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The RSC/UKSC Cricket FAQ
Section - Explaination of Point of Impact clause(s).

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                      |  |  | 
                      |  |  | 
                      |  |  |-----> leg-stump(for a right-hander) 
                   |           | 
                   |  |     |  | 
                   |  |     |  | 
                   |A |  B  |C | 
                   |  |     |  | 
                   |  |     |  | 

               A = Outside off stump 
               B = In-line with the stumps 
               C = Outside legstump 

If the point of impact is(refer to the above diagram): 
    a)impact outside leg-stump(Region C) - the batsman is not out. 
    b)impact outside off-stump (Region A) - only then see if an
    attempt at playing a shot was made or not. Not out if an
    attempt was made. 
    c)impact in line with the stumps (Region B) - not a special 

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Top Document: The RSC/UKSC Cricket FAQ
Previous Document: How does the LBW law work?
Next Document: You can't be out LBW offering a shot, can you?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM