210. Honors and Regalia
See also 326. PRAISE .
- apotheosis
- any kind of honoring or glorification of a person. See also 183. GOD and GODS .
- blazonry
- 1. the art of depicting or describing heraldic regalia.
- 2. coats of arms or other heraldic emblems. See also 305. ORNAMENTATION .
- emblazonry
- heraldic display or decoration; emblazoning. See also 305. ORNAMENTATION .
- emblematist
- a person who makes or designs emblems, as for heraldic display or other purposes.
- emblematology
- the study of the meaning of emblems. —emblematologist , n .
- heraldry
- 1. the art of pictorial representation of genealogy, as through coats of arms, crests, etc.
- 2. the science of genealogy with special reference to aristocratic lineage. —herald , n . —heraldic , adj.
- laureate
- a person who has been crowned with a laurel as a mark of distinc-tion, as a poet or scholar. —laureate , adj.
- medalist
- a person who wins a medal in a sport, game, performance, etc. See also 141. ENGRAVING .
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