 1 CRC error per 10^8 frames... by Wilson (10/3/2003)
- Hi there,
I really need your help to tell me what the world I am doing wrong! in my... by vh (9/29/2003)
- Is the /C/ ordered set needs to be sent only when Autonegotition is enabled? What should... by rajnash (4/29/2005)
- How does a newly-installed personal computer connected to an Ethernet discover the IP... by Mamun (2/29/2004)
- How many maximum Ip addresses we can assign for single Ethernet card in Windows 2000... by Pratap (1/2/2004)
- When wiring up a LAN RJ45 wall socket, what are the standard colours to be used to connect... by Tony (12/12/2003)
- Can I transmit phone signals in my home on the cat 5 unused wires with eithernet? by geg (9/28/2006)
- I've find some errors by jpcastro (4/22/2005)
- why Ethernet frame is 48 bit by bedanta das (11/12/2003)
- I have a laptop I need to load dos on. Is there a way to add pcmcia to dos so I can add a... by dvdljns (9/3/2003)
- What is service access point(SAP)?
by shampa (4/8/2004)
- name Ethernet layers and explain using diagram by chiku (7/14/2006)
- With fiber there are SX and LX and other specification for distance, but is there anything... by horndog (7/10/2003)
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