27. Atmosphere

See also 85. CLIMATE ; 87. CLOUDS ; 142. ENVIRONMENT ; 417. WEATHER ; 420. WIND .

the horizontal movement of elements of the atmosphere. Cf. convection . — advective, adj .
the branch of dynamics that studies the motions of air and other gases, especially with regard to bodies in motion in these substances. See also 31. AVIATION . — aerodynamic, aerodynamical, adj.
aerographics, aerography
the branch of meteorology that studies and describes atmospheric conditions. — aerographer, n . — aerographic, aerographical, adj.
1. Obsolete, the branch of meteorology that observed the atmosphere by using balloons, airplanes, etc.
2. meteorology. — aerologist, n. aerologic, aerological, adj.
1. divination from the state of the air or atmospheric conditions, sometimes limited to weather.
2. Humorous. weather forecasting. See also 124. DIVINATION.
the science of measuring properties of air; pneumatics. — aerometric, adj.
the region in the upper part of the earth’s atmosphere where the air is too thin for aircraft to operate properly.
an abnormal dread of fresh air. — aerophobe, n .
aeroscepsy, aeroscepsis
perception by means of the air, said to be a function of the antennae of insects.
Aeronautics. the area outside the atmosphere of the earth where manned flight is possible.
the separation of gases which are equally diffusible. — atmolyzer, n .
1. the sound, usually a crackling noise, heard over a radio receiver and caused by electromagnetic disturbances in the atmosphere; static.
2. the natural phenomena that create this disturbance.
a barometer which automatically records, on a rotating cylinder, any variation in atmospheric pressure; a self-recording aneroid.
the branch of science that deals with the barometer.
the art or science of barometric observation.
a branch of biology that studies the relationship between living creatures and atmospheric conditions. Also called biometeorology . — bioclimatologist, bioclimatician , n. bioclimatological, adj.
a form of divination involving aerial visions.
the vertical movement of elements of the atmosphere. Cf. advection .
an instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the air and for analyzing gases.
the highest portion of the earth’s atmosphere, from which air molecules can escape into space. Cf. ionosphere .
the outermost part of the earth’s permanent atmosphere, beyond the stratosphere, composed of heavily ionized molecules. It extends from about 50 to 250 miles above the surface of the earth. Cf. exosphere .
an instrument for measuring impurities in the air. — konimetric, adj.
the measurement of impurities in the air by means of a konimeter. — konimetric, adj.
koniology, coniology
the study of atmospheric dust and other impurities in the air, as germs, pollen, etc., especially regarding their effect on plant and animal life.
the study of fogs and smogs, especially those affecting air pollution levels.
a barograph for recording small fluctuations of atmospheric pressure.
the determination of the proportion of ozone in the atmosphere. — ozonometer, n . — ozonometric, adj.
a specialty in physics that studies the mechanical properties of air and other gases. Also called pneumodynamics .
the upper part of the earth’s atmosphere, characterized by an almost constant temperature throughout its altitude, which begins at about seven miles and continues to the ionosphere, at about 50 miles.
sympiesometer, sympiezometer
an instrument for measuring the weight of the atmosphere by the compression of a column of gas. See also 226. INSTRUMENTS .
the zone between the troposphere and the stratosphere where the temperature remains relatively constant above a given point on earth.
the region of the earth’s atmosphere between the surface of the earth and the stratosphere.
an instrument used for comparing barometers at varying pressures against a standard barometer.

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