Dietetic Technician, Registered (DTR)
A dietetic technician, registered (DTR) is a professional who is knowledgeable about food, nutrition , and diet therapy, which is the use of diet and nutrition in the treatment of diseases. A person seeking DTR credentials must complete a two-year associate's degree in an accredited dietetic technician (DT) program, a minimum of 450 hours of supervised practice experience (gained under the direction of an accredited DT program), and successfully complete the national registration examination for DTR.
The goal of a DTR is to provide safe and effective food and nutrition services to the public. DTRs work independently or with registered dietitians in a variety of settings, such as hospitals, food service operations, and public health. Thus, they may provide nutrition services to individuals, manage food service operations, or provide nutrition education.
SEE ALSO American Dietetic Association ; Careers in Dietetics .
Susan Himburg
Payne-Palacio, June, and Canter, Deborah D. (2000). The Profession of Dietetics: A Team Approach, 2nd edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Winterfeldt, Esther A.; Bogle, Margaret L.; and Ebro, Lea L. (1998). Dietetics: Practice and Future Trends. Gaitherburg, MD: Aspen.
Internet Resources
American Dietetic Association. "Careers in Dietetics." Available from <>
Florida Area Health Education Center. "Careers in Health." Available from <>